06:24 PM
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10:58 PM
I bid on smartphones mostly as-is as-is. Normally I receive the phones I win by the end of the estimated delivery time.I expected to receive one yesterday on the 21 and 2 more just after christmas in January. I have already sent the seller a message but have received no response.They are a big seller in Canada and sell many many phones on Ebay.This evening when I went to check for a tracking number which I asked for I found out that the listing had been removed.Not only that but the other 2 phones I won had their listing removed as well.I went to message the seller again but Ebay required me to enter the item number.When I try to enter it Ebay wont accept it and I cant communicate with the seller anymore.What is going on.3 phones paid for and now listings removed.Cant contact seller and boy am I **bleep**.Paid for first phone on Dec 2 and other 2 about a week later.As I said I never had a problem before with this seller and now suddenly 3 listings removed with no explanation.Apparently EBAY AND the seller want some publicity .
07:28 PM
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11:00 PM
Apparently I am not the only one.I just found another buyer on Redflag that had the same exact thing happen.That buyer purchased 3 iphones as well and then suddenly the listings were removed after they were paid for.There are probably other buyers that have been "scammed" as well.I doubt whatever is going on is limited to just me and the other buyer.Ebay had better investigate and quickly.The seller as-is listed at least 50 more iphone(6)today but I highly recommend staying completely away from this seller until we all get some answers .
08:30 PM
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11:00 PM
What you may have run into is eBay's hamfisted methods when a seller becomes Not-A-Registered-User (NARU). This deletion of information makes it difficult to solve any issues involving those listings. There are a variety of reasons a seller becomes NARU (not paying ebay fees, not following the ebay rules, complaints, etc). if they pay their fees (if that was the reason) they can come back from NARU -- but the deleted listings are still unavailable.
If you have paid using PayPal, you can look at the purchase information there. Select Classic view to see the seller's email to contact them. You can also open an Item-Not-Received case on PayPal to get your money back.
09:08 PM
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11:01 PM
The seller has justed listed at least 50 new (today) iPhone 6 models today on the 22nd of December,the same day that at least 6 listings from 2 different buyers where removed. Listings that spanned 3 weeks and were only removed after they were paid for.The question is are there more iPhone buyers involved?and if so why?.The seller is a huge electronics seller that resells defective or returned products from BestBuy.This isnt an isolated incident items that spanned 3 weeks paid for then listings suddenly disappear.We all know where that is going.None of these phones will be delivered and the buyers money that has already been tied up for weeks will be tied up for many more.How is it possible this seller could newly list over 50 of the same Iphone models that had just been delisted from at least 2 buyers and probably more.They have either been hacked or someone is running a huge scam and defrauding Ebay buyers on a much bigger level.I have already opened a case(another week wasted just waiting ) but Ebay should take note and investigate this promptly as the seller is listing the same exact model phones that were delisted after the sale.A lot more than just a refund is needed here to restore confidence in at least 2 Ebay buyers and probably a lot more to come.
09:44 PM
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11:01 PM
Well our dedicated eBay employee is @tyler.
So we'll see if he's working next week.
In the meantime,go to Paypal and open those Item Not Received Disputes.
The PP Resolution Centre is at the top of your account page under Tools.
You can Contact Seller if you like through the Dispute, but all you want from him is a tracking number that works and shows your phones are on their way OR your money back.
No excuses.
No 'replacements'.
Do NOT close the Dispute until you have either the phones or themoney.
It takes seconds to refund a PP payment. Seriously.
Get your money back. The Resolution Centres are automated and don't take holidays.
When you've opened the Disputes come back and we'll talk some more.
12:51 AM
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01:41 AM
I have already opened a case with Ebay and I have asked for the item seems about 50 more of the same model iphone have just been listed today.Only one phone is past the delivery date the other two arent yet but all three of mine and three of the other buyer have been delisted .All paid for and purchased over a 3 week period and on the same day delisted .Something very dirty is going on here.Those 6 phones will just disappear and even though the money will probably get refunded eventually it wont explain what happened to 6 iphones purchased from Ebay on separate occasions.The views on this post are starting to add up so I suspect many more buyers have been affected by this sudden delisting by seller or Ebay .Why would these listings be removed from a fully active and registered member who is constantly selling many phones obtained from BestBuy.It certainly isnt because they dont have the phones because they do .Is Ebay allowing them to cancel any transactions they feel they didnt receive enough money for.This is no way to conduct a business it is dirty and so is Ebay for allowing this to take place.I mean doesnt a red flag or anything go off to notify Ebay that a seller still active has removed 6 listings of phones that were paid for ,some past their delivery date.A total waste of time watching auctions trying to get a good buy and all this time .I can see one phone disappearing but three from one buyer and three from another all in the same day purchased over 3 weeks non delivered.You dont get this kind of **bleep** at any walk in establishment. Only on Ebay .Ebay cant think much about their customers .Any other establishment would take this very seriously and do everything in their power to correct it.Ebay will just sit on their thumbs while some dumbass software program will attempt to sweep it under the rug.Ebay has absolutely no customer service which is worse than bad.Power breeds corruption and yes I am really **bleep** .Should have gone to Walmart or some other place to buy these iphones . Never buy Christmas gifts at Ebay they will surely disappoint you.Never again.That iphone 6 I never got purchased 3 weeks ago was for my 14 year old granddaughter.I counted on Ebay and Ebay failed miserably.3 Weeks passed and not one word from anyone and no phone for Christmas .Disgraceful.
12-23-2017 01:03 AM
And why am I being told to deal with PayPal.PayPal did there job and made sure the iphones were paid for.This is an Ebay issue as it is a registered Ebay seller. It is illegal to advertise items for sale then remove them just to get customers to come to your store.And this is what has happened .Any other business can and would receive a huge fine for doing so.These are unfair business practices and there are institutions in Canada that will deal with that and strongly.I hope Ebay has answers for them.
01:51 AM
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10:28 PM
That wall of text is really hard to read.
I have already opened a case with Ebay and I have asked for the item
But you don't want the item.
If it was shipped, the seller can give you a tracking number. Any Canada Post parcel would have one.
What you want is a refund.
seems about 50 more of the same model iphone have just been listed today.
By the same seller?
That's a lot of phones for a reseller. Perhaps he is liquidating a store stock.
Let's look at his listings.
Which appears to be his business plan. He has had over 85,000 transactions of mostly used phones.
He is apparently a liquidator of returns and possibly of insurance and bankruptcy seizures.
He seems to have listed five (not 50) today, two yesterday, three Wednesday. He has a total of 37 auctions open.
At a guess, they will be closing during Boxing Week.
Twenty of the auctions end Saturday, more on Sunday. Then none on Christmas Day. He'll be busy on Tuesday and Wednesday packaging.
Only one phone is past the delivery date the other two arent yet but all three of mine and three of the other buyer have been delisted .
Umm- If they are sold, why would they still be listed?
Each auction currently is for a single, pre-owned unit. Once sold, it would no longer appear on the seller's list. Only on the buyer's.
Or do you mean they are no longer showing on your Items Purchased list? You can change that list to show a longer period of time -- up to 90 days.
All paid for and purchased over a 3 week period and on the same day delisted .
Something very dirty is going on here.
Those 6 phones will just disappear and even though the money will probably get refunded eventually it wont explain what happened to 6 iphones purchased from Ebay on separate occasions.
You are repeating yourself.
You bought three phones one of which has not been delivered although the delivery date has passed ,
and two of which have not yet been delivered but which have not yet passed the deadline.
Did the seller give you a tracking number on any of the phones?
Most of his auctions seem to end in the $100-$350 range, but there are several noted with positive feedback as being in the $50-$100 range.
So he does seem to ship at any price.
He doesn't seem to be too interested in the quality of the item and there are a lot of complaints about packaging.
It is possible that the phones are 'vapourware', that they never existed.
This is not uncommon with goods ordered from China. Unusual from North American sellers.
And it doesn't seem to be his practice either.
You can open Paypal disputes on the other two immediately.
I don't understand how you found out about the other buyer, since names are masked. (Which was a very bad idea in my opinion.)
The views on this post are starting to add up so I suspect many more buyers have been affected by this sudden delisting by seller or Ebay .
You have the name slightly wrong, btw.
Made it a little harder to look up his listings and feedback.
Why would these listings be removed from a fully active and registered member
The 15 negs or neutrals he has received this year show a pattern of poor communication, and a habit of sending the wrong model.
On the other hand, he's been on eBay since 2002 and has had over 85,000 transactions.
I checked ALL his negative and neutral FB on toolhaus.org, and that seems to have been his pattern from the beginning. Since he has been on eBay for nearly 20 years, I ran into a time limit with toolhaus. I only saw the first 414 unhappy customers.
who is constantly selling many phones obtained from BestBuy.
It certainly isnt because they dont have the phones because they do .
From the tone of the FB, I think what they are getting from BB is returned, damaged and perhaps switched products.
Some might have been refurbished.
Is Ebay allowing them to cancel any transactions they feel they didnt receive enough money for.
This is no way to conduct a business it is dirty and so is Ebay for allowing this to take place.
I mean doesnt a red flag or anything go off to notify Ebay that a seller still active has removed 6 listings of phones that were paid for ,some past their delivery date.
When sellers cancel transactions, they get a Defect.
When sellers lose Disputes, they also get Defects.
Defects result in restrictions on the number and value of items the seller can list and can also mean higher fees.
A total waste of time watching auctions trying to get a good buy and all this time .I can see one phone disappearing but three from one buyer and three from another all in the same day purchased over 3 weeks non delivered.
You dont get this kind of **bleep** at any walk in establishment.
Only on Ebay .Ebay cant think much about their customers .
Any other establishment would take this very seriously and do everything in their power to correct it.
Ebay will just sit on their thumbs while some dumbass software program will attempt to sweep it under the rug.
Ebay has absolutely no customer service which is worse than bad.Power breeds corruption and yes I am really **bleep** .Should have gone to Walmart or some other place to buy these iphones .
Never buy Christmas gifts at Ebay they will surely disappoint you.Never again.That iphone 6 I never got purchased 3 weeks ago was for my 14 year old granddaughter.
I counted on Ebay and Ebay failed miserably.3 Weeks passed and not one word from anyone and no phone for Christmas .Disgraceful.
The feedback at 98.5% is barely adequate for a North American seller. (The minimum for overseas sellers should be 99% in my experience.)
The feedback from previous customers is there to help buyers make a decision about the trustworthiness of the seller.
EBay gives you 30 days after the last estimated delivery to open a Dispute.
Paypal gives you 180 days from payment to open a Dispute.
It is possible, though not likely, that Canada Post may still deliver Saturday or Sunday. They have been delivering weekends since mid-November.
12-23-2017 01:55 AM
@ypdc_dennis-- The seller is still active and has some 85,000 transactions since 2002. OTOH - he has a FB rating of 98.5% and consistently supplies damaged, badly packed or incorrectly described phones.
He seems to be a liquidator.
The one phone which is late is a whole day late.
12-23-2017 08:32 AM
"The views on this post are starting to add up so I suspect many more buyers have been affected by this sudden delisting by seller or Ebay .Why would these listings be removed from a fully active and registered member who is constantly selling many phones obtained from BestBuy.It certainly isnt because they dont have the phones because they do .Is Ebay allowing them to cancel any transactions they feel they didnt receive enough money for.This is no way to conduct a business it is dirty and so is Ebay for allowing this to take place.I mean doesnt a red flag or anything go off to notify Ebay that a seller still active has removed 6 listings of phones that were paid for ,some past their delivery date.A total waste of time watching auctions trying to get a good buy and all this time .I can see one phone disappearing but three from one buyer and three from another all in the same day purchased over 3 weeks...."
You are seeing conspiracy where none exists. The 'views are adding up' on this post because all the goodey-two-shoes sellers like myself who haunt the boards just looking for people to help are reading the post, not because other buyers with the same problem are reading but not commenting. If other buyers in drove were being affected, you could bet they would comment.
Your seller probably got yanked because they didn't pay their fees to ebay and then were re-instated when they did. Period.
Your seller probably hasn't shipped your phone(s) yet because they are dealing with whatever problem led to them not having enough money to pay their ebay bill.
Everything else that you are seeing is fallout from that. The seller isn't cancelling any orders, they've probably just fallen massively behind in fulfilling them because their business model is a mess.
There is nothing more to it than that. I'm sorry your money is tied up and your search for cheap phones temporarily de-railed. Was there any indication in this seller's feedback (who, by the way, you cannot name and shame) to indicate they were flaky? Feedback is important for reasons such as these. Feedback receive and feedback left for others.
12-23-2017 11:06 AM
When you search for iphone 6 on ebay and select canada only you will get over 800 pages of results. Of the first 100 results 75 belong to this seller.They are all iphone 6 models(6 6plus 6s 6splus.all listed on december 22
12-23-2017 11:28 AM
yeah whats one more day after waiting 3 weeks for an expedited parcel to be shipped across Canada.1-2 days item is shipped (so they claim in the listing )Canada Post 5 days to deliver and 2 weeks in limbo.That certainly makes it one day late.
12-23-2017 11:51 AM
And I thought this was Buyers Central.Of course I would expect that type of response had I posted on Sellers Central .Conspiracy your words not mine.You hunt for buyers with problems in the spirit of goodness.Once again isnt Buyers Central for Buyers.
Seller didnt get yanked listings got yanked.Seller has been active and continues to be very active.period
you jumped to a conclusion which cant possibly be right
name and shame do rhyme dont they.I named someone if they choose to feel shame thats not my fault
phones are never cheap
feedback doesnt tell you anything
12-23-2017 12:39 PM
With all due respect, the advice given to you on this post by all the countless-years-of-experience members who come to tthe Community has already given you the answer you need, even if it's not the one you want.
But you might want to familiarize yourself with the Discussion Board Guidelines for Usage. http://pages.ebay.ca/help/policies/everyone-boards.html
Good-bye, good luck.
12-24-2017 10:52 AM
Agreed. I am one of those piling up here - no interest in the actual problem, just like a good story. But, contrary to some of the answers I have heard about my issues, it appears that ‘feedback’ is now a good thing and actually has a purpose. Thanks.
12-26-2017 08:32 PM
With all due respect while you all may pat yourselfs on the back neither me nor 2 other buyers (yes a 3rd )has your shoulders a clue as to why the listings were removed.We dont want maybe's and /or guesses.Obviously all your combined experience cant answer a simple question.Be careful you all dont dislocate your shoulders.Trying to make Ebay look good these days is a loosing battle.
good bye