Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Feel free to share your thoughts about the Global Shipping Program here. 


A few questions to get the ball rolling:


  • What has worked well for you with the Global Shipping Program?
  • Any ideas to help improve the experience for Canadian buyers?
  • What has deterred you from buying items offered using the Global Shipping Program?
  • How have you managed to search for items outside the program?

Please try & keep the comments constructive 🙂


If you have any questions about the program, please post them here.

~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 1 of 6,171
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6,170 REPLIES 6,170

Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@dmil8030 wrote:


Not all ebays are alike.  Well, of course ebay is all one colossal humongous company, but you will see some

things differently if you are not using the Canadian version.  And one thing the Canadian version will show you

is the outrageous GSP fee on all those otherwise low-cost  items.


So, -- when shopping on ebay, make sure you see that little Canadian Flag at the top of the page.  If you do not

see it, log out of wherever you are and log back in to   That way you will be able to notice and

thus ignore GSP listings.  They're the ones that have in pale grey writing:


Customs services and international tracking provided


For all the problems that result from those listings, not to mention needless expense, that single line is your 

clue to move on to another seller.  No matter how desperately you want the item, purchasing from a GSP listing

will invariably have you worked into a lather before the thing even arrives.


You can see the GSP blurb on the US site too. If you want to avoid GSP listings, the important thing isn't so much which site you're using, but how you search. Always make sure to use List View (not Gallery View) to search for items. On both and, List View can be selected in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.


List View is still the default on There have been times on that I've had Gallery View come up as the default option, even though I have never, ever used it. The blurb won't show if you use Gallery View whether you are on .com or .ca so make sure to switch to List View if needed.


The other way to make sure you can spot GSP items at a glance without having to click the links is to avoid browsing eBay on a mobile device, as Dmil8030 already noted.

Message 5001 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@00nevermind00 wrote:

You can see the GSP blurb on the US site too. If you want to avoid GSP listings, the important thing isn't so much which site you're using, but how you search.



It also depends on the device on which you're searching.


I just did a search for a particular item on .com using my phone (but not with the eBay app) and US shipping details came up for it.  Once I logged in, the rate for "international priority shipping" popped up, but the "import charges" didn't show up until I tapped the "shipping and payments" link on the listing page.

Message 5002 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Community Member

In frustration of the GSP, I found this thread.


1 - I can't believe the costs listed on items that are listed in the GSP program.  Ie.  Shipping a CD from the us to Canada used to cost 5.00, which now costs 10 to 15.


2 - I've noticed in the list of searched items the BIN/current bidded price & the shipping price.  But when you click on any own with GSP, the price of the shipping goes up about 3 to 5 dollars!  Why?


3 - After seeing that this thread is over 2 years old, 250 pages long and nothing's really changed, I'm of the mind to NEVER buy any items that use the GSP program.  I used to think FedEx and UPS were crooks compared to what USPS charges, but there is a new king of shipping crooks - GSP.


Added to the fact that selling on ebay costs 13% of final value (taking in eBay, PayPal and exchange fees), I'd rather throw out my item for sale than list it on eBay.


I've been a member since 1998.  And may just cancel my account.


My 2 cents. Which in Camada , now get rounded down to nothing apparently.

Message 5003 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program


Hello 'razr_x',


<< Shipping a CD from the us to Canada used to cost 5.00, which now costs 10 to 15>>


It depends on the seller.  Those laughably high-priced GSP listings are those which otherwise would not have appeared

on the Canadian ebay in the past, as they were listings from American sellers who only wanted to sell within the US.

They are now part of the irritating 'clutter' that clogs up our Search views when finding an item we are likely to buy.



<< click on any own with GSP, the price of the shipping goes up about 3 to 5 dollars >>


I've noticed that, too.  I don't mind so much, though, it just reassures me that declining those listings is the right thing

to do.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not implying there is anything sneaky going on (heh), just that the two systems are

not well hooked up together.  They want money and they want it fast and they want it now, but they can't be bothered

to fix the bugs.  Ick.



<< this thread is over 2 years old, 250 pages long and nothing's really changed, I'm of the mind to NEVER buy

any items that use the GSP program.>>


Oh, there are much better reasons to avoid GSP listings than that. Smiley Very Happy   Excessively high-priced shipping costs, 

opened and poorly repacked parcels, the resulting damaged items, the difficulty in chasing down compensation,

the often lengthy and circuitous routes, the subsequent delivery delays, items delivered to the wrong address, 

automatic import charges on small, low-priced items, the lack of online support, . . . 

And those are but a few of the outwardly obvious reasons to abstain from anything to do with a GSP listing.


So the best way to avoid GSP listings and keep more of your money in your wallet where it belongs, is to shop on using a real computer (using a hand-held device may cause users to miss vital information, such as

a very different shipping fee to Canada on a GSP listing).  GSP listings are, for the moment, easy to spot when scrolling

down your Search listings. 

These are the listings that have written in pale grey:


Customs services and international tracking provided


That single line is your 'flag' to skip over the listing and find another seller.  You might even try to find what you want

from a Canadian seller first, but using the left column under Item Location and clicking Canada Only.  On small items

many Canadian sellers offer 'shipping included' or low cost shipping, - and the item never incurs import charges.



<< I'd rather throw out my item for sale than list it on eBay.>>


No no no, you must list it.  It will give other Canadians something to buy as well as keeping it out of the landfill.

And no cancelling your account.  It does not cost anything to keep it open and, well, you know the old saying, 

Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.



That's just my 2.6 cents (that's listed in US dollars). Smiley Very Happy






Message 5004 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Community Member

I've just left my first piece of neutral feedback ever for a seller, and it was due to a combination of the seller and GSP.  The long and short of it is I purchased 9 items from a single seller.  Each item was small.  The GSP charged a single shipping cost for each item, and did not permit a combined shipping expense.  The seller wouldn't or couldn't relist the items as a single item.  I just received the items - a single package, weighing about a pound.  Normally, a package of that size would cost US$15 to ship.  I paid over $70 to ship those items.


Why did I pay this?  I won't go back on a deal on ebay.




Very very expensive.  The single most unreasonable shipping expense I've ever had.

Message 5005 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program


Hello 'pckeen',

<<I've just left my first piece of neutral feedback ever for a seller>>


You obviously feel quite bad about having done that, --  you must be a very kind and good person.


So now I'm going to make you feel even worse. Smiley Very Happy

When any criticism of the GSP is left in feedback, the seller can have it removed.  


One of the worst problems with the GSP is that sellers are unable to issue combined invoices the way they

can if just using plain old First Class mail.  But that in itself is not the seller's fault, -- they didn't set it up that way.

The simply chose to remain a part of that vile program.


Furious as you are about the shipping overcharge, you did, after all, pay it.  You're nicer than me, I would never

have paid $70 shipping for small items.  But then, I'm such a cynic that I steadfastly refuse to even look at a GSP item.

And I always ascertain the shipping costs before I commit to buy.


Here's how I avoid GSP listings so as to always deal only with sellers who want to sell to Canadians and are thus quite

happy to combine shipping:


When conducting a Search, as I scroll down the offerings  I pass by all those listings which have written in pale grey:


Customs services and international tracking provided



That way, I save as much money as possible and have no worries about the item's arrival.  If it arrives broken (rarely) 

I can deal directly with the seller to resolve it.  

If I buy multiples, I wait for the combined invoice and pay the instant I receive it.  I know the parcel will come as quickly

as the postal system allows, and there is a very good chance it will simply show up on my doorstep without import charges.

If there are charges on the package valued at over $20 Cdn, though this seldom happens,  I gladly pay what I owe.  


I do all this only after I have used the left column under Item Location and tried Canada Only to see if I can buy what I want

right here without all that border crossing.


Whilst I sympathize with your ire, you did bring it upon yourself when you could have avoided it.  

So learn from your mistake and do not even click on a listing using the GSP.  The odds of it having a happy outcome

for you are simply not good enough.



I wish you joy of your new items Smiley Happy



Message 5006 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

As mentioned, the seller is unable to provide a shipping discount for gsp items, however, if you are purchasing multiple items from one gsp seller you can put each one in your cart before you make the purchase and the system will automatically charge you less for shipping than if the items had been purchased separately.  Unfortunately, many buyers and sellers are unaware of this.

Message 5007 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

"if you are purchasing multiple items from one gsp seller you can put each one in your cart before you make the purchase and the system will automatically charge you less for shipping than if the items had been purchased separately."


Is there a way to get Buy Now gsp items to let seller invoice the buyer?


Recently tried adding multiple items to a cart, but, because they were "Buy Now" the transaction would only go through if I paid full invoice immediately.  Would never let seller invoice me.


Message 5008 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

This week's chat on the US board will be about the GSP!


That is the perfect opportunity to make our voices heard about the many buyer-irritants of this very badly designed program.


The chat will be on Wednesday Oct. 21, 4:00 PM Eastern time, 1:00 PM Pacific time.

Message 5009 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program


Is there a way to get Buy Now gsp items to let seller invoice the buyer?


No. The seller has no idea what the shipping charge would be from the gsp center so they don't

have access to send a gsp invoice.


Recently tried adding multiple items to a cart, but, because they were "Buy Now" the transaction would only go through if I paid full invoice immediately.  Would never let seller invoice me.


Are you referring to a gsp transaction? The discount would have automatically been in the cart. There is no mention of the discount but if you compare the original shipping charge for each transaction you'll see that they are charging you less than what the listing stated.


If you are referring to a non gsp transaction, you should still be able to put items in a cart and then ask the seller for a total regardless of whether or not the listing is set up for immediate payment. There are some glitches in the system though and sometimes it won't let you ask for combined shipping even though it should.

Message 5010 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

I feel very strongly that the Global shipping system is a complete and unadulterated RIP OFF of people that are honestly trying to buy and sell. 

I try to avoid the system and will even refuse to bid on items because of the ridiculous and outrageous fees. I had to pay 16 GBP on and item that fitted into an envelope and weighed less than an ounce and was worth 3 GBP.

Be honest with your customers and get rid of this dishonest rip off.

Alan Wright wrote:

Feel free to share your thoughts about the Global Shipping Program here. 


A few questions to get the ball rolling:


  • What has worked well for you with the Global Shipping Program?
  • Any ideas to help improve the experience for Canadian buyers?
  • What has deterred you from buying items offered using the Global Shipping Program?
  • How have you managed to search for items outside the program?

Please try & keep the comments constructive 🙂


If you have any questions about the program, please post them here.



Message 5011 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

One thing that might be helpful in reducing the lengthy time that it takes for us Canadians to receive items that we purchased from sellers who use the Global Shipping Program. Would it be possible to have the parcel directed to a facility that is adjacent to a border facility?


I purchased an item from a seller from Virginia 2 weeks ago only to find that it has just arrived at the Global Shipping site in Kentucky yesterday. In other words, it basically has not gotten any closer to being delivered to me after 2 weeks. When I contacted the seller, he/she was not able to provide any information as the system apparently leaves them completely out of the loop and does not even provide them with my physical address.


If the facility were closer to the respective border, it would cut down on the shipping time considerably. If the seller of my item had simply dropped the parcel off at the post office addressed to me, I am quite confident that I would have received it by now at a much lower cost. 


As well, if the seller is using this system, the order details should not show the item as being shipped using International Priority Shipping. The USPS service clearly guarantees delivery within 6 - 10 business days and one would expect that would be to the purchasers destination, not to another address that is even further away than the intended customers. I have no idea what type of service Pitney Bowes will be using to ship the parcel from Kentucky to me but would assume that they would use one that is most cost effective or profitable for them.


So for now, all I can do is regret purchasing from a seller using this service and promise myself to never do it again.

Message 5012 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

purchased an item from a seller from Virginia 2 weeks ago only to find that it has just arrived at the Global Shipping site in Kentucky yesterday.

This is not the GSP.

It would be a mixture of the seller (when did he actually give the parcel to the USPS? This should show on your parcel when it arrives.) and the USPS.

There is no particular reason to think the parcel would get to, say, BuffaloNY any faster than to ErlangerKY once it is in the hands of the USPS.

And upset US buyers who seem to expect that their purchases from US sellers will arrive within a week, and from replies from sellers agreeing, would make me suspect that the USPS is fairly fast about delivery. Usually. Murphy's Law.


If the seller of my item had simply dropped the parcel off at the post office addressed to me, I am quite confident that I would have received it by now at a much lower cost. 

I allow 20 days for delivery from anywhere in Canada and the USA. Thirty days from Asia. Fifteen from Europe.

If your purchase was high value, CBSA is more likely to assess it for duty and sales tax. Plus the $9.95 Canada Post service fee.

They tend to ignore imports under $100, but couriers like GSP/PB or UPS are required by law to collect and remit these import fees.


I have no idea what type of service Pitney Bowes will be using to ship the parcel from Kentucky to me

Once over the border (and there is no border delay since import fees have already been assessed and remitted) most parcels are carried by Canada Post with CanPar as the backup.

Message 5013 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

I'm not depending the gsp system but it is unusual for a U.S. domestic package to take 2 weeks to arrive so perhaps the parcel got delayed somehow or the seller did not ship it out right away.  Does the tracking show you when the item was shipped?  With that being said, I agree that the way that the gsp is set up does add time to the delivery, especially when an order has to eventually backtrack for example when both the buyer and seller are on the west coast.  But in this case, the two states are next door to each other so 2 weeks for the first part of the journey is really odd.


The International Priority shipping that you see on gsp listings is not USPS Priority, it is simply a generic term. The seller will likely use USPS to the Kentucky center although they don't have to use Priority and the gsp does not use USPS from the Kentucky center.





Message 5014 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

The GSP is FREE MONEY for Pitney Bowes and eBay. If a seller can ship an item directly for $5-10, why does it cost almost $50 with the GSP? What does the final value have to do with shipping? Where does all that extra money go? In their pockets. That's why it wont go away.

If Best Buy, Walmart and other stores can ship for free, then so can a huge companies like eBay and Pitney Bowes. It most likely doesn't cost them a penny to ship. They take all the money and ship for free. And they do it all in the name of the seller. Shame on them.

That makes the most sense to me. The rich get richer...


I do not support this program at all as I see it for what it is. A scam. 

Message 5015 of 6,171
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Nice. Almost 3 years of complaints and nothing changes. I avoid sellers using this program like the plague and I let them know it. 

I found this thread Googling "global shipping program scam"

Message 5016 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Double the shipping time and double the cost....awesome!!

most of what I buy is not subject to duty/taxes..nothing but a cash cow for eBay I'm sure they get a cut. 

Message 5017 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

What does the final value have to do with shipping? Where does all that extra money go? In their pockets.




Okay, let's try once a-bloody-gain.


The 'import fee' is made up of Canadian duty and Canadian sales taxes plus a service fee that goes to Pitney Bowes of ~$5.

Couriers like PB* MUST assess and charge and remit those duties and taxes.

The duty is assessed on items valued over $20 CDN (about $15.50 USD). Sales taxes are only assessed on item that are over that value.

So if the final value of an auction is $15.50USD, Canadian duty and tax MUST be assessed.

As the bidding on an item rises so will the duty and the tax since both are a percentage of the value.


Items that at manufactured in NAFTA countries are not dutiable. They are taxable.

Items that are not manufactured in NAFTA countries may be dutiable. Even if they were purchased in a NAFTA country. They are also taxable.

The seller tells PB/GSP where the item was made. PB checks some of these claims.


Used goods are not dutiable. They are taxable.


It is not unusual for foreign companies to be subcontracted to assess and remit Canadian duty and tax.

Most mail order retailers (like LLBean) which import directly into Canada do this. Some will warehouse their goods inside Canada so that they can include the duty and taxes in the price of the goods. Some ship from the USA and add it on the order form.

So do UPS and FedEx on some of their express services, because it is faster.

Not remitting taxes collected would be a very good way for a company to find itself in court charged with tax evasion.


Confusing all this are two Canadian oddities.

The 'mail order' importer has her purchases assessed if they are over $20.

The 'cross border shopper' has her purchases assessed if they are over $200.

We'll see if the new government corrects that anomaly.


Canada Border Services Agency, in a burst of common sense, decided it was dumb to collect duty and tax when the money received would be lower than the labour cost of collecting it.

So most, but not all, low value items now are ignored when they are imported by USPS/Canada Post.

Both are government creations. Couriers are not and, once a-bloody-gain, cannot legally do this.


The GPS is generally not a useful option for US sellers who are looking for Canadian customers. Canadians should generally not bid on items that have the GPS enabled.

But the system is run according to Canadian law.






*So do UPS, FedEx and other couriers.

Message 5018 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

The GSP is FREE MONEY for Pitney Bowes and eBay. If a seller can ship an item directly for $5-10, why does it cost almost $50 with the GSP?


You can go by bus or hire a taxi. GSP charges courier prices for a courier service. Post and courier are two different classes for service at different prices. The usual reason for ultra high prices for light items is that that seller has not specified the size and weight of the package so a default cost is applied.



If Best Buy, Walmart and other stores can ship for free, then so can a huge companies like eBay and Pitney Bowes.


Nobody can ship for nothing, they just include the shipping cost in the item price.


Heavy and or bulky objects can be cheaper to ship with GSP. Buyers need to be aware of all cost before buying and decide accordingly.


The GSP was designed by idiots for use by geniuses. Unhappily it is also used by idiots with hilarious results. Most sellers seem to be too ignorant of the details and procedures of the GSP to use it selectively and effectively. The reason I say the designers were idiots is that this should have been foreseeable and the system should have been made far more fool resistant. 

Message 5019 of 6,171
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Comments about the Global Shipping Program

@afantiques wrote:
The GSP was designed by idiots for use by geniuses. Unhappily it is also used by idiots with hilarious results. Most sellers seem to be too ignorant of the details and procedures of the GSP to use it selectively and effectively. The reason I say the designers were idiots is that this should have been foreseeable and the system should have been made far more fool resistant. 

I think the system's designers were convinced that international buyers would just be so eternally grateful to finally have access to all those US goodies that they wouldn't quibble about the price. I think that they were totally caught off-guard when the complaints of "scam" and "rip-off" started pouring in from irate international buyers. I think that the "$50 good-fit" thingy was hastily thought of to counter the bad impression, at least on the discussion boards. Because there was never any mechanism of any kind put in place to make sellers aware of it.


Maybe the GSP PR people are idiots too, because this lame attempt doesn't seem to have placated anyone. And it sure doesn't prevent sellers from "offering" the GSP on $1.00 postcard-sized items.

Message 5020 of 6,171
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