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Welcome to a place where Christ should be exalted and "Self" should be abased!!

Welcome to a place where the BIBLE can be discussed rationally, intelligently, and positively without unnecessary argument!!

Welcome to a place where prayer can be requested and encouraged!!

Welcome to a place where positive and encouraging thoughts from scripture can be shared in a caring and loving way!!

Welcome to a place away from all the arguments, recriminations, and negativity of the outside world!!

Welcome to a place of rest and safety!!

Welcome to a place where Philippians 2:3 is practiced: "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves."

Welcome to this Christian thread.

(Please leave all aggression, bitterness, and philosophy outside the door and please wipe your feet before coming inside!!)


I live in my own little world. But it's OK... They know me Here!

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Eph.6:11.
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(((nikki))) - I thought of you this morning when they were talking about 'icy sprays along coastal areas' on the radio this morning.

((susan)) - feeding frenzy - LOL!! sounds so familiar!

back to work!
If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat.-J. Ortberg

Knowledge is not enough, we must apply; willing is not enough, we must do. - Unknown
Message 4721 of 5,136
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Hi Susan--we are really having an Advent lunch because we couldn't raise a crew to do Christmas dinner. This year we just could not get enough volunteers. Apparently not everyone wants to bake 20 potatoes and get them to the church on time! Our priest is away on sick leave too. Lunch is much easier, so that is what is happening.

I love your description of the feeding frenzy. DH and I always linger in the church after the service because we don't want to get smacked by all the wheelchairs and walkers hurrying to coffee hour. They would just go nuts over your offerings--it could be dangerous. The old dears want to make sure they get enough time to go back for seconds, and thirds. We also have several who like to put a few goodies in napkins "for later". I joke about it, but it is so rewarding to see everyone enjoy what you have brought.

I am watching the storm--I love to see these huge rolling waves as far as I can see. I am also keeping an eye on the tide--we only have an hour to go til high tide. We lost a chunk of our protecting sea grass last year, and we had boulders put at the entrance of our path to see if that would lessen the spew--so I am hoping that works. We aren't in any danger---it has never even reached the patio, but for very good reasons--mostly for environment fish and wildlife, we are very limited in what protection we can put in. So far, so good.

Keep warm and dry, everyone!
Message 4722 of 5,136
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I usually don't come into Christian Threads, but I'm very glad I did.

Nellie you posted a beautiful story, that made me bring out the kleenex.

Thank you. :-x

I wish everyone a very happy Christmas with their loved ones.

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Message 4723 of 5,136
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I followed Christine here......awesome story Nellie....:-x

Have a Merry Christmas e1.....and stay warm thru all these winter storms......here in Alberta it is -20 c.....and the wind is blowing quite hard!!!! We have had it quite good up until Monday......and then it has been hitting us very hard......lots of snow and wind....:-(

Oh well, everyday gets us closer to Spring....:-D

Hugs to All.....:-x

Message 4724 of 5,136
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I also followed Shirley & Christine into this thread....
beautiful stories and poems here,
I will be reading through this thread in the hopes
that it can help me to ease my soul and heart,
I am currantly going through some very heart breaking
difficulties within my family,
may the real spirit of Christmas fill your hearts with
joy everyone. Photobucket<
Message 4725 of 5,136
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Nellie is a very special lady:-x <>
Message 4726 of 5,136
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RedBarn: Give Psalm 122 a try. Susan
Message 4727 of 5,136
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Amen...........Its the Season to Read The Scripture John Through Romans,if you havent before.
Message 4728 of 5,136
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A timely message for all that believe:

From: Jonathan Falwell
Date: December 12, 2008

Paving the Way for the Coming King

As I write this column the Bible is being maligned and misrepresented by a growing throng that wishes to revise the unchangeable truth of God’s Word to fit their own beliefs. But the Bible remains as true and relevant today as it did when God instilled it into the hearts of the biblical authors.

And so as Christmastime approaches, I want to hearken back to a wonderful passage of Scripture in the Book of John to see how one man prepared the hearts of his generation for Jesus’ earthly ministry.

His name was John the Baptist and he was an unlikely messenger to herald the coming of the Christ. John was a camel hide-wearing, locust-eating evangelist who lived in the backwoods and had a sole purpose: calling people to believe.

Jesus’ Birth

At the onset of the Book of John we see a brief description of the incarnation of Jesus. Verse 14 tells us, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (NKJV).

Could there be any more lovely words to describe the miracle of God coming to earth in human form to provide the avenue to heaven for all who will believe? This is not a myth or a fairy tale. The Son of God, Jesus, came to earth to be born of a virgin.

And so Jesus grew and became a man. And as it came time for Jesus to conduct His earthly ministry, John the Baptist was preparing hearts in Jerusalem. Jesus did not arrive on the scene unannounced; John prepared the way.

John Paves the Way

What made John so special that he took on this task? Let’s examine some of his characteristics as we search John chapter one.

First, he was ministering and living his life above reproach to the point that people believed him to be the Old Testament prophet Elijah. John, of course, denied this, stating, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness. Make straight the way of the Lord.”

Second, he did not compromise. The movement to undermine the Gospel was also alive in John’s day, but he preached only “a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.”

Third, he was subservient, saying that he was not even worthy of loosening the strap on Jesus’ sandal. “He must increase, but I must decrease,” he stated.

Fourth, he testified that what Jesus taught about Himself is true: “He who has received His testimony has certified that God is true.”

Our Mission

I focus on John today because I see him as an example of how we should be living.

John dedicated his life to pointing to the kingdom of God without regard for self. We too need to be selflessly telling others that the same Savior who came to earth as a little baby is coming again to establish His eternal kingdom.

Christmas provides us with the perfect opportunity to talk to people about the personhood of Jesus, His purpose of salvation and His Second Coming. Be advised: this may come at a price. My fifth point about John the Baptist is this: he was later jailed and beheaded because of his uncompromising Christian witness.

As I mentioned in the first paragraph of this column, many in the so-called mainstream are attempting to recreate the Bible in their own image. Subsequently, we who believe that the Bible is a never changing text that was literally inspired by the breath of God are seen as gullible rubes.

But that’s alright. John the Baptist was not concerned with how his message was received in his culture, and neither should we be concerned. Hold fast to the words of Jesus: “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you” (John 15:18).

I encourage all believers to be bold representatives of Christ during this Christmas season, keeping the example of John the Baptist in our hearts. Let us join as one voice as we call out into the modern wilderness that Jesus is coming again. .
Life is like a mountain railway!
Backup by the legendary Jordanaires.
"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 4729 of 5,136
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Welcome everyone!

I agree--Nellie is very special. Her posts and her actions bring joy to my heart.

(((((Christine)))))Praying this is a better day for you and your family. I don't think anything hurts more than when your family is in turmoil. Praying for healing and peace for you all.
Message 4730 of 5,136
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at Christmas this thread should be at the top.
I was here.
Message 4731 of 5,136
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as a non-member of the Christian community, I too rarely post here; however I often read. Andrew you will be missed my friend, come back when you're comfortable.

As always a little respect and kindness go a long way.

Message 4732 of 5,136
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and knots, that may be true, but by my watch Christmas is 11 days away. Jesus, like every other human has but one birthday.

Message 4733 of 5,136
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I for personnel reasons have become very close to
the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Angels...
my home has many pictures, statues etc of the Sacred Heart and Angels all over it, they give me great comfort.
Both the Sacred Heart and Angels were with me and my family a couple of years ago when we almost lost my son, he had literally died and was brought back to life....it pains me so much to think about it even now, but I give thanks and praise everyday to the Sacred Heart and the Angels. Photobucket<
Message 4734 of 5,136
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Message 4735 of 5,136
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Prayers to God work wonders Christine!
Message 4736 of 5,136
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Message 4737 of 5,136
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Good evening each and all. Been away for a few days and came back for a bit to read some of the threads.

I am truly touched by the comments left in this thread. Thank you each one.

I took some time to carefully look at the tread that I considered was directed toward me last week and now realize that I believe it was aimed elsewhere ... now I feel like some kind of drama queen ... oh well life does go on.

Anyway thank you to those who care. Prayers where needed.

No matter who we are , or what we believe . We are all created equal and loved equally by our Creator.

For God so loved the world .....

:-x Andrew

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Message 4738 of 5,136
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Yahoo Andrew......I have done the same thing.....I tend to take things too personal......but......I am working on it!!!!:-D I am glad to see you back.....:-x

Message 4739 of 5,136
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Me too. Ya know, whatever yer stripe, when somebody leaves cts, they leave a print behind that can not be filled. :-)

Message 4740 of 5,136
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