Check your dashboard

If you are evaluated over a 12 month period (less than 400 sales each quarter) your dashboard now shows you the number of defects that you have received since August 20, 2013. I'm not sure if those evaluated quarterly will see any numbers yet.

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Check your dashboard

Mine hasn't switched over yet.  I'm still just getting a temporary preview (or perhaps that's all we get until August 20th?).


I certainly find it's easier to interpret than all the previous low/high percentage rates, etc.  At least this counter just goes in one direction - up.  Hopefully not for a while. Woman Frustrated

Message 2 of 15
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Check your dashboard

The preview is all we get until August 20th since we are not evaluated until then.

Message 3 of 15
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Check your dashboard

Interesting. One thing I must say do like that no matter what a buyer does as far as rating they can only account for a single DSR.

Message 4 of 15
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Check your dashboard

Yes, but I think eBay is giving us a bit of false comfort with this.  There are now many different (and new) areas that will generate defects, whereas previously we really only had to be concerned about four DSR factors. 


Personally I think the overall potential for defects (and hence an effect on seller performance) is higher now than it was before today.  Basically it means a seller really can't afford to make a single mistake with any individual buyer.

Message 5 of 15
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Check your dashboard

Hey THX for posting this, checked out mine.... both USA and Global are pretty well the same US 1.05%, Global 1.07% the causes are quite different for each the "3"s for INAD are much higher on the international (both are 0% cases resolved by ebay)... I'll have to keep an eye on the trend.....

Message 6 of 15
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Check your dashboard

We're going to have defects, sounds like they're treating us like an object that needs to be returned for a refund lol.

Message 7 of 15
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Check your dashboard

My self I don't really like the word defect being used. If the buyer pays and you ship it right away to the buyer who lives on the West Coast and I ship it from the East Coast once I turn it over to Canada Post it is out of my control over delays caused by weather, Holidays or Customs. But if the buyer thinks it should be there in 2 days  then you get a defect if you are dealing with a new Buyer.

I have fulfilled my part  and yet I can get a defect for it if the buyer thinks that it should be there sooner.

Message 8 of 15
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Check your dashboard

I agree defect has a rather negative connotation. Having said this I don't know what they should call it. My understanding is these "defects" are things that end up being deterrents in the eyes of buyers buying more stuff via eBay in the future. Ie the more things like "sold outs", misdescribed etc the buyer experiences, the more likely the person is going to look somewhere other than eBay in the future for the next thing they buy, which is something we don't want happening either. The main thing of concern to me is that the "recordkeeping" around what the real deterrents are actually reflects what is happening/deterring the buyers and not just something that is easier to measure.....
Message 9 of 15
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Check your dashboard

True enough, however human nature dictates that if a buyer is generally happy he/she will rate well across the board or not bother at all (the latter probably being more frequent). When they are not happy with a purchase, the buyer is more likely to rate and then rate poorly across the board.

Message 10 of 15
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Check your dashboard

Having a look at my preview and see three 'defects.'

Two were cancelled transactions that were perfectly legit, out-of-stock situations that I don't mind being penalized for.

The other one's a bit more bothersome. An item not received case was opened by a customer. He/she eventually received the item and everything was closed up successfully, but it still counts as a defect.

It's just frustrating being penalized for the sluggishness of Canada Post/USPS.


Regardless, these three things took place over a few hundred transactions (I'm low value/high volume), and I think it would take an awful lot to tip me into any kind of danger territory.


Message 11 of 15
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Check your dashboard

One must admit that it is kind of scary, the first time one sees the evaluation...


As the days pass we  will see things drop off... and then perhaps appear on the evaluation...



It looks worse than it really is.... mainly because they show all of the defects possible... more so if a buyer leaves something in more than one area of evaluation....


such as a buyer leaving a negative as well  low rating.... what appears as two defect is actually one counted defect for one buyer.


My first interpretation of what I see...


We should also acknowledge that ... looking back....we  had no control of what we see in relation to the new rules for defects...  in contrast to our being in control of the future.....


Message 12 of 15
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Check your dashboard

@cumos55 wrote:

One must admit that it is kind of scary, the first time one sees the evaluation...


As the days pass we  will see things drop off... and then perhaps appear on the evaluation...



It looks worse than it really is.... mainly because they show all of the defects possible... more so if a buyer leaves something in more than one area of evaluation....


such as a buyer leaving a negative as well  low rating.... what appears as two defect is actually one counted defect for one buyer.


My first interpretation of what I see...


We should also acknowledge that ... looking back....we  had no control of what we see in relation to the new rules for defects...  in contrast to our being in control of the future.....


It doesn't matter how many "areas" of the purchase the buyer has a problem with. One transaction, one defect, even if the buyer gave you multiple low ratings. At least that's how I understand the rule.

Message 13 of 15
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Check your dashboard

My wording


what appears as two defects is actually one counted defect for one buyer.


Not all of the defects shown are counted towards the actual defect rate expressed as a percentage.


I get the impression they show all possible defects....  but only count buyers who left defects when the percentage is calculated.


A buyer who left a negative feedback, also left a low rating of 3 for description.... counting as one defect towards the percentage.



Many sellers who do not understand  the definition of defect, or how a defect can be created  .....  could end up destroying their standing on eBay

Message 14 of 15
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Check your dashboard

what appears as two defect is actually one counted defect for one buyer.



Buyer should be replaced with the word  ... transaction


continuing to learn  how it is calculated...

Message 15 of 15
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