11-01-2013 08:01 AM
Does anybody know how is adjust on the font size on the customer invoice/address label printed in the Selling Manger. Some how, when I print my shipping labels in Selling manager, the shipping address font is half the size of the return address.
12-08-2013 12:56 PM
Does anybody know?
12-08-2013 01:24 PM
12-08-2013 06:40 PM
@mr.elmwood wrote:
Rose, I think, was having all sorts of troubles. Scroll through the threads back a couple weeks and some should be there.
Yes, indeed, that's me, here I am! I was and still am having trouble with this -- the miniscule fonts suddenly appeared in certain places a few months ago on a number of eBay pages (including parts of my invoices, my "Me" page, and others that I can't recall now). I still have no idea what the reason is.
I've tried to revise my "Me" page, input all the fonts again, it looked fine in draft, and then it just reverted. One day the whole page went back to normal and I thought - great, it's been fixed! The next day, there were the itsy-bitsy fonts again. These tiny fonts are there regardless of browser (I've tried IE and Chrome, not yet Firefox, but honestly, why should we all have to use Firefox?). Personally, although some have mentioned it might be a result of browser updates, I don't believe it's a browser issue because all of the affected pages were just fine for months prior to this summer (if not years), and I know IE had been updated regularly and frequently during that time.
I did bring this matter up with the "Pinks" in one Wed. discussion, but they seemed as baffled as I was. Frankly I don't think they believed me, or maybe they just didn't "get" what I was trying to describe. It's irritating, and probably off-putting for my customers, but I've sadly just given up on it...there are too many other issues to deal with on eBay.