eBay Plans Big Changes for Stores

eBay Has Big Changes Planned for Store, Readies Promotion Manager.


Store Changes

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eBay Plans Big Changes for Stores

If a seller has always used the basics, then nothing should change... My interpretation...



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eBay Plans Big Changes for Stores

What Cumos says. Window dressing for those who into splashy. Oddly, eBay best practices advise against templates and splashy.

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eBay Plans Big Changes for Stores

@mr.elmwood wrote:

Oddly, eBay best practices advise against templates and splashy.

Yes, up until now, that is.  It looks as if eBay is going to get into the templates business. 


I think they realize that companies like Auctiva and Ink Frog have been getting money from countless sellers for things eBay could have (should have?) been providing all these years.  I've used Auctiva since the beginning because it's easy, simple, inexpensive, and it works.  No doubt eBay's foray into this area will be complicated, difficult, expensive and full of glitches...


However, I'm not buying into the whole eBay credo of change for change's sake.  I think sellers are getting tired of it and I suspect that constant radical change is beginning to get wearisome for buyers, too (especially those who have come to recognize the look and layout of a seller's store).  


One thing I did find encouraging -- it was time eBay took another look at some of its promotional features.  Let's hope this will help (and will work properly):


"...eBay has revamped what was formerly called Sales Maximizer into what is now called Promotions Manager that will eventually replace Markdown Manager. Promotions Manager allows sellers to offer order size discounts; free shipping offers; sale events; related item discounts; and targeted coupons. The tool gives sellers much more flexibility in designing promotions to encourage increased order size, for example. "

Message 4 of 9
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eBay Plans Big Changes for Stores

I was hoping the Seller update this year was gonna say ebay is tired of changing things and we know our buyers and sellers of tired of it too so Enjoy a year of no changes LOL

Message 5 of 9
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eBay Plans Big Changes for Stores

eBay has made so many changes since this past December that have affected the site each week it makes you wonder what is left for the 2014 Spring Seller Update, lol.


Most of the changes have been cosmetic. The Spring Update usually is about major policy or fee changes. Many times seller updates are dramatic changes that can make or break some sellers (complying with the changes or just emotionally being able to do more changes again).

Message 6 of 9
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eBay Plans Big Changes for Stores

Well I do hope they decide to change the DSR system because I lost TRS for 3 months for the first time and will get it back this month but my ratings are going back to not getting it and I have not taken more then 36hrs to ship an item in over a month not yet I am still get bad DSR ratings...


Just had a Canadian buyer wait 36 days then I refunded then 2 days later they got it ... 38 days for a lettermail within the same province ...


Guess what .. I got bad DSR rating for it ... I shipped that specific one within 2 hrs of the sale ...


I mean I am FAR from a perfect seller but somethings are just not right and DSR is one of them .. The only one I care about them changing is the Shipping time because we all know what were supposed to be rated on but we all know what buyers really rate us on ..

Message 7 of 9
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eBay Plans Big Changes for Stores

@brandeentertainment wrote:

I was hoping the Seller update this year was gonna say ebay is tired of changing things and we know our buyers and sellers of tired of it too so Enjoy a year of no changes LOL

Woo-hoooooo!!!! I'll vote for that! 


Maybe they'll ask us on one of their "surveys" what our wish is for 2014 -- NOTHING, RIEN, NADA, NICHTS, thank you very much.  We all need a vacation from the all the redesigning, rethinking and tinkering.  How many times do you have to re-arrange the furniture in a room -- until you can't stand looking at it?  LOL

Message 8 of 9
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eBay Plans Big Changes for Stores

I wish .... I mean places like Amazon .. I sold on there for 3 years part time on and off and not once did I ever have to change anything ..


Ebay has spring and fall updates which usually leave people changing things from one announcment right to the next unless this is there full time gig  .. I am still dealing with the picture change issue announced forever and a day ago which is more my fault then anything but with my life style that is a big change for me.. It took me to 2 sets of days off to complete just my DVD Section of my store and I still have nearly 400 items not listed because I need to take pictures for them because I get to take 10 pictures then run around with the kids then take another 10 then put kids to bed then another 10 and make dinner then another 10 and start renos blah blah blah ....


I say ebay should there way of thinking .. Every business has to change with the times but ebay changes so much that it frustrates it's buyers and sellers

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