eBay invoices aren't working properly

Community Member
A customer just bought about 30 of my auctions, wanted to pay with PayPal, and asked for an Invoice (since the checkout system is no longer working). I clicked the invoice link, and it took me to the invoice page, but only allowed me to select from among 19 of the auctions. This means I would have to send two invoices, which clearly is not a good idea because then the buyer would pay in two separate payments (which my auctions state I do not accept). Do I tell him that I can't send an invoice? Or look stupider yet, and send two invoices, waive my rule about sending multiple payments, and suck up the PayPal fee?

Sometimes I wish things would just work properly. I paid over $600 US in eBay fees (not including PayPal fees) this month, and I'm not sure what they did with that money.
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eBay invoices aren't working properly

Hi Shooger,

This just happened to me too. A buyer bought 31 items, store/auction combination, and went through checkout for a couple of them. I was not able to capture those items on a combined invoice through eBay - but I was able to generate a combined Paypal invoice through Paypal's auction selling tools. Maximum number of items is 30 - you're in luck!

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eBay invoices aren't working properly

Community Member
Kind of... he went and bought more stuff. 😛 That's a good thing, though. Anyway, there was 43 items, so I had to send three separate eBay invoices. He paid in three PayPal payments. I'm sure PayPal doesn't mind eBay not fixing this problem... sheesh.

Anyway next time I'm going to try your suggestion. Workarounds are a must in today's eBay world - nothing works as it's supposed to!
Message 3 of 6
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eBay invoices aren't working properly

I found the same thing and contacted eBay customer support. The emails state that you can only combine up to TWENTY items on a single invoice.

I told thim that this led to HEAVY confusion on the buyer's side -- getting 2 or 3 invoices. They just said to send a direct payment request to the buyer through PayPal direct.


They said they "were looking into expanding it", but wouldn't give me reason as to why it was restricted to 20.


Difficult for those of us that sell many small items (Shooger -- Magic Cards, Me -- D&D Minis).

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eBay invoices aren't working properly

Community Member
If they paid in three separate payments on ebay, I suggest you send 3 separate packages or you could be susceptible to a chargeback. You might want to look at this link to the US PSers board.




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eBay invoices aren't working properly

Community Member
I'm already succeptible to chargeback because they're not confirmed - and I never ship with tracking. An envelope, a stamp, and away it goes. 🙂

John - very true. Couldn't they just change in their settings the number 20 to the number 100 or something? Why stop people from being able to properly invoice buyers?
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