May 19 2021 Weekly Session

Community Member

Hi everyone - 


The chat is now open for your questions. I will work on answers tomorrow. 🙂



Message 1 of 28
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May 19 2021 Weekly Session

I totally agree, I've come close many times and only catch it at the last second when I see what it will charge me, I'm sure I've paid the fee a few times without realizing it, It's definately not in a good place

Message 21 of 28
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May 19 2021 Weekly Session

OK. Thanks.

Message 22 of 28
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May 19 2021 Weekly Session

@bunbar wrote:

Hi Tyler

I have finally started to sign up for MP but when is says to choose your bank, they are all Canadian banks, My bank is in the US and there is no link to choose a US bank, I ship 95% of my items fromNY so I need to use my US account to pay for shipping labels as well


I have a .Com and a .CA account on ebay and since ebay ,CA only allows payment in CDN dollars I have a Canadian bank account as well, but it says I can only choose one and can't change it so what do I do.?


I had too wait a whole week to ask these questions becuase I don't where else to get help 




Hi @bunbar! I'm sorry you've had to wait to get your questions addressed on this! In the future, you should be able to request a callback from a payments trained teammate from the bottom of this page, screenshot below.  


Scroll all the way to the bottom and select 'have us call you'. Note: the option may not always be present depending on current call volumes.Scroll all the way to the bottom and select 'have us call you'. Note: the option may not always be present depending on current call volumes.


As to your questions:


Your account will have to have a bank located in Canada, you won't be able to choose a US based bank account.


Your account can have a US based bank, but you will also need to provide a US based address and information 


For your account you can choose to receive payment in USD, but it will then convert all your sales on into USD when paying out (and you will need to link a USD-denominated checking account with a Canada-based bank). 

Message 23 of 28
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May 19 2021 Weekly Session

@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:

Hello Tyler,


Are ISBN's no longer applicable for creating book listings?  I tried using one after the Specific Requirement update and very few specifics were actually filled by doing so. In most cases in many of the affected categories it has just corrupted listings that were created correctly originally by just adding variations of fields that were already there making this into a gigantic project for sellers to confirm everything is accurate. We also have no way of knowing when eBay is done with a category, to confirm if listings are "safe" to repair.


Title being changed to Book Title

Publisher being changed to Author

Author filled in but is now deleted

DVD's/CD's now require the US rating system which is not a match to the Canadian rating system

Corrupted Data Example: 1960 (year) modified by eBay to 19600000



No way to accurately update listings composed of mixed lots of books/CD's/DVD's etc

Item specifics newly required show up after a listing is created. Not during.


There are several discussions on this topic on both dot ca and dot com explaining the frustrations these updates cause which eBay does not seem to want to even attempt to address. As someone else succinctly explained to me, it's like playing Whack-a-mole with eBay randomly adding new moles willy nilly.



Hi @lotzofuniquegoodies - there has been no announced change with regards to ISBNs in listings (and prefilling with catalog content). 


I will make sure to share your sentiment when it comes to the item specifics and category changes that were implemented last week. I've already asked that some kind of reminder post is made when we get close to implementations like this, but I like the idea of a 'this category is all clear' type messaging!

Message 24 of 28
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May 19 2021 Weekly Session

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

Tyler I thought that in the past I saw an email address on the .com boards where we could point out category issues directly to those who set them up.  Or is there another way for us to point out problems with search other than contacting customer service who are unlikely to be familiar with the changes?
  I know that there are a number of problems in various categories but one I noticed earlier was in the book category.  Once in the books category there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to get to specific categories such as fiction.  I was on an iPad on Safari, not in an app.

There is a short thread here about it here....

Hi @pjcdn2005 - the email address still exists! is the structured data team and they help with incorrect or wildly inaccurate item specifics (shoe size in the teddy bear category), as well as overall category issues (misspelled words, etc).


Thanks for letting me know about the books issue - I will get it to them for further review!

Message 25 of 28
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May 19 2021 Weekly Session

@retrogamersparadise wrote:

Hey Tyler,


I'm back again with more managed payments problems 😉


So I've accepted the fact that I won't be able to get USD payouts anytime in the near future as the mp is a mess with that, but now my issue is that I have never received the microdeposits. They were never sent to the bank account I initially put in so I changed it to antother account but they still haven't shown up. It's getting pretty close to the 31st (that's when my managed payments should activate) and I don't want to have any payments held and it seems like I'm going to get payments held up.


I contacted support and they said to just wait for the deposits but it says it should only take 1-3 business days and it has been close to a month now. Just wondering if you'd be able to help or give insight on whats going on with this.






Hi Cody - 

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to get you a definitive answer before, but as of the last seller check-in it was confirmed for me that once activated, there is no way to change your payout currency. Your only option to change it is to open a new account.


When it comes to the microdeposits issue I wish I could provide more assistance but this is one of those things that has to be addressed by a payments-trained teammate. You may need to ask them to file a ticket with the escalations/back office team that handles the one-off and unusual situations. Given that it's been a month that seems more than enough time for them to deposit and debit. 

Message 26 of 28
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May 19 2021 Weekly Session

@hamsterstamps wrote:

May just be me but I have now accidentally hit the "add bold" button five times in the last few months as I charge through my listings.  Usually pick up the error 5-10 listings later.  I dutifully end the listings, call support to note my error (and they always kindly refund the fees), then relist without the bold.

To me having the "add bold" select button right underneath the listing seems like a design defect.  I usually add listings using "create similar" on the website and I think where I go wrong is I usually cut and paste my title to put in the description.  Whjen I do this it is easy to accidently hit the button that is right there to add bold.


Again, maybe this is just a me thing and I need to modifiy how I do things but is it possible to put a request in to the design team to move that selection button?

Hi @hamsterstamps - oof, that's a pain in the neck for sure! I'm glad that support helps you with those listings, but it definitely seems like there's an opportunity to make it a bit less easy to select it as an option. I'll get your input shared!

Message 27 of 28
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May 19 2021 Weekly Session

Community Member

Thanks for joining the chat this week! It's now closed but will return next week. 🙂



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