when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

I am curious about the next Free Listing Promo - when ? will they also allow relisting?

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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

ebay has been having Listing Specials on a regular basis but they don't announce them in advance. Each Listing special allows for various options but one cannot predict what they will have for the upcoming ones


Just keep checking announcements etc



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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

Not applicable

I hope so real soon and that they allow relisting.  I hate it when I have to use "similar" and then get confused which items to delete after done "similar", very time consuming and I ended up having 3 duplicate listings.  I guess it is eBay's purpose to confuse us that way and may "penalize" us for that?  Eh??

Message 3 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

yeah, that would be nice!

Message 4 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

Community Member

I've been really upset with their free listing promotions since the last few months, they really sucked big time. They have gotten way smaller and going back and forth from auction style to fixed price only, making it harder and more time consuming switching them back and forth each time. Having NO re-listing is also VERY time consuming as most seller know just to use Sell Similar so that is just causing more stress to do this.


For  a few years straight it was awesome and I do not remember it being this bad since the password problems time period they had a little whiles back. I was selling over 200 items from 5,000 listings over a 60 day period, making over $2,000 and paying approx. $200 in ebay fees. And these are RE-LISTED items!!!! Stuff I've had for months possibly years for some, waiting for the right buyer. Past auctions still sell over time! Currently now, I haven't had some listings listed since December 2014 due to their small listing promos. My Sold items in going under 100 items now over 60 days with their last **bleep**py 3 promos.


I really count on these FREE listing promos and a GOOD size amount like they've been over the many months over the years, but they are just getting **bleep**pier and **bleep**pier. I mean 500 total over a few days, or 1,000 when for months they used to be bigger into the few thousands over a few days... allowing us sellers to think we can create these listings to list that Actually have them!! There is no way I can afford to pay listing fees for this amount of auctions and or have a store as for years I just used the free listing promos and continued to create more over time.


Does eBay ever read our posts? And get how TIME CONSUMING it is for a seller to create and prepare a listing, descriptions, pictures and NEED to re-list our items to make money??


I am now wasting my time bringing up Turbo to save all my listings before they get deleted from my Unsold from My Ebay as all I can expect now if and when they do have their next promo it will be again a really small one like a 100 a day.


Also it should be choice between auction-style and fixed price, I sell way more with auction style as more buyers bid on an item then to send a Best Offer.


I've been sleeping terrible too hoping to wake up each morning and see All Selling with some active listings!

Message 5 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

O.K I'm going probably get blasted here. LOl

This free listing thing is a bonus, I remember a time when it was very rare.

Be thankful for what we get, rather than looking a gift horse in the mouth , and constantly complaining  Because it's not what you want!!!!!

Message 6 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS



In the early 2000's ebay customers looked forward to promotions that only happened a few times a year If there were any Free Listing Promos at that time they were few and far between. I don't remember having them


The one major listing special I remember was just after Christmas


Those  were not free but gave reduced listing fees IE: 10, 20 cents per item



at that point all items had listing fees. Not like we have today (100 free items per month)



Message 7 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

@rcrawford34 wrote:



In the early 2000's ebay customers looked forward to promotions that only happened a few times a year If there were any Free Listing Promos at that time they were few and far between. I don't remember having them


The one major listing special I remember was just after Christmas


Those  were not free but gave reduced listing fees IE: 10, 20 cents per item



at that point all items had listing fees. Not like we have today (100 free items per month)



Yep, "in the old days" we paid, and paid dearly, for everything. Costs are much lower today.


Free listings are gradually being phased out for people who do not have stores. Narrowing the categories, narrowing the features.


"Hee hee hee hee... What da ya want for nothing? ... a rrrrrrrrubber biscuit?"  Blues Brothers

Message 8 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

@nan*55 wrote:

O.K I'm going probably get blasted here. LOl

This free listing thing is a bonus, I remember a time when it was very rare.

Be thankful for what we get, rather than looking a gift horse in the mouth , and constantly complaining  Because it's not what you want!!!!!

I'm extremely happy to get any kind of promotion .... auction or fixed price are both fine with me!!

Message 9 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS


at that point all items had listing fees. Not like we have today (100 free items per month)







Well, i for one can't seem to get those extra 50 free listings.


This is what it tells me at the bottom of my selling page;


List your items for FREE – make money today!

List auction-style FREE + add Buy It Now free. Fixed price is free in most categories too     50 listings



and second listing;

Free Auction-style Insertion Fees in select categories

List Auction-style FREE. Plus Buy It Now for FREE.      50 listings.



No matter what i do only the first 50 listings get used up. There is no way i can to the other 50 and use them. Both say the same thing in different wording! Just give us 100 free listings and be done with it! Or is that too easy??

Message 10 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

@dgour98 wrote:


Well, i for one can't seem to get those extra 50 free listings.---




They aren't an extra 50 free listings.


They are 50 free on ebay.ca and another 50 when you list on ebay.com.


Message 11 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

They are not saying the same thing.  You need to click on the link beside each 50 free listing offer to understand the offers, and the categories limited to auction-style listings - see below.


List your items for FREE – make money today!
List auction-style FREE + add Buy It Now free. Fixed price is free in most categories too. Learn More - opens in a new window or tab


Read the Announcements from April 30th and June 1st, 2014.  The "Announcements" link is now at the bottom left of the page.  If you sell items in the categories limited to auction-style free listings, those listings will be taken out of the:


Free Auction-style Insertion Fees in select categories

List Auction-style FREE. Plus Buy It Now for FREE.      50 listings


Listings made in other categories will be taken out of the other first group of 50 free listings.  You can only list a total of 50 Fixed Price listings per month with free insertion fees.  You have the option of using those 50 listings for auction-style listings in any category, or a mix of Auction and Fixed Price.  You can only list auction-style in the specific categories for free auction-style listings to get the extra 50 free listings.


Message 12 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

I guess Im going to buck the trend on this posting. I for one hate when they do a free listing promo. All I see it doing is clogging all categories with an ever more abundance of listings, making it harder to get my own items noticed. Each category has enough listing in it as it is. 


Message 13 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

@nan*55 wrote:

O.K I'm going probably get blasted here. LOl

This free listing thing is a bonus, I remember a time when it was very rare.

Be thankful for what we get, rather than looking a gift horse in the mouth , and constantly complaining  Because it's not what you want!!!!!

Hello - thank you for taking the time to reply to my question.

I agree with being positive.

I was asking if anyone knows anything about the Free Listing dates or details.

I think Ebay is a business - they do what they do to make money. No amount of complaining or compliments will change what they do.

Over the years I have shifted WHAT I sell from expensive larger items to less expensive smaller items - due to the cost of Postage having gone up so much, and partly because with the free listings I still would make money on a lower priced item (10-20$ range).

I am now finding that without the "free" listings I cannot afford to sell these items. By the time I would pay for the listing, pay the final fees on the item, the final fees on the shipping, and the Paypal fees - it would leave me with so little profit that it would be pointless to bother selling.

I was asking so that I can make a logical decision.


Message 14 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

Thank you Streetwalker,

I read your post and now have questions about how to SAVE my listings? I have never tried Turbo. I feel stupid, but How does that work?

If you would be kind enough to private message me to let me know I would appreciate it.



Message 15 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

@jerseywithstats wrote:

I guess Im going to buck the trend on this posting. I for one hate when they do a free listing promo. All I see it doing is clogging all categories with an ever more abundance of listings, making it harder to get my own items noticed. Each category has enough listing in it as it is. 


Do you really check the numbers? I do from time to time and I see only a very modest increase in listings at least in my category. There are so many promo's these days that many sellers (like myself) find it impossible to use them all.


Back in the old days when there was only one or two per year the number of listings would explode, perhaps even double. In the past few years I rarely see more than about a 5% increase (for my category).

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 16 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

@orphanitems wrote:

@nan*55 wrote:

O.K I'm going probably get blasted here. LOl

This free listing thing is a bonus, I remember a time when it was very rare.

Be thankful for what we get, rather than looking a gift horse in the mouth , and constantly complaining  Because it's not what you want!!!!!

Hello - thank you for taking the time to reply to my question.

I agree with being positive.

I was asking if anyone knows anything about the Free Listing dates or details.

I think Ebay is a business - they do what they do to make money. No amount of complaining or compliments will change what they do.

Over the years I have shifted WHAT I sell from expensive larger items to less expensive smaller items - due to the cost of Postage having gone up so much, and partly because with the free listings I still would make money on a lower priced item (10-20$ range).

I am now finding that without the "free" listings I cannot afford to sell these items. By the time I would pay for the listing, pay the final fees on the item, the final fees on the shipping, and the Paypal fees - it would leave me with so little profit that it would be pointless to bother selling.

I was asking so that I can make a logical decision.


I understand completely, I also sell items which are what is called "long tail", things where finding the right buyer can take a long time but when found the buyer is very happy. Listing fees are an expense I no longer wish to pay so I play the promo game.


There have been two promos every month (except maybe one) since March of 2012, they usually alternate between Fixed Price and Auctions. If you have multiple id's the odds are better that at least one of them will qualify for an invite. (the invite only thing started in Spring 2013)


Nobody, I don't even think eBay, knows what the parameters of the next promo will be until a few hours before they announce it, switching back and forth between FP and Auctions seems to be the only constant.







"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 17 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

The problem is without free listings its not worth selling in a lot of categories.  I sell postcards and they are a low dollar item as most sell for a couple of bucks each.  They're also not in 'high demand' as some other categories where an item is almost guaranteed to sell.  If I list 100 postcards I'm lucky to have 10-15 sell.  That's the nature of the category and always has been.  Without free promotions to list and re-list there is absolutely no point paying to list for me as I'll end up paying more in fees than I even bring in with sales.


Forcing us to use 'sell similar' feature or to switch from auction to BIN is just a pain when you have such high volume.


I've looked into opening up a store but they severely limit you as to the amount of items you can list monthly.  I have over 2000 cards currently waiting to be listed with many thousand more I can list.  There's not a real store option to allow this at a low cost when again most of these cards are worth no more than a couple of bucks.


The only time I can afford to list is when it is free and that is the only time Ebay will see any fees from me based on sales.


Ebay is not a place for the low dollar seller anymore...the listing fees kill any chance of that.



Message 18 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

??? I can notice at least 20% increase. As I do occasionally count the pages of my category.

Message 19 of 20
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when will the next free listing day be - allowing RELISTS

Free listing day promo is tomorrow Feb 5th see my posting.........

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