As I pointed out, once you have judgement rendered in your favour by the courts, you will have a piece of paper that you can use to have certain assets and incomes of the person given to you in satisfaction of the debt.
The onus will be upon you to find where he banks and where he works. You can then use your judgement to garnishee a portion of his wages on a regular basis until the debt is repaid or have his bank remove funds from his account up to the full amount of your jusdgement.
The first step is getting judgement and then determining where he banks and works.
As a Business Consultant I have just completed 2 litigation matters. The first one cost the client almost $2 million in legal fees and he received only $200,000 in settlement.
The second one was a personal one where I sued several parties in Small Claims Court for $6,000, settled out of court for $3,900 and my legal costs were about $2,500. I only had to pay $1,000 in legal fees of the $2500 as I had referred a major file to the law firm I used so they wrote off the majority of the legal costs.
Professionaly I have been involved in perhaps five dozen legal cases.
Suing for personal satisfaction is a no win scenario. It will give you more grief than it is worth and cost more money than you budgeted for.
Lawyer's letters dont mean anything to scam artists so why waste the money with idle threats? Use a collection agency and when collection agency number one is finished with the case and has gotten you nothing, move on and give the file to another collection agency.
If you want satisfaction, then collection agency after collection agency going after the bum will be the best satsifaction you could hope for and who knows, maybe one of them will actually come up with some cash for you?