04-30-2014 01:14 PM
04-30-2014 01:36 PM
So much for the oft stated theories on "they are trying to kill auctions"
04-30-2014 01:44 PM
New deal sounds complicated to understand. I had to reread 3 times. It seems like I will be getting more free listings with the extra auctions. But categories are controlled where I can list.
I wonder if they will limit the regular free promos like this now. There are so many free promos monthly that I never use the 50 free I had on each site. Still have 20+ left on each site this month that I will not use because of this latest Fixed Price promo running at the end of the month into next month.
04-30-2014 01:44 PM
Or the other theory...."eBay is trying to get rid of small sellers".
I'm sure a few of the malcontents will figure out a conspiracy theory to go with this change.
04-30-2014 01:48 PM
So it's changing in only some categories, but the categories it's changing in just happen to be the most popular ones
04-30-2014 01:52 PM
Ooops I read it wrong, had to re-read it, the most popular categories are the ones you can still list free on lol.
04-30-2014 05:20 PM
It seems that we are in NO win situtation. Either way, eBay get $$$ regardless of what. Sad that eBay still needs more billions or even zillions of $$$.
I would think by offering free listings at any time for any categories, they get better results by getting final value fees at any time than to restrict by having too much power over us. As for too much power, yes eBay has way too much power over so many things and worst things is "DEFECT" policy coming up. Sigh!!
I have a few friends saying that they are going back to garage sales as they have full power not eBay!!
04-30-2014 08:04 PM
@pocomocomputing wrote:
I wonder if they will limit the regular free promos like this now. There are so many free promos monthly that I never use the 50 free I had on each site. Still have 20+ left on each site this month that I will not use because of this latest Fixed Price promo running at the end of the month into next month.
Same here, I barely touch my free 50 nowadays... because the monthly free fixed price promo the last few months was adequate for my needs.
04-30-2014 08:14 PM
To keep our buyers engaged, and to help ensure that new sellers and those who sell occasionally have the best opportunity to succeed, we will be making some updates to the standard fee structure (fees for sellers without an eBay Stores subscription).
^That's a big fat lie. I'm one of the occasional sellers that's getting wiped out by this.
The following categories are affected by this update, and will no longer be eligible for free fixed price listings* to sellers without an eBay Stores subscription:
- Antiques
- Art
- Baby
- Clothing, Shoes & Accessories
- Coins & Paper Money
- Collectibles
- Dolls & Bears
- Entertainment Memorabilia
- Health & Beauty
- Jewelry & Watches
- Pottery & Glass
- Sports Memorabilia, Cards & Fan Shop
- Stamps
- Toys & Hobbies
Darn, Collectibles. That's everything I sell. I can probably say good-bye to selling on eBay after this if they are not going to do monthly fixed price promos. I'm not opening an eBay store on top of my two jobs and one school lol.
Or maybe I can organize everything into auction lots and get rid of all of them at once and then be done with eBay... which is what I have been saying to myself over the past 2 years but still haven't gotten around to doing it LOL.
04-30-2014 11:36 PM
All I see is them trying to push stores... ALmost all sites charge higher listing fees for none store owners/subscribers... Amazon ebid and now ebay ....
30 cents is a little steep but amazon has some high fees too for non store owners ....
Luckily for me I am sell off most of my store and turning into a collectors store online and a wholesaler offline ...
I am tired of shipping without tracking and having an insane amount of issues with shipping and delivery times so I want to tone it down specially because as of 2 months ago my wife landed a job that almost doubled our family income ....
Time for me to sell out and slow down and enjoy more things .. Start to hunt and fish again ... Try and remember what it is like to go to the beach and relax for a day ...
Fun fun ..
05-01-2014 02:34 AM
30 cents is a little steep but amazon has some high fees too for non store owners ....
30 cents has been standard fee for non-store sellers since the last major fee restructuring, that isn't changing.
05-01-2014 07:47 AM
Take a look at http://www.ecommercebytes.com/cab/abn/y14/m05/i01/s01
eBay Restructures Fees to Revive Ailing Auctions
By Ina Steiner
May 01, 2014
The day after eBay CEO John Donahoe revealed that auctions were down 9% in the first quarter, the company announced fee changes designed to revive them. eBay is basically forcing lower-volume sellers in certain popular categories such as collectibles and clothing to list in the auction format.
The fee changes only impact those sellers who don't pay a monthly fee to subscribe to an eBay Store. The new fee structure goes into effect on May 15, 2014.
In a nutshell, eBay is taking away the 50 free listings that non-Store subscribers could use towards auctions or fixed price listings in almost any category; and instead it is giving them 100 free listings - but 50 of them can only be used to list in auction format in 14 categories including Clothing Shoes & Accessories and Collectibles. The other 50 can be used to list in auction format in any category, or in fixed-price format - but only in other categories - they can't be used to list fixed-price goods in the 14 categories listed.
That means non-Store subscribers no longer get 50 free fixed-price listings in Collectibles, Pottery & Glass, Sports Memorabilia, etc.
05-01-2014 09:17 AM
@recped wrote:Or the other theory...."eBay is trying to get rid of small sellers".
I'm sure a few of the malcontents will figure out a conspiracy theory to go with this change.
??? malcontents? Maybe you can explain how this benefits a small seller. Seems to me it adds on extra costs. Or you can just get your head handed to you and put it up for auction...... because that's a revenue generator (especially for small sellers).
It's hardly a conspiracy that ebay is trying to maximize profits. And it's hardly a conspiracy that big business lobbies for their own interest everywhere.
If you don't think that big corporations are constantly lobbying ebay for changes, well I have a bridge to sell you, or maybe auction off. 🙂
05-01-2014 09:45 AM
"ebay is trying to maximize profits."
To be fair, I think in this specific instance eBay is simply trying to put some life in their "auction style" listings. The format has been in decline for ten years and the drop is accelerating as more sellers and buyers do not want to waste time and prefer the "fixed price" buy-it-now format.
By making it cheaper for some seller to use the "auction" format, eBay hopes it will result in more auction listings.
Will it work? Quite frankly I do not think so.
The auction style online concept was a great novelty fifteen years ago. That was then, this is now. Most buyers prefer fixed price. Yet, I still use the "auction format" on some listings because we still have millions of potential buyers around the world who want to bid at "auction" thinking they get a better deal.
05-01-2014 10:08 AM
@pierrelebel wrote:"ebay is trying to maximize profits."
To be fair, I think in this specific instance eBay is simply trying to put some life in their "auction style" listings. The format has been in decline for ten years and the drop is accelerating as more sellers and buyers do not want to waste time and prefer the "fixed price" buy-it-now format.
By making it cheaper for some seller to use the "auction" format, eBay hopes it will result in more auction listings.
Will it work? Quite frankly I do not think so.
The auction style online concept was a great novelty fifteen years ago. That was then, this is now. Most buyers prefer fixed price. Yet, I still use the "auction format" on some listings because we still have millions of potential buyers around the world who want to bid at "auction" thinking they get a better deal.
no, ebay is not simply trying to put life in their auction style listings. That's not what businesses do. Businesses do not do anything unless they believe it improves it's bottom line.
I am not saying that their sole decision is to increase costs on small sellers, just to take that profit. That is an overly simplistic argument.
I am sure ebay weighs many pros and cons. This may be a way to increase auctions and increase exposure, and ultimately increase their profits, but their choice of auctions is, IMHO, another big tell.
Companies don't do things 'just because'. They do things to increase profit to themselves.
Furthermore, this Orwellian double speak is way over the top.
auction-style listings are thebest way to sell in popular categories - give me a break. Auctions are the best way to sell in ANY category. If you want something sold, put it up for $0.01 and free shipping and it will sell, every time. Never mind how much you actually get for it. I eagerly await Best Buy to start selling their laptops on ebay auctions.
To keep our buyers engaged, and to help ensure that new sellers and those who sell occasionally have the best opportunity to succeed, - riiiight. The reason why buyers aren't engaged is because they aren't interested in buying like drunken sailors for the going rate and sellers have learned their lesson that auctions mean less money. That's why they don't sell in auctions. They try and then get killed. Ebay is trying to up their auctions, and up their sales by forcing small sellers of these items into auctions. Those sellers will quickly learn the 'value' of an auction.
If ebay were really serious about just 'putting life into their auctions' they would do it across the board. But I am sure the big sellers would balk at it.
05-01-2014 01:19 PM
Auctions are too much work, you can't list the same item more than once,
Hi percentage of non payers, too much time wasted getting your fees returned and too long to repost the item.
Maybe this is the kick I need to open a store
05-01-2014 01:30 PM
This is complete garbage!
The affected categories are pretty much all that I list in and I only use auction style when I have to because there is a promo or something that lets me list stuff free in that style.
This is just another move by Ebay that will seriously hurt most small sellers.
Ebay allows the huge Chinese sellers to run rampant over all of the rules even when they are reported multiple times and we the small sellers take it in the heart over and over again.
05-01-2014 01:46 PM
I said, March 2013, with the store pricing change, that things were not gonna go good fro non-store sellers.
They tracked their metrics leading up to that change. They have tracked the metrics since then. I would surmise that those who pay to list do a different job than those who do not pay.
eBay is splitting into a caste system: store owners, and casual listers. I have always known that, as a store owner, I got better treatment from eBay. Now, they are taking options away from non-store sellers.
Seems that ebay is saying "Ya can't afford $20 for a basic store? Well, er, um, happy trails".
I do believe they want the small sellers gone.
05-01-2014 02:16 PM
@mr.elmwood wrote:
Seems that ebay is saying "Ya can't afford $20 for a basic store? Well, er, um, happy trails".
I do believe they want the small sellers gone.
Maybe I should have a store by now or maybe I shouldn't but I shouldn't be bullied into it by Ebay and that is plain and simple what is happening here. Ebay is bullying people like me into either ponying up for a store or quitting!
05-01-2014 02:21 PM
How soon they forget!!!
Do any of you people remember that way way back in the ancient times 12 MONTHS AGO........
The 50 free listings that non-store sellers received were for AUCTIONS ONLY!!!!
So let me get this straight, 50 free Auctions was great until May of 2013, then they added the option to list FP for one year, now it's going back to Auctions only (for select categories) but you get twice as many.
Yeah eBay is really evil!