Community Member
Welcome to a place where Christ should be exalted and "Self" should be abased!!

Welcome to a place where the BIBLE can be discussed rationally, intelligently, and positively without unnecessary argument!!

Welcome to a place where prayer can be requested and encouraged!!

Welcome to a place where positive and encouraging thoughts from scripture can be shared in a caring and loving way!!

Welcome to a place away from all the arguments, recriminations, and negativity of the outside world!!

Welcome to a place of rest and safety!!

Welcome to a place where Philippians 2:3 is practiced: "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves."

Welcome to this Christian thread.

(Please leave all aggression, bitterness, and philosophy outside the door and please wipe your feet before coming inside!!)


I live in my own little world. But it's OK... They know me Here!

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Eph.6:11.
Message 1 of 5,136
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5,135 REPLIES 5,135


Awww Nellie, hope you will be back. We miss you.

Thank you for hanging in, Christine. Sweet dreams! Goodnight Nancy!
Message 4221 of 5,136
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Community Member
Afternoon Nellie & Nikki!

Lots of swans visiting in the lake, all are mostly white but some are so cute with black spots on their necks. Wish they were either closer, or I had a better lense on my camera for some pics.

They usually aren't here in January but the weather must be confusing to them, poor birds. They have always arrived in December just before the lake freezes over and they are only tiny small frozen patches for them to sit on, then they return in spring when they lake just starts to unfreeze and there are again tiny patches for them to sit on.

I wonder if they didn't fly south because of the mildness?

It lightly rained for about an hour today, and its colder than Tuesday was (57F then) so maybe it will start dropping.

Anyway, I meant to ask you about your beach walks, how'd they go? Get some earmuffs? Find lots of goodies? Must be so fun to look, I'd be out there with my kids looking all the time LOL!

Thank you again for the beachglass!! The pendant looks wonderful on my silver chain.:-x

Have a nice day! 🙂
Message 4222 of 5,136
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Message 4223 of 5,136
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Community Member
Good morning everyone 🙂
well, it happened again this AM, sunrise, break in the clouds ...
Have a wonderful day!

My Ciggy sez filter THIS!
Trolls Are Idiots - ask anyone **Vote for Dezzie- HELP DARFUR!!**

Message 4224 of 5,136
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Community Member
Very nice photo sysfixr, almost looks like a castle in the distance.
Have a nice day! 🙂
Message 4225 of 5,136
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thankyou, that the Church of Our Lady, about 2KM's from here 🙂
I'm kind of fortunate that it is *almost* due east from here, and sometimes the light is *just right*
I found a wiki page all about it if anyones interesed 🙂


My Ciggy sez filter THIS!
Trolls Are Idiots - ask anyone **Vote for Dezzie- HELP DARFUR!!**

Message 4226 of 5,136
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Community Member
Thanks for the info sysfixr, checkin it out now!
Have a nice day! 🙂
Message 4227 of 5,136
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Good Morning everyone,

Sunshine this morning!!!!!!!! The rain has stopped. It may be only temporary, but it is wonderful to see. I felt sun on my back as I walked this morning.

It is funny walking with DH, I am looking at the sea, the sand, the waterfowl, he is looking at the improvements people are making to their homes, the new ones going up. And I do mean up. There is one a few down from us, they tore the little charming cottage down, and are now building one that takes the entire lot up, side to side. The rumor is the owners are the LuLuLemon (sp?) (the yoga wear) owners. The roof is very "gull winged" and totally blocks out the view of the house behind them. Sad really. DH likes the new house, I miss the cottage.

Christine, we had a large flock of trumpeter swans, and a small one of whistling swans last winter. It is not common to find the whistlers here. Both are so beautiful. And so large. I forget how large they are until some Canadian geese land and look small next to them. We saw snow geese too--I didn't know what they were at the time but that night there was a story about how huge flocks are wintering in the lower mainland (pooping all over farmer's fields) and this is only a recent development--the wintering not the pooping.

Have great days everyone!
Message 4228 of 5,136
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Community Member
Hi Nikki, Christine, et al !!! My one day at work and slow - but at least can use the computer while mine is waiting to get fixed! - Nikki the other weekend we were driving down #10 toward Tsawwassen - and looking at all the eagles, when my husband said OMG - look at the snow geese ! - Nikki there were thousands of them in all the fields - the fields were just white - we couldn't believe how many there were ! - Sounds like you live in a neat area - I would give my eye teeth to live near the ocean !!!
Have a nice day all !

And by the sys - nice pics, and interesting reading!
Message 4229 of 5,136
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((((Marion)))) ((((Christine)))) ((((Nancy)))):-x

Marion--that must have been a wonderful thing to see. I used to love that drive out to the ferry when I lived on the mainland--hawks on almost every sign post, and Herons in the canals in the Spring. I would love to see that many snow geese--it is a rare privilege.

Christine and Nancy--the little hummingbird is okay. He didn't leave until about 5 minutes ago (it is 4:40 PST). He had been out there for over 3 hours and I had just made up my mind to lock the cat in our bedroom and bring him in for the night so he didn't freeze. I walked out on the deck and he flapped and flapped and took off. I am so relieved--I felt so sick over this little guy. I think that storm that cleaned my windows also cleaned the decking glass and he whomped into it trying to escape the very aggressive male who hangs out on our weather vane.

It is so nice to see life win one, every once in awhile.

It has been an exhausting week--and we have company coming in a couple of hours. They are great people, and very nice and very interesting but I am longing to just climb into bed, assume the prenatal position and sleep, sleep, sleep.

Thank you Nancy and Christine for being such good friends. You can't believe how much it means to me.
Message 4230 of 5,136
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(((Nellie))))...thanks :-x

Mum is still with us but we have been told not to expect her here for much longer (They have said possibly 6 weeks but they doubt it). Although as we know, God is the only one who really knows when he will be ready for her. Mum has massive bone metastisis as well as lung and kidney with the primary site being the lungs. She is starting to have episodes of slurred speech with unbalanced gait and unexplained vomitting. There is no doubt in my mind that there is brain mets as well. She is comfortable, still living with my sister, and wants to go to church this Sunday :-D.

I have 4 shifts left to work and then I am planning on flying west to stay with her untill she passes. My sister is weary and needs a break. My head nurse isn't too thrilled with the thought but you know, this isn't the only nursing job in the world and if I have to look for another job then so be it. There will always be other jobs.....I will only ever have one Mum.
Message 4231 of 5,136
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Have a safe trip. You are doing the right thing. Keep in touch if you can. Hope your personal health is good--it can't be easy being under all this stress. Please know that you and your family are held in many hearts and prayers.:-x
Message 4232 of 5,136
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((((TOB)))). You and your mom are both in my prayers.

Message 4233 of 5,136
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(((TOB and family)))

Message 4234 of 5,136
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Hello everyone. . .

Beautiful picture, sysfixer . . . and very interesting reading. TY

(((TOB))) From what I've read about your mom, I know she believes this and I hope you find strength & be encouraged by these words from Job....

But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and that He will stand upon the earth at last. And I know that after this body has decayed, this body shall see God. Job 19:25-26 (TLB)

The will of God never takes you to where the grace of God will not protect you.-Unknown

I pray for wings on time as you finish your scheduled shifts and you can be with your mom & sister. (this isn't the only nursing job in the world - yup! that's right . . . family come first) ((((hugsz)))) again.
Peace starts with a smile.

R.I.P., Den.

Knowledge is not enough, we must apply; willing is not enough, we must do. - Unknown
Message 4235 of 5,136
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a wee bump!!!!!god bless !!! Photobucket
Message 4236 of 5,136
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Community Member
Good afternoon all!

Hope everyone is doing well, enjoy your day!

Have a nice day! 🙂
Message 4237 of 5,136
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Community Member
Hi kim ( TOB )

My sister is in nursing in the city, and when mom was at the end of her journey, tracy applied for compassionate leave.

I'm not sure on the rules, but I think that they paid up to five weeks.

Mom died before Tracy even got one check, but this did make it possible for her to come and help look after mom. All you need is a doctor's note faxed to your work.

good luck, and keep strong ! you can do it


Message 4238 of 5,136
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((((((sisters and brothers))))))

All is well on this end of the Island--a balmy 7 degrees and for right now, not raining. 🙂

(((((all who need them))))))
Message 4239 of 5,136
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I am using my 'earned vacation time' to go and look after Mum. We are allocated 3 hours of family leave a month up to 40 hours total, and I used that back at the end of November. I have 6 hours accumulated in my family leave bank. Once Mum passes I will get 6 paid days off as compassionate leave but I will need more time than that to make sure that my sister is okay (my parents have lived with them for 13 years....that is all my sister knows. She is going to be completely lost). I WILL take the time off. The 'boss' just isn't too pleased about it, that's all.
Message 4240 of 5,136
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