I don't think you guys are getting the big picture. I believe ebay.ca has VERY little power over these things.
While this is just speculation on my part, this is how I see what is happening...
ebay.ca has a great bunch of peeps trying to improve the North American ebay experience for Canadian sellers. They know Canada Post, excessive shipping charges and customs delays are crippling the Canadian ebayer, but they can't do much about that. So they do the next best thing...They hold a Canadian brain-storming session with some PSers and invite the community to send in suggestions...Some great ideas come out of it and the .ca guys get right on implementing them...
Seller Pack: great way to help Canadian sellers off-set the hits we consistently take to our pocket-books. That sure would help us remain competitive.
.ca discount days: another great way to help those of us who are trying desperately to compete with the American sellers who have it comparatively easy.
But then big, bad .com comes in and puts the kibosh on it all. No more Seller Pack...the Americans don't like it. If you want to run discount listing days keep it on .ca...the Americans don't like you listing up a storm on .com.
Jordon and crew have been effectively castrated in this matter. They have now had their hands slapped good and red for helping us out and it will be a long time, if ever, before you see any further REAL effort to help us compete in the North American market. It's not that the peeps at .ca are trying to tick us off...it's just a lovely byproduct of their inability to wipe their proverbial butts without the okay from above. Save your anger for the people who deserve it most, the ones over at .com. But then again, they don't give a hoot what your piddly little Canadian problems are anyway so you'd still be wasting your energy.
Like I said, it's pure speculation on my part, but I don't think I'm far off the mark.

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