hiya jakeeangel! this vase isn't brand new, but rather 'mint' condition, meaning excellent condition. it WAS used, and was stated as such (purchased at an estate sale). The description or title didn't read brand new.
in any case, even if it did, or didn't, my biggest beef is the personal insult-some people have no class.
IF the vase was dirty, and it wasn't!!, a more appropriate email from someone with a bit of class would go as follows:
received the vase today and was a little disapointed with the cleanliness of it, i was expecting it to be cleaner, or something to that effect.
in any case...i know its probably good business sense to deal with morons in a business like emotionless state, but i will never admit to anyone that one of my products is something that its not, merely out of fear...its just not who i am...
i did email her back and asked her to send pics of the dirt, give more details on the 'dirt' and that the only potential dirt on this vase would have been slight fingerprints...furthermore ended with a comment about HER needless personal insult. that was this morning and i haven't heard back from her.
as far as refund? forget it!! unless she can prove the vase was in a different state than described, i will not be blackmailed into something that isn't true...i stand by my products and describe them in a brutally honest way...besides, if she negs me, i'll just neg her right back...