Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

Dec 20, 2012….. A peaceful flash mob is attacked by mall security at the Northgate Mall in North Bay. The First Nations people were dancing a circle dance for Christmas which are wishes for peace and prosperity.



Makes me wonder about men who get a uniform and black pants with 50 pockets. Then just to add to the ‘effect’ they shave their heads. LOL


Flashmobs have been done all over the world, by many people of all ages and talents and in just about every type of location imaginable ….including malls. They have never hurt anyone. The security guard should have taken a moment and asked someone what was going on. It only lasts 11 ½ minutes.


If anyone is wondering why the short scuffle….it’s because the security guard was trying to force himself past the outer circle which protects the inner circle. It’s the same as trying to kick in a door on a church or synagogue. You just don’t do it and......... no one is going to let you!

Message 1 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

There is a time and place for everything.


If these aboriginals did not ask permission then they  should not have been there and the guard was doing what  he  should be doing.


If they  had permission then the guard was out of line.

Message 2 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

Community Member

Anyone see Buffy Sainte-Marie in the circle?

A legend in her own time!

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 3 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

'prior'  FYI it is known as a 'Round dance'


'nuvistor' since when does anyone 'ask permission' for a flashmob?


The only problem IMHO...Ignorance.


   Had these people been doing the 'Gangman style' (sic), there probably wouldn't be a problem, but seeing a 'Round dance', may have spooked the 'Ignorant'.



Don't let a little thing like fear or common sense stop ya'
Message 4 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

it is known as a 'Round dance


The circle and round dance 'seem' to be basically the same thing, but some call it circle and some call it round. Maybe it depends on where someone is from or the particular tribe. There is also another circle dance called the Ghost dance which you probably know has a very specific in meaning. I called a Native woman who also is a Native dancer (traditional) and she said this one in the video was the ‘circle’ dance. But in the end round or circle….the meaning and spirit behind the dance is the same.


since when does anyone 'ask permission' for a flashmob?

The only problem IMHO...Ignorance.


Agreed on both. Also if the flashmob had been playing anything from Beethoven to bag pipes the security reaction would have been much different. All it would have taken to solve any misunderstanding would be to have asked one of the Native people what it means and how long it lasts. Done deal….and everyone would have been happy.

Message 5 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

ACTUALLY you are required to ask permission if in a public place-it is also called be courteous to others (something a lot of people do not know)

Had they asked permission this would not have happened.

So the ONLY people to blame are those in charge of the flash mob

Message 6 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

 The security guard should have taken a moment and asked someone what was going on.


Or - the natives should have advised mall management as to what they were planning.  That would seem to be the responsible way to go about it. 

As to the security, most are wannabe cops who are never going to be more than mall cops.  They tend to have an over-inflated sense of their own importance in the scheme of things. 

As to a possible reason for the security reaction:

When I worked in retail, it was not uncommon to have shoplifters working in groups.  A number of them would create a minor disturbance or distraction while several others would do the stealing. 

Back when I was a foster parent, we used to get one or two native kids at the beginning of the school year.  Why?  Because mom or dad had sent them into a mall to shoplift clothes for school.  I have seen kids as young as six sent in to do this.  Mom loses the kids for a few days or a week.  Children's aid buys them new clothes.  Mom gets the kids back.  Problem solved. 

Message 7 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

Buffy Sainte-Marie


She spoke at my son's graduation at Western.  A remarkable lady!

Message 8 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

If it was sunny outside and high noon ......... there is always someone who would say it was pitch black.


The whole purpose of a flashmob is spontaneity and surprise that lasts for a short period of time. Some people just have no fun or adventure in their blood. 

Message 9 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

I stand corrected hereiam. It is a ‘round’ dance. Seems I misunderstood the Native dancer I was talking to.


PS…good looking Harley.


the natives should have advised mall management as to what they were planning. That would seem to be the responsible way to go about it


No other flashmobs do any notifying. Why is it in so many things …..Natives are always treated different?


it was not uncommon to have shoplifters working in groups. A number of them would create a minor disturbance or distraction while several others would do the stealing


Interesting …………..subtle insinuation. Would you make the same if it were a group of dancers flashmobing a scene from West Side Story….or a group of kids who suddenly broke out in Christmas songs, or a group of white people who suddenly started playing Mozart? Racial stereotyping and profiling at its best.


 Back when I was a foster parent, we used to get one or two native kids at the beginning of the school year. Why? Because mom or dad had sent them into a mall to shoplift clothes for school.


And ‘white’ kids and their parents don’t do that as well?

I knew a ‘white’ family who use to send their kids out to steal anything they wanted. One day one of the kids was sent out to steal cigarettes. He brought them home and the father smacked him around. Why? He had brought the wrong brand. So he sent him back to get the right brand.

A couple of years ago I caught two ‘white’ kids shoplifting at a market at Christmas. One got away but the other I held. The parent was at home but the cop didn’t believe that the parent didn’t know what the kid was doing.


Maybe you should re-think your views of ‘Native’ kids and keep it balanced by also mentioning that White kids and parents do it as well. Probably every Race does it. So maybe it would be best to just not mention it at ..all.

Message 10 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

the natives should have advised mall management as to what they were planning. That would seem to be the responsible way to go about it

No other flashmobs do any notifying. Why is it in so many things …..Natives are always treated different?

Gee I have been involved in 3 flash mobs in 3 different locations and We ALWAYS notified management what was happening-did not notify the other people but management knew what to expect and I don't care if it's a bunch of natives,blacks,white,Italians,Muslims or anything a GROUP of people doing something out of the ordinary in a crowded spot SHOULD notify management what they are doing--maybe it's just natives that think they don't have to?

Message 11 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

Which min/sec is the attack in the video ?

I skipped through the video, there was some security guards, someone pushed them to the floor, but I did not see guards attacking people, must have been very brief.

Message 12 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

Skip back through the video. You will see the security trying to get through the outer circle to get to the drummers. That's not done, anymore than a person walks in a church and stands on an altar during a service. He should have asked one of the people and none of this would have happened.


I have been involved in 3 flash mobs in 3 different locations


Just in here.


No Christmas present?

Message 13 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

You will see the security trying to get through the outer circle to get to the drummers. That's not done, anymore than a person walks in a church and stands on an altar during a service. He should have asked one of the people and none of this would have happened.

So there was no actual attack, just security trying to get through? You want to see an actual "attack", look up "G20 police assault" on YouTube.

Btw. church service is organized event at own property.

Guards "tried" to take situation under control, nothing wrong with that. They did not seem much concerned. Perhaps "attacked by security guard" brings more views for the video than "flash mob".

The singing is likable, I actually have it in background now, but I don't feel like watching the video 🙂 Those 93 dislikes are probably from people who wanted to see an attack and there is none.

I should visit this town sometimes.

Message 14 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

this was NOT a flash mob this was a flash PROTEST! and they seemed to not care that they were tasking over "santa's village or about the kids in line that they took over.


Flash mob's are NOT to be used for political protests they are to be fun /over/then gone!


Message 15 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

So there was no actual attack, just security trying to get through?


The ‘attack’ were the words used in the video. If you read the title of the tread that I put up it says “attempted’ to be stopped”. If you want to discuss the word ‘attacked’….email the person who posted the video on YouTube.


church service is organized event at own property.


Incorrect. If you haven’t seen church services in parks and on battle fields and in airplanes and on mountain tops…..then you need to look harder.


They did not seem much concerned.


The young security with the yellow vests weren’t too concerned. Bald head was. He isn’t wearing a yellow vest. Have you actually looked at the video??


but I don't feel like watching the video


Ah, so why are you commenting on something that you haven’t even watched? I wonder.


mikey………………….it is not a political protest. It is the same music and dance seen at all Pow Wows.

Here…..allow me to help you ……..again.......... A pow-wow is a gathering of North America's Native people. The word derives from the Narragansett word powwaw, meaning "spiritual leader". A modern pow-wow is a specific type of event where both Native American and non-Native American people meet to dance, sing, socialize. This flashmob was simply a short event celebrating the season with everyone.

Message 16 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

STEVE………………….it is not a political protest. It is the same music and dance seen at all Pow Wows.

Here…..allow me to help you ……..again.......... A pow-wow is a gathering of North America's Native people. The word derives from the Narragansett word powwaw, meaning "spiritual leader". A modern pow-wow is a specific type of event where both Native American and non-Native American people meet to dance, sing, socialize. This flashmob was simply a short event celebrating the season with everyone.

Doorway2Chaos                2 days ago             

This group was handing out flyers and admitted to police it was a protest in support of Chief Spence and as a protest against bill C-45. Protests are illegal without a permit, the term flashmob is being used because they round danced in protest. I agree with asking the group to disperse but not grabbing the drumstick because that is what started the violence.



I know it was racist police that said they ADMITED it was a protest!!!!!

Message 17 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

So lets see if I have this correct. One person called ‘Doorway2 Chaos says something (totally unproved) and you just runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn with it. LOL


But just to give you a moment of happiness, lets say just for the heck of it that there were Natives somewhere on the property handing out flyers. They certainly were not in the video anywhere. But even if there were……it had ……….NOTHING…..to do with the round dance.


You don’t understand the Round dance or the meaning behind it, even though I posted that it is used at pow wows. Round dances are performed as part of the pow-wow and during social occasions. Did you read that?………..Social occasions. If it was a protest….they would have possibly done a Ghost Dance.

Message 18 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

From watching  the video it is quite clear that the only   attack was the  aborginals attacking the security guard and kicking him to the ground.

Message 19 of 30
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Flashmob Native style…..’attempted’ to be stopped by ignorance

If it isn't the Muslims...it's the Natives.

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