Change to Store Name: How Long Does it Take to 'Register' With All Aspects of ebay?

As part of my long-term business strategy, I've changed the name of my store on ebay to align with elsewhere. 


It's a simple step, the store name change, but I'm wondering how long it takes to 'register' with all aspects of ebay including the store link page and seller info box on item listings. I'm not chomping at the bit, I still have text to alter in all the listings where my business policies and terms of sale are stated. I just wondered if anyone knew.


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Change to Store Name: How Long Does it Take to 'Register' With All Aspects of ebay?

The only thing I can suggest is change your eBay ID to McQueen-Mo-Mater-Toys or something along those lines.


Get rid of mjwl2006 completely so your name makes sense and is easier to remember, especially if you are thinking of starting your own website one day.


Your name should reflect what you are selling..... keep it clean and simple and consistent across different ecommerce selling platforms. 



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Change to Store Name: How Long Does it Take to 'Register' With All Aspects of ebay?

That's stage two. For the next 29 days, I want buyers to be able to find me under the old/existing ID. 

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Change to Store Name: How Long Does it Take to 'Register' With All Aspects of ebay?

That's good.... I guess it's another 29 days until you can change your eBay ID again and by then the Christmas season is over.

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