02-10-2013 07:35 PM
sold 5 movies ..buyer received one wrote me after 2 weeks i said give another week buyer waited to more weeks then wrote me and filed a case within 5 minutes ..
Buyer wanted refund for the four movie they didn't receive i said no problem that was before i notice the case ..
Then i had to explain because you filed case my option are now to send you the other 4 copies or for you to return all because paypal will not do a partial refund they will refund all or nothing. He refused to return the other one because it was a gift . I totally understand that .. So I upgraded his movie to sets withdigital copies to say sorry a higher value of $23 then opriginal purchase and I shipped costing me $13 out of pocket..
Buyer says I am refusing them I want a partial refund .. I replied I told you no problem but before I could even click send on the message you filed a case making a partial impossible to my knowledge ...
How can I rectify this.. I have explained to him eerything in a few ways but he just keeps demanding a partial but i can't becauise of the case.. I explained paypal will make you return everything and ship back so you will end of losing money in shipping and have to ship back the movie you already gave as a gift ..
I really just want to give this guy a refund but I don't know what to do ..I took a $35 loss shipping replacements now another $15 within him refusing parcels total loss of $50 and he say I have horrible Customers service even though I have bent over Backwards and very nicely and calm,ly exlained everything..
IF there a way to do a partial aftr a case is filed ?
02-10-2013 08:53 PM
Any advice would be appreciated here .. I do not want to communicate with the guy anymore because it is a waste of time because everytime i explain something to him he just keeps saying my customer service sucks just give me my money and well that's not how things work once you file a case ...
I have been super nice to this guy but I am done so i need advice on how to deal with this ..
02-10-2013 09:38 PM
What happens if the case is item not received and i shipped it with signature and tracking and insurance and they refuse it
02-10-2013 11:51 PM
Then i had to explain because you filed case my option are now to send you the other 4 copies or for you to return all because paypal will not do a partial refund they will refund all or nothing.
That doesn't sound quite right. Paypal will allow a partial refund in the case of a SNAD so I would think that they would allow one in a situation like this. That is a guess though, I haven't ever run into that situation.
The fact that the buyer wants a refund rather than replacement makes me think that they really did receive the other item especially since you already sent out the replacements.. Or did they give a good reason as to why they didn't want the replacements?
What happens if the case is item not received and i shipped it with signature and tracking and insurance and they refuse it
I'm not sure. If I were you, I would phone paypal on Monday and ask them what would happen. Perhaps they will wait until you receive the refused items back so that you can then give a partial refund. The fact that you did send replacements already complicates the issue.
02-11-2013 01:06 AM
The other thing is the case is filed for the whole amount not a partial... This is so much crap for nothing..
I think they did receive them to and they change there case like 10 minutes ago to not as described aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
02-11-2013 01:12 AM
Sorry i forgot to say the case was filed for full refund not a partial...
Also the buyer was asked to wait 1 more week which would have been just shy of 3 weeks instead they waited 2 weeks and 2 days then complained that they waited 4 weeks .. HELLO I have no clue if you get them unless you tell me i didn't ask him to wait a month even though my description says it i specifically asked this gentleman to wait 7 more days not 16 more days
I only sent replacements because of the situation which was basically he is a miserable person and I want him out of my hair ...
Why would anyone refuse a better product is beyond me too ....
I know I am getting a neg for this too so I am ready to just call paypal and block the buyer and get this done with
02-11-2013 08:59 AM
How long has it been since the auction ended?
Perhaps the buyer was worried that you were stringing him along until the protection time ws eneded.