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Nov 2012 A man from British Columbia who went missing in Mexico last month has been found dead. According to Mexican media reports, his body was found tied to a tree in the beach town of Barra de Navidad, located north of Manzanillo. His neck was rep...
Dec 20, 2012….. A peaceful flash mob is attacked by mall security at the Northgate Mall in North Bay. The First Nations people were dancing a circle dance for Christmas which are wishes for peace and prosperity.
Several Canadians who thought they were buying a luxury car online are out $200,000 after it was discovered that the purportedly U.S.-based company may not actually exist. Authorities say American scammers have been targeting Canadians because cross-...
For more than half a century, he cared for farm animals and house pets alike, until retiring at age 80. Along the way, he served his community, spending eight years between 1978 and 1985 on North Dorchester Township council. But Dr. Gilbert Van der S...
The sabotage of a CN Rail crossing signal during an aboriginal protest and rail line blockade near Belleville, Ont. over the weekend should be seen as an act of terror, says one security expert. "This is a low-level, low-grade form of terrorism," sai...
(CNN) -- California's top prosecutor will seek a change in an 1872 state law after an appeals court cited "historical anomalies in the law" when overturning a rape conviction of a man who allegedly pretended to be an 18-year-old woman's boyfriend in ...
ST. THOMAS - A former West Elgin water worker, swept up in a probe that found key records falsified, is Ontario’s first civic employee to be jailed over drinking-water safety since one of the two brothers at the centre of the deadly Walkerton crisis....
A little bit of … By coincidence Russell Diabo and Dr Palmater were on TVO tonight. This is a explanatory video of details many do not know. Those of you who wish to take the time to watch it are...
CARSON CITY, Nev. - A substitute teacher from California was found to be the only heir to a fortune of gold coins discovered by a cleaning crew in the home of a reclusive cousin who quietly stashed away a treasure of more than $7 million before he di...
Métis and non-status Indians won a major victory this morning with a Federal Court of Canada declaration that they qualify as being “Indians” under the 1867 Constitution Act that set the template for Confederation. The court declined to go a step fur...
Below is a letter written by a well informed friend of mine. He is a teacher of 30 years. He is probably the most knowledgeable individual that I know when it comes to current affairs, politics and the world siutation. He is meticulous in his researc...
A British judge has sentenced a “devoted and loving mother” to at least 17 years in prison for beating her son to death after he failed to memorize passages from the Koran. Sara Ege was convicted last month of murdering 7-year-old Yaseen and burning ...
This is too true to be funny ... The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising...
Faced with a $1-million lawsuit by the family of a man killed after screw-ups at the city-owned nursing home, London officials have admitted negligence and are negotiating a payout. The mea culpa was the quickest family lawyer Robert Konduros has see...
For weeks I have been reading about various issues and complaints regarding online shopping / shipping / delivery, especially with the time-sensitivity of Christmas factored in. To add a little balance, I'd like to put in my 2-cents worth of praise f...
Tentative deal announced this am will bring them back as early as the 15th for a 50 game schedule. Go Leafs go!
I came across a listing that actually is a series of listings nested in one that I am sure tricks people and yet how to report it? I have pissed away a bunch of time to no avail which is totally bogus for a site that says it has security. I am sure t...
Protests create awareness. But real solutions are harder to come by. Far too many aboriginal Canadians live in deplorable conditions, cannot gain access to the education they need to ensure equality of opportunity, and do not benefit from economic de...
Responses to the Fraser Institute’s recent study, Measuring Income Mobility in Canada (and the Dec. 1 QMI Agency column Income stagnation a myth) reveal a great deal about the differing views on social policy and the state of the debate regarding ine...
Diplomacy, it’s been said, is the velvet glove that cloaks the fist of power. If so, Canadian diplomats are poised to drop their gloves. The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade is moving to hire martial-arts instructors, to educate ...
ok guys . ive got a good one here for you. whats WRONG with this listing? ? YOU tell me. ( I can see glaring evidence of serious error. can you?) as a fellow canadian i actually find thi...
This could go on for some time yet. Justin Trudeau meets with hunger striking chief Theresa Spence OTTAWA — Like many Canadians, Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence spent a quiet Christmas morning with her family, opening presents with two of her five ...
Hello I have changed my user id to "bracedout" because I have just invented a special type of brace for carrying bags which is very small and attaches to your belt. Anyhow I have only sold a few on ebay so far in the last 3 weeks,but I have gotten so...
Welcome to a place where Christ should be exalted and "Self" should be abased!! Welcome to a place where the BIBLE can be discussed rationally, intelligently, and positively without unnecessary argument!! Welcome to a place where prayer can be reques...
Please join us here today, from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM ET for a general discussion and question and answer session with Jordan, the Country Manager. Jordan will be here on behalf of the team to answer any questions you have about eBay. ...
Please join us on Thursday, July 7, from 1-2 PM ET for a workshop with Canada Post. Kim from Canada Post will be here to answer all of your questions about Canada Post and how you use the various services with your eBay business. If you are not able ...
Hi Everyone, Please join us for a workshop on how the new answer centre works. The answer centre is a new eBay user to user question and answer area you can use to ask all of your questions about trading on eBay, PayPal, Selling tools and other thing...
Please join us on Friday May 27 from 1-2 PM ET for a workshop with Canada Post. Kim from Canada Post will be here to answer all of your questions about Canada Post and how you use the various services with your eBay business. If you are not able to a...
Dear eBay Community Members, The 2005 Sunflower Growing Contest being run by an eBay user on the Canada Town Square Discussion board is no longer available, as it was found to be a violation of eBay policy. eBay Users are not permitted to run contest...
Please join us here on Friday, May 20, from 10:30-11:30 AM ET for a general discussion and question and answer session with Gary Briggs, Country Manager. Gary will be here on behalf of the team to answer any questions you have about e...