01-10-2020 04:22 AM - edited 01-10-2020 04:23 AM
Hi all. Bought an item from a seller with 100% feedback and good 5 star dsr ratings. About 5 days later the seller went NARU and ebay removed the listing and all his other ones and kicked him off ebay. The last estimated arrival date according to ebay is feb 5, 2020. Went and checked out the sellers current feedback and the negs have started rolling in.
Ebay has not provided any info on what to do except a link to "messages" which does not lead anywhere. Now what do we do about this? There seems to be no way to open a case to get our money back.
01-10-2020 12:16 PM
Try looking on the ebay.com side, often there is more there when it comes to NARU purchases.
01-10-2020 02:02 PM
Open your case on Paypal.
You have 180 days from PAYMENT for this.
So you can do it today.
The PP Resolution Centre is at the top of the PP account page under Tools.
State that the seller is NARU and that the listing has been pulled by eBay, this seems to move things along.
There is no point in dealing with PP's suggestion that you Contact the Seller.
01-10-2020 02:20 PM
If you go the bottom of your purchase history is the item there? I’ve heard (but haven’t tested) that if the seller is naru you can open a case now.
Or, if you phone cs they should be able to get the refund started.
01-19-2020 08:42 AM - edited 01-19-2020 08:47 AM
There was no way to make a claim with ebay. We even phoned ebay about this and were turned away so we made a paypal claim, that was 9 days ago. Still no $ back as of now. We will give it one more day then will have to start calling paypal constantly all day every day until we get the $ back. What a load......
Good one ebay.....
01-19-2020 01:04 PM
There is no need to phone Paypal.
The PP Resolution Centre is at the top of yourPP account page under Tools.
The Dispute is Not Received.
You have 180 days from PAYMENT to open a Dispute.
In the textbox state that the seller is No Longer a Registered User.
If the seller cannot prove Delivery (not shipping, delivery) you will be refunded.
After you escalate the Dispute to a Claim, the seller has about five days to respond.
If the seller does not refund you, PP will and go after him for their money.
But you do have to specifically escalate.
How long ago was that last FB to the NARU seller? A gap of many months (or even years) can signify a hacked account. Other signs iarea sudden change in category (books to cell phones for example) or prices that are too good to be true.