Welcome to the UNSIGHTLY West Coast of Ontario

Community Member

The West Coast of Ontario we will soon be generating very expensive electricity for the GTA which in-turn will produce obscene profits for foreign investors.

So if you haven’t experienced one of Lake Huron’s world-famous sunsets, better plan a trip soon before the view changes forever!

And for those of you who frequent the area between Grand Bend and Bayfield to visit your favourite sandy beach, your beloved summer get-away, your tranquil camping grounds or your favourite golf course – - – have a good long look because the picturesque rural landscape will soon be littered by hundreds of 511 foot tall wind turbines.

Turbines will soon be popping up in fields along the Bluewater Highway (Hwy. #21) on the properties of persons whose blind greed has placed money before anything else, including their children’s future, their neighbour’s welfare, the vibrancy of their home community and the prosperity of Ontario.

The West Coast of Ontario will never be the same.

It will become another industrialized hub supplying tax-payer subsidized electricity to the GTA and producing millions of dollars of profit for foreign investors!

The Auditor-General of Ontario and the IESO (Independent Electrical System Operators) have already told all of us living in Ontario a simple fact – - – we will be paying the highest price for electricity in all of North America. We are already experiencing the highest pricing in all of Canada.

Here are a few other well documented facts from around the globe:

· Wind Turbines are very costly to manufacture, erect and maintain.

· They are very inefficient due to their reliance on the wind.

· They produce very few full-time jobs – for every one (1) green energy job created there are three (3) to four (4) lost in the private sector.

· Their one hundred and eighty (180) foot long blades wear out and are a landfill nightmare.

· Health problems will always be a factor for those living in close proximity to Industrial Wind Turbines.

· Homes will be abandoned and property values will decrease. Would you want one next door to you?

· Tens of thousands of birds and bats will die, causing significant environmental impact.

· Our fertile farm land, which has been protected for years against urban sprawl, will now have hundreds of miles of hard packed roads and millions of pounds of concrete covering it.

· The price of electricity will continue to increase and Ontario’s industry will continue to move to new locations with more affordable energy costs.

· The vitality of our local economy will suffer and tourism will be affected.

· Our Communities are being torn apart with families and family members at war with each other.

· Law suits are and will continue to be launched with lease holders as the target.

· We will continue to sell-off excess electricity to Quebec, Ohio, New York and Michigan at a cost of millions each year.

And did you know:

The wind turbine industry cannot survive on its own.

It cannot and does not produce a profit.

It must rely on subsidies from our government, a government who throws our hard earned tax dollars around with very little forethought?

These subsidies are very lucrative, and the wind energy sales teams are very slick in obtaining land owners signatures.

The next phase of this fiasco consists of thousands more turbines to be erected and the rumoured placement of these unsightly monsters in our lake.

According to Big Wind Energy and the Liberal government, residents of rural Ontario are just NIMBY’s who make up facts to help us with our fight.

But didn’t the people of Toronto kick up such a fuss about proposed turbines about to be placed in their lake succeed in having our government (about to enter into an election) cancel them?

And wasn’t there something about gas plants being built near people’s homes in Mississauga and Oakville just before that same election?

It is time to wake up and smell the rotten deals going on behind our backs and right under our noses.

Please write your MP and your MPP before we must do as the European’s are presently doing —- turning down their heat to uncomfortable levels and leaving the lights off!!




Art, should you care living in Quebec?

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
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Welcome to the UNSIGHTLY West Coast of Ontario

NORTH CAPE - A nearly $24-million project  announced here on Friday by Prime Minister Stephen Harper will allow  Prince Edward       Island to use even more wind power to produce electricity, says  Energy Minister Richard Brown.




Harper pays Liberals the ultimate compliment — and copies their Wind Power program



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Welcome to the UNSIGHTLY West Coast of Ontario

Community Member

Anytime I see such a block of prepared text, and an associated apparent independent lobby group, I have to wonder what's going on.  I mean, I've got astroturf coming out of my ears by now, I can't trust anything at all, come on.  Also, about concern for birds, if we as a society gave a real [these dingholes bleep the word craap]  about helping them, we would have done something about the hundreds of thousands killed each year by domestic cats and high-rise window strikes.  Cities are littered with dead birds constantly.

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