07-01-2016 02:49 PM
just wondering if there is any results since they have changed listing currency to solely cdn$?
there was a lot of mention of monitoring the numbers
Even though I tried to not, have to I have needed to cancle my store subscription and also noticed a significant drop in interest and value in my itmes for sale.
is any one else suffering from this decision made by ebay.ca? \
although there are ways around it I could not say it has simplified selling for me.
I am currently selling nothing as my frustration turns to worry about what the future holds.
ebay is very important to us sellers who work tirelessly to satisfy every person who are not always easy to deal with or fair to us.
I ask ebay.ca to atleast produce some results so I can accept it if my problems are unfounded,
07-01-2016 02:52 PM
It is way too early for a definitive answer as most listings on eBay.ca are still in USS$.
Fixed price listings GTC will relist until August.
It will be September before eBay.ca becomes Cdn$ listing only.
And no, I do not expect eBay to ever post information confirming they were right or wrong about the policy change.
07-01-2016 03:15 PM
I left my listings in USD and switched to .COM. Sales have continued to be good, or maybe a little better, and I'm still seeing just as many Canadian and international buyers as before. But, don't get me started about the migration tool or the new store fees.
07-01-2016 03:21 PM
@photosalp wrote:I left my listings in USD and switched to .COM. Sales have continued to be good, or maybe a little better, and I'm still seeing just as many Canadian and international buyers as before. But, don't get me started about the migration tool or the new store fees.
And I changed mine to CAD on .ca, I'm not seeing any difference beyond the usual ebb and flow.
One thing for sure, it will take many many months and millions of sales before there is any possibility of analyzing the results with any type of certainty.
Anyone trying to come to a conclusion based on tiny sample size over a brief period will be leading themselves down the garden path.