eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
Hi Everyone,

Please join us for a workshop on how the new answer centre works. The answer centre is a new eBay user to user question and answer area you can use to ask all of your questions about trading on eBay, PayPal, Selling tools and other things.

You can view the new answer centre by clicking here:

Please join eBay Pink Sundin for the workshop

Date: Friday, June 3
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM ET
Board: Canada Town Square

Hope to see you there! If you have questions about how the answer centre works, but are not able to attend the workshop, please leave your questions here in advance and we will be sure to reply to them during the workshop.

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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
Hi. I've had a question posted on the answer centre in the technical issues section for almost 2 weeks and it hasn't been answered. What did I do wrong?
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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for joining us today, eBay Pink Sundin will be here to answer your questions about the new Answer Centre

Now let's get started!

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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
Hi muskokamarket,

I don't think you did anything wrong. Since Answer Centre was launched just a few weeks ago, there may not be enough traffic to Answer Centre by users who may know the answer to your question.

Unfortunately, Pinks aren't allowed to reply to questions posed in Answer Center. It's a policy to let Answer Center be solely member-to-member and there will not be any input from Pinks (other than the FAQ forum).

If you don't get an answer from another member within 2-3 weeks, I would suggest posting your question in the Discussion Boards where there's most traffic. An alternative would be to contact Customer Support and send them an email. They are pretty good at getting back to you within 48 hours.

When you do have an answer, you can also post the answer to your question so that other users can benefit and learn from it. That's part of being a good Community member; helping each other out. 🙂

Thanks for your good question, muskokamarket.

:: Sundin
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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
I think this new answer centre is a great idea. I just kinda feel sorry for the few users (many are very new to eBay) that have posted a question and nobody has answered them. I understand that the answer centre is still very new and hasn't had much traffic yet. Just until it gets a little more busy, maybe a pink or someone else can go and try to answer some of these people's questions. I am sure that many of them have no idea about Canada Town Square or other discussion boards.
I like this idea of the answer centre because I can look at other user's problems and see how they handled it. It's a good learning experience for me.
And yes I will try to answer some if I have an answer. I like to help.
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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
Hi muskokamarket aka Lizette,

To your question that you posted in the Answer Centre:

"When my item sells, I get 2 emails from eBay. One says "congratulations muskokamarket your item has sold for ...." and then the other email says "congratulations [whatever the buyers name is] you have won an item from muskokamarket". I do not wish to receive the second email as it does nothing for me whatsoever. It is even addressed to my highest bidder so it seems to me that I am not supposed to even get the email. I have gone to eBay preferences and I don't see where I can choose to get this to stop.
Any ideas?"

The answer is that you can go to the following Web address at:


and there should be a long list of email notifications that you can choose to opt in or opt out.

However, checking this list, I am not sure if there's a way to shut off the Buyer-directed email without shutting off the Seller-directed email. If this is the case, I will notify the Product folks and suggest that they change how this is done. I agree with you that it's rather redundant to get the Buyer-directed email.

I hope this answers your question, Lizette!

:: Sundin
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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
Hello Sundin (aka ?) lol
I agree with you that the link you provided would be the best place for me to go. But I have tried that page and there is no place for me to change my notification preferences without shutting off important emails. I guess I just thought that I was the only seller getting that 2nd email and I was frustrated that I was getting it and I had no idea how to stop it. I also thought that if I was getting the email that my buyer was supposed to be getting, my buyer would be unaware that they had won my auction etc.
If you could try and see if they could stop sending sellers that 2nd email (a copy of the one destined for the buyer), that would be great. For me personally anyway, I don't know about other sellers.
thank you so very much for all of your help. Talk to you another time,

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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
Hi muskokamarket aka Lizette,

Your reply sparked an idea in my head... what do you think about Pinks answering Answer Centre questions that were posted for 2 weeks and were not answered. However, the answers will be posted by Pinks in a weekly Answer Centre Workshop that is on-going.

We can try this out for 1-2 months or until Answer Centre gets enough traffic for the members to help each other out. We really want to get the Community involved in helping each other out and foster a positive Community spirit. 🙂

Thanks for sparking this idea and I'll see if I can get the green-light to make this happen.

:: Sundin
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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
I think that's a great idea ! I also think that you should put that at the top of the answer centre page. Something like ..... We will have an Answer Centre Workshop every 2 weeks (or days or months whatever you choose) for those of you whos questions go unanswered. The best questions (or better wording) will be answered at that time.
Good luck to you Sundin, nice to see people helping others. That's what Canada and eBay are all about.
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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
"Every 2 weeks", what was I thinking ? I wouldn't want to wait 2 weeks for an answer ! I guess I should have put "every week".
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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
I have to go now, sorry. Baby just woke up from (a very SHORT) afternoon nap.
Hope all works out.

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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
Hi Folks,

The Answer Centre Workshop hour is over. However, for the next week, if you have any questions about the new Answer Centre, please post them here in this Workshop discussion thread. I'll check in every now and then to answer them.

Thanks for your participation, folks!

:: Sundin
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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
Since that was a week ago, why don't you just delete the thread?
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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
I can't post anything in the Answer Center! I've cleared my browser's (mozilla firefox) cache, cookies and history and still nothing. I hit submit and it just loops back to where I started with no posting listed! Very frustrating!!!!! 😞
Message 14 of 15
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eBay Workshop on The New Answer Centre: Friday, June 3, 1-2 PM ET

Community Member
You need 10 feedback to reply. Fave Beverage- Any drink with "tini" in it. The-poster-formerly-known-as-o*pillar!
Fave Beverage- Any drink with "tini" in it. The-poster-formerly-known-as-o*pillar!
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