Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

Nov 2012

A man from British Columbia who went missing in Mexico last month has been found dead. According to Mexican media reports, his body was found tied to a tree in the beach town of Barra de Navidad, located north of Manzanillo. His neck was reportedly tied to the tree with a belt and his hands were bound with tape.

The victim, Ron Lloyd MacKintosh, was a 64-year-old retiree from Nanaimo, B.C

Full article including other deaths:


Strange that this and other incidents for some reason weren’t reported in any mainstream Canadian media.

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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death


Strange that this and other incidents for some reason weren’t reported in any mainstream Canadian media.


What do you call mainstream Canadian media.


It was reported by most if not all major newspapers back on Nov. 7th.   Even your local London Free Press had it front page.


Global had it and CTV also

Message 2 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

The Free Press is not my local newspaper. I do look at it on occasion and I check other news but I can’t remember seeing anything about that incident…..and nothing about the other ones either, unless they were on a news website very briefly. Maybe I just missed them unlike some news that stays on a website for days and days. Of course we may not  want to put too much focus on Mexico either….it could have an effect on the tourist trade and we have that free trade thing with them.

Message 3 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

In today's Free Press:


Canadian falls to his death in Mexico


A 21-year-old Edmonton-area man is dead after falling from a second-storey balcony at a Mexican resort.

According to Mexican blog Noticaribe News and officials with Foreign Affairs, he fell from a second-storey balcony at the Great Parnassus Hotel at the south-end of Cancun's Hotel Zone sometime around 2:30 a.m. Saturday.

The man had been drinking at a bar inside the resort when he got punched in the nose during a fist fight, said the report.


In light of the fact that Mexico tends to downplay the deaths of tourists (for obvious reasons), did this man fall or was he pushed?  Many tourist deaths happen in Mexico that are labelled as accidental.  Some have been proven to be cover ups.

Message 5 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

I guess I missed the one from 2012 and I haven't looked at the LFP today.


A quick search of Mexico (actually just about everywhere south of the Rio Grande) isn't worth going to....not just because of the added dangers but also because of all the polticial and police corruption. People go to these resorts and get waited on hand and foot.....and a couple of blocks away children are getting their drinking water out of a ditch. 


I was just speaking to a friend who came back after 3 weeks in Equador. Crime is high....people will even steal earrings out of a woman's ears! Unemployment is the country you are either very rich......or very poor. Up until just recently everyone carried a gun in the country....but now the government passed a law that all citizens can no longer own guns. (where's the NRA?)


A pub in Ireland is my choice for a vacation.

Message 6 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

A pub in Ireland is my choice for a vacation.


Sounds good to me.  Travel agents will still book your trip to Mexico, but are no longer recommending it as a safe destination. 

Message 7 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

I'm there also.


Should warn you I am Non-Radical Irish Protestant.


Not sure how much fun I would be.


You guys are right. With no middle class in Mexico It can only mean bad things will happen.


We remember that from our sociology classes years ago.

Message 8 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

Should warn you I am Non-Radical Irish Protestant


No problem. I'm a radical but not attached to any religion.


I've often thought about going there and buying a little pub that holds about 40 people in some out of the way village. At the turn of the century my Irish grandparents owned one in Dublin called the Black Crow. Considering my history, I think it's in my blood.


I'm there also.


Then you're buying the first round of Guinness.

I'll buy the rest.



Message 9 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

No problem. I'm a radical but not attached to any religon.


With your gentle nature, i would have never thought that.;-)


Then you're buying the first round of Guiness.

I'll buy the rest.


As long as you leave the Sinead O'Connor's music at home, I say book the flight.


We had a lot of fun with that discussion a long time back. Admit It your're a fan.

Message 10 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

With your gentle nature, i would have never thought that.

As long as you leave the Sinead O'Connor's music at home, I say book the flight.

We had a lot of fun with that discussion a long time back. Admit It your're a fan

Not sure what discussion that was. I don’t mind Sinead or her music. Actually I can’t think of any particular Irish group of music that I prefer over another. For the most part it’s all good to me. My grandmother use to play this tenor’s music all the time… John McCormick.

Message 11 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

It was awhile back. 


Tearing the picture on SNL & not being able to start her set at MSG with all the booing generating from the stands.

Message 12 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

Tearing the picture on SNL & not being able to start her set at MSG with all the booing generating from the stands.


OH that!!  Yeah I remember now. All because she tore up the photo of the pope. Catholics were all upset over could someone disgrace the holy father!!!!! I thought it was interesting considering a lot of those same people had zip to say about the cartoon attacks at the Muslim faith.

She got over it and the world moved on like it always does.

Message 13 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

Actually I can't think of any particular Irish group of music that I prefer over another.


Not sure If this counts but you may change your mind after listening to Van Morrison's, Live at the Grand Opera House, Belfast album.


Eccentric guy, a little bit odd, but a great musician.

Message 14 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

I've never really looked at Van Morrison as Irish music. To me he's more rhythm and blues.


The Chieftains are to me true Irish music and I just looked up vid of theirs and it happens to be a collaboration with Sinead doing one of me favourite tunes. 

Message 15 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

Oh no, definitely not Irish music, just an Irish musician. Thats why I added, "not sure If this counts."


The Chieftains are great.

Message 16 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

Community Member

Pancho and Lefty

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 17 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

Lol Valve.


I actually have the Half Nelson album with that tune on it. Some country music I am a fan of.


Willie was dressed as Barbarosa, a film he starred in, with I think Gary Busey,  but unfortunately tanked in the theatres. I thought It was a great film.

Message 18 of 20
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Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

Mexico, seems to becoming the land of burritos and death

The ten most deadly cities in Mexico for tourists 


And a bit of music to go with it..... 

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