Seller Central
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Since my ebay account appears irretrievably hacked, if anyone every receives a purchase from user "the*shaman", rest assured it is fake, and no payment will be forthcoming.
For the second time in a few days, I have sold an item, and then found later that the buyer has paid, but no confirmation from Paypal. Item sold around 7 p.m. last night, still no confirmation of payment. I only found out when I clicked on the send a...
I sell individual, as well as sets of magnets (4,5 and 6 in a set). When I list, should a set be considered 1 item or a 'lot' with xx items per lot. Does it matter? Thanks.
How and when does a bidder discover that he/she has been blocked? Are they unable to place a bid or even set up a bid for a later time? Are they given a notice by eBay that they have been blocked? Thanks for any info.
Hi,Just sold an item and it took 53 hours to get paid. Now, the buyer wants faster shipping because he really needs the item in by June 18...Listing clearly states the delivery method and estimated shipping date between June 20-27.What would you do?T...
I went today with a few packages to canada post, I use postage stamps. She said its not possible to ship expedited using postage stamps anymore:( Is this true? The lineup gets pretty long, is there a way to just drop off exp shipments without standin...
I sold a shirt on May 10th, posted on May 12th. However, today (June 10th), I received a message from the buyer said it's too small, wants to return it. I accept 14 days return, but this one obviously over 14 days. Can I refuse to refund? How about i...
Do you think it is better to have one day auctions... or how long should you run them for? I just did a whole bunch of one day auctions as I thought I might get better placement but there is two hours left and still no sales.
The growing trend on eBay over the last ten years has been to list and sell at fixed price instead of using the auction format. That is what most (not all) buyers seem to prefer. Now, different sellers achieve different results and much depends on th...
We are having PayPal shipping problem with "Connection Interrupted", started yesterday. Tried from several browsers and several computers, went over Java update and computer reboot with PayPal support with no effect. Anyone else seeing this? Can some...
I have a buyer who was blocked by the system for "winning or have recently bought too many of my items". The thing is, I have never had that buyer requirement checked off - people often buy many small items of mine. I have "locations to which I don't...
Hi there I'm just wondering how many seller accounts I can have on ebay and can I link them to the same paypal account? Thank you.
Hi, With the new listing creation tool, I can't create varying shipping costs anymore. When I try to create a worlwide shipping using dimensions and weight, whatever shipping service I select, it doesn't work. When I preview the item and test the shi...
I sold an item few days ago to a customer from QC. today while I was doing my routing email clean up, I noticed a customer left me an email and it was in my bulk folder The customer asked me to ship to a different address other than paypal address.Un...
this new seller dashboard is a great way for ebay to scam top rated sellers wow how engeniose,two items get stolen by postal workers or customs,at christmass time,i get two strikes againt me, one item got broke so i had to cancell the aution,another ...
Hey guys, I just started my little shop here ~1 month ago and as many of you were when you started to sell on here, I’m liking it very much but still struggling with a few issues. I would appreciate it immensely (and I'm sure many others) if you coul...
A few weeks ago my business policies (shipping, returns etc.) disappeared. I do not have the option to choose, for example, a shipping policy when listing an item. The option to edit business policies under Account is missing as well. I've read this ...
I am registered on Ebay Canada and I list on both .ca and .com and am a TRS in Canada. Do I get the 20% discount on FVF for listings on both automatically or ?. Does the absurd tracking, etc apply to .com listings to get the 20? discount on those? I ...
well went to list today and all my presets for shipping and returns where gone .... phone and yes there reverted back so now on every auction I have to put all the details in as well now my return polices defaults to no returns for every auction .......
First my customer will suffer because i am now going to be way more focused on pleasing ebay then my customers .. This happens to me 2-3 times a week and sometimes within days of shipping because they just want to ask a question and open a case inste...
I hope someone can clarify a point about defects. Cost of a small box shipped to international sites by airmail, untracked and uninsured, is $23 and with tracking and insurance cost is about $80. Say, because of relatively high value of sold item, I ...
I just had a buyer from the UK pay for shipping but chose the USA postage. Is that even possible? I checked my listing and it shows both postages so I thought it would default to the International one. It's the Shiseido blotting papers. As for my oth...
Does eBay offer certain sellers special treatment? I've noticed (when trying to do searches for stuff that I have listed to see if I can find my stuff) that a certain seller or a certain place (china) is always shown more than anyone or anywhere else...
Hi guys! I just started an eBay business / shop ~3 weeks ago. I’ve already had a few unpleasing buyers but this guy tops them all. So… I sold a fully functional used GPS with all its original accessories. 2 weeks later, I get a message from the buyer...
HELP!!!!!I had an item for sale with the option of buy it now, the buyer did buy it now paid for it and everything, after shipping item to here, she emailed me 1st time with this "Hello I purchased and paid you for the body shop fuzzy peach perfume o...
Am I doing something wrong? Here's my ebay to check out what I'm listing. On the occasional brand new or rare game I'll get 60+ but everything I'm selling either doesn't sell, or gets sold way cheaper than it's worth cause of it.My ebay username is r...
How to remove the "UK visibility" so I can save $0.50 listing fee?