eBay Please Fix Your Mobile App On Android

I've noticed a few things on the eBay mobile app on Android and I thought this would be a good place to report it, as I am not sure how frequently or if at all eBay looks on reviews on the Play Store.


Bug #1


If you select a category you wish to look for items in, the initial page is a mixture of "Hot Deal" &  "Best Match". If I select "Filter" from the top right of the screen and enter the details (Canada only, BIN, preowned), it shows a small selection of results. Depending on the device it could be 12-24 items. If I click "Show all items" it clears ALL of the filters and shows me everything. I then have to add the filters back. 


It's also not that there are only a limited number of results, for example, in the watches category there could be over 500 results. 


Is this intended behavior, because if it is, it's pretty much useless to have that filter button at the first page of a category. 


@happy_pigeon if you could pass this on to the app developers, as it's pretty annoying when you have that happen.


Annoyance #1


The new shopping cart pop-up is REALLY annoying. I understand that eBay wants to maximize cart addons, but everytime I have to click back because I often purchase multiple items from one seller. Sometimes the suggestions from the cart pop-up are usefull, other times, they just show cheap prices from overseas.


I have a suggestion: Why not have a floating cart icon instead of a continual pop-up. If I were not a semi patient guy, I would simply remove everything from my cart and declare that if eBay won't stop pestering me ever time I want to add something to my cart, there are plenty of other online marketplaces that are happy to embrace my wallet.


Drummond Studios.

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eBay Please Fix Your Mobile App On Android

Thanks for your detailed feedback, @retroman_studios, I will pass it on.

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