ebay is one tough company to please

Just give me a few minutes while I jump up on my soapbox.
Usually I don't get too involved with all the feedback numbers and DSRs,but do find the new detailed Dashboard interesting and had a close look at it tonight.
So I have been selling for about 5 years to help pay my way through university and I've enjoyed every minute of it,and w/o selling here I would of had to get a real job, therefore I'm very grateful in that respect.I really give this thing 110% just like the rest of you.
Overall feeback is 100% and 99.9 within the last 12 months as I have a neutral,which I'm sure was actually intended for Canada Post as they couldn't get a golf shirt to Texas in 2 days for 8 bucks
My 1 year DSRs are 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 respectively. My last 30 days are 4.91 4.92 4.90 4.85 respectively
Now Ebay tells me I'm at a "standard" search level with regards to Best Match. What in the world do I have to do to get to a raised level? Whatever that is. Upgrade my store? Sell a few hundred more golf shirts a month! Wow...Must have to go higher than 5.
My shipping is a flat rate and extremely reasonable.Only losing about 50c everytime I ship.LOL
But better than that they tell me I'm doing a "good job" serving my customers.
Good seems to be the highest level I can reach,but I'm thankful for the sincere pat on the head.Kind of like the hockey dad who tells his son "those 3 goals you scored tonight were pretty good but you should of had a couple more." Would it be that difficult to give out just a "little" more positive reinforcement.The world they live and work in is not the same as mine.Air quality in the sub must be poor. Thank goodness I have lots of customers who give me just a little more positive feedback than "good"
Anyway that's it I'm stepping down from my soapbox and going golfing Friday morning and hopefully I can shoot a good score of 4 under 68
Since Ebay won't say it, let me.To all you Powersellers "Thanks for doing an excellent job serving your customers"
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ebay is one tough company to please

I was going to start a similar thread and then saw yours.

My "best match" standing went from "raised" to "standard" overnight.

My FB score is 99.8% (2 neutrals).
My 30-day DSR are from 4.84 to 4.94
I have zero claims and issues

Going to the explanatory SD page, my S&H DSR shows as "4.9" with the other 3 annotated with "N/A" and "not used", meaning eBay does not factor these in for "best match".

Now, if a 4.9 DSR and 99.8% FB score merely gives one a "standard" visibility in BM, what on earth give one better placement??? Are there really that many sellers out there with perfect 100% FB & 5.0 DSR?


System glitch?

Or... Miriam?

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ebay is one tough company to please

Canada Post rates compared to USPS rates and shipping internationally will kill any hope of achieving raised status for a lot of Canadian sellers.

Woke up Monday.. lowered status... back up to standard a few hours later

Woke up Today.. Friday.. same thing, lowered status... wonder how long before I will be back up to standard.

It took me 5 years to get here... and DSR's kick me down.

I have a plan but then I need sales to make it work..

The economy, DSRs and Best Match may get me first!!!
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ebay is one tough company to please

Community Member
Since Ebay won't say it, let me.To all you Powersellers "Thanks for doing an excellent job serving your customers"...

Right on Lucas. Just because Ebay is a company made up of blind fools, following blind fools, does not mean we have to feel bad about how they(Ebay) rate, or comment on our service.

I would put no weight behind a restaurant review, that was done by someone who never owned a restaurant, never cooked, and couldn't prepare any dish more involved than boiling water.

Similiarly, what does the foolish opinion of people who have never been Ebay sellers really mean?? - NADA

I get many letters of appreciation from Customers. Those get my attention way more than green bars in a dashboard.

Thanks for writing what we are all feeling.
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ebay is one tough company to please

Community Member

Ebay, set up a section of the site where WE can rate Ebay. Leave the results on the site where all can see. Be sure to include the numbers -1 to -5 as choices when rating YOUR customer service.

Fair is Fair??
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ebay is one tough company to please

Community Member
Message 6 of 9
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ebay is one tough company to please

I too completely agree with you. I am generally not one to complain or discuss my feelings about all of these changes, but coming from a generally positive personal outlook .. and to..now this ... berated and insignificant, like a small child always in trouble in the classroom.

Thank you for stating the feelings felt by most of us, you have done so respectfully and sensitively.

Even after receiving a rating at a good level the comments are not terribly positive towards the seller and are consistently pushing that "exceeding our buyers expectations" comments. In order to provide our 5 gold star service we too as sellers need that periodic pat on the back as opposed to an always improvement needed slap on the back.?:|

I concur:

To all you Powersellers "Thanks for doing an excellent job serving your customers"

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ebay is one tough company to please


Just spent some time searching (not logged in) via .com.

Looks as if "standard" make no difference in our case as our listings consistently come out on top and mostly jump the time queue. I guess it's all a matter of "relative to".

Some of the sellers have 100% FB scores and place lower. However, what stands out is the S&H DSR. In almost all cases, ours was equal or better.

Admittedly, I do not have access to other's 30-day scores but is it becoming increasingly clear that the system puts a large emphasis on the S&H DSR (the other 3 DSR's are ignored by "best match".

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ebay is one tough company to please

Community Member
I get on eBay's customer service case at least once a week about something stupid that they have done and/or are doing - when they send the rate the customer service things - I give them the lowest of the lowest score every time. You can only give a low score to a canned robotic answer.

As for the dashboard, I took it off so it doesn't pop up every time - who needs to look at a rating system from dumbbots who never ever had an ongoing eBay selling business concern, why should I let it bother my day.

Basically, if one sends a rate eBay sheet with all your orders (like I had done), like I did you might find that a lot of buyers are a little sick and tired of the bidding crap (even I don't bid anymore) and are looking to the buy it nows, and then it's really easy to gradually move them from the whole eBay thing to your own buy it now website - a lot of those items I give free shipping to because there are ABSOLUTELY NO EBAY FEES ]:)

Some bot from eBay phoned me either last week or so about how I rate their customer service and about something that is happening in Chicago ?? (I think-like who wants to go to Chicago - been there-hate it!!). If it's happening in the US I don't want to go (don't get me wrong, I love it in the States especially now with the dollar higher, it's a good place to set up a little offshoot (cheaper to ship from there to here) - I'd consider going to one of these eBay things if it's happening in Canada and covers Canadian eBay sellers concerns. But really, how much can we expect from a company that keeps all its money in a swiss bank account (envelopes from their bank) - THEY LOOK OUT FOR NUMBER 1 ONLY.
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