Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

Community Member

Most of the time ebay works fine but when you run to an exception you often end up in one of those situations which can be needlessly frustrating because site documentation on policies and procedures as well as answers from customer service reps are conflicting. Here is a recent scenario that occurred: a buyer placed an order then subsequently asked for the item to be shipped to a different address. Fortunately, it was caught before the order was processed as it is next to impossible to get a package intercept on international first class with USPS and it can take months for a package to be returned for an incorrect address, if it makes it back at all.


If the customer is a regular, I generally have no problem with this request and ship away to the new address. Having dealt with the headaches of paypal chargebacks in this scenario previously, if the customer is a new customer I have not dealt with before I’ll advise them I will be happy to do so by processing a cancellation for the existing order and placing a new order, in keeping in line with guidance from paypal as well as previous guidance given by ebay.


The buyer was responded to within 20 minutes of the transaction explaining it was no problem to ship to their new address but I would need them to update their address in ebay and place a new order after accepting a cancellation request and confirming their refund as I am required to ship to the address on the order. The buyer subsequently followed up stating the item had been shipped to the incorrect address which was odd given that they had replied to the message I had sent them. To ensure clarity a reply was given to reiterate how to proceed with more detailed instructions in case they were unaware how to update their address and to ensure they were aware their order was being held and not shipped out to the incorrect address and how the cancel/refund process works. The buyer then subsequently left negative feedback several days later stating they had not received their item. The buyer was then again messaged explaining again the situation at which point they apologized and asked for their item to be resent.


As I have seen contradicting information posted by ebay reps on this situation and questions from others sellers regarding this I decided to test how they handle such a situation in practice. First let’s look and see what guidance ebay provides to sellers. In the below screenshots you can see a typical example of where ebay documentation is not consistent on the site. If you for search for “changing your shipping address” you get guidance stating that if you need to change your shipping address, ask the seller if it is possible to send to a different address if they have not already shipped your item. If you search for “item being sent to the wrong address” you get guidance stating that if you have paid for your item the seller has to ship to the address listed on the order details page. So far not so good. Perhaps a phone call can shed some light?


After explaining the situation to a phone rep they explained if a buyer asks for an order to be sent to a different address and does so through the ebay messaging system you are “covered” by ebay. I then asked what that coverage entails since in this scenario you are not covered by paypal if you ship to an address other than that on the transaction. I also pointed out the text on the ebay site that directs a seller to only ship to the address on the buyer’s order. I specifically asked if the buyer files a chargeback with paypal would I receive a courtesy refund from ebay since I am “covered” as the buyer provided the new address. The rep replied I would not be given a refund by ebay in this scenario if paypal refunded the customer as they cannot control a third party refunding the customer. I then asked about feedback removal, at which point they stated they could delete feedback comment as a courtesy. On to phone call two!


The second phone call proved more fruitful after being redirected to someone more familiar with this area. The customer service rep stated as a seller we have to ship to the address provided and confirmed that a cancellation request and asking the buyer to place a new order was the correct procedure to follow. I explained the contradictory advice been given by reps on the phone as well as posted on the community forums and ebay site itself. The rep again reiterated a seller should only ship to the address on the order and to follow up with a cancellation request and new order to service the customer. I inquired about negative feedback received in this situation and the rep stated the feedback should and would be removed, and that just removing the feedback comment was not the correct procedure in this case.


This is where there is needless frustration for both the buyer and seller. I can see from a buyer’s point of view how they can be confused by a cancelation request given the customer help pages on the ebay site regarding an incorrect order address give conflicting answers depending on which search terms you use. I’m fine with updated polices and changes, but those need to reflected in the documentation on site to avoid unnecessary friction between a buyer and seller. Furthermore, those need to be clearly communicated to customer service reps. There is always the potential for customer service training and experience shortfalls, so it is important that written policies and procedures are documented properly and are consistent.





Message 1 of 14
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Re: Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

doesn't happen often, but if someone wants an item sent to a different address, i would do similar to you, but i would advise they change their ship to address in paypal. that is the only place we are covered by seller protection. but yes it is a grey area.

Message 2 of 14
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Re: Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

First let’s look and see what guidance ebay provides to sellers. In the below screenshots you can see a typical example of where ebay documentation is not consistent on the site. If you for search for “changing your shipping address” you get guidance stating that if you need to change your shipping address, ask the seller if it is possible to send to a different address if they have not already shipped your item. If you search for “item being sent to the wrong address” you get guidance stating that if you have paid for your item the seller has to ship to the address listed on the order details page. So far not so good. Perhaps a phone call can shed some light?


I don't really find that those two statements inconsistent although obviously I am not looking at them from a buyer's point of view.   In the first one the buyer is told to ask the seller 'if it is possible' that they can send it to a different address. It is not telling them that can absolutely be done.  In the second statement, it is telling the buyer that the seller is supposed to send  their item to the payment address so that statement does back up the seller who does not want to take a risk and send it to another address. The sentence I have a problem with is asking the seller to redirect the package if it has already been shipped. I doubt that is even possible in many cases.


It's interesting that you say the second call was more 'fruitful' because it was the first rep who said exactly what I've been told by various reps including the ones on the US boards.....that if the buyer asks you to change the address in ebay messages and then files an inr because it wasnt sent to the payment address, the seller will be covered if there is an ebay case filed. But in this situation as in others, PP does not have the same rules so if the buyer filed a PP inr claim we wouldn't be covered because it wasn't sent to the payment address..  As far as the chargeback scenario, if the buyer filed an unauthorized use chargeback PP would cover the seller as long as they could proof that the item was shipped and/or received at the payment address. 


I realize that some of the reps are not familiar with PP rules and I can understand that but both of those reps should have been telling you what the first rep told you because that is how these cases are generally being handled.  I say generally though because you're right, everything here is not always consistent and sellers have mentioned having to talk to more than one rep to get things fixed correctly.   But I am glad that ebay does not have written in policy that sellers will be protected if the buyer asks to change address in messages.  Right now it is the sellers decision on whether or not they are willing to send to a different address but if it was written in the policy and a buyer saw that, they might be more likely to be upset if the seller insisted on cancelling the sale and doing it the 'proper' way.


I do agree that the information given in the help pages and by reps should be straight forward and simple to understand and in many cases they are anything but that. 

Message 3 of 14
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Re: Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

I understand your frustration.  There is often so much wrong with the information both sellers and buyers are given by eBay.  I tend to agree with 'pj' though that I don't find the two CS screenshots you posted completely contradictory in themselves, but they are confusing, and aren't consistent with Paypal policy and coverage.  The second one in particular is problematic in that it seems to suggest that re-directing a parcel is a simple matter.  


One thing I might add that I find a particular nuisance is that eBay Canada has not been diligent in generally keeping their policy and help pages current.  This can create clashes between actual policy and policy appearing in print on the site. 


To be honest, I'm not sure buyers often check these eBay help pages anyway.  It's more likely you just ran into a bit of a dolt who was lacking in reading comprehension and/or didn't bother to check his messages (although was quite happy to write negative FB).  This is the kind of buyer experience eBay has encouraged for the last 3 or 4 years -- grab what you want and leave.  It makes people (probably especially younger people) forget that there is an actual human being behind the sale. 


I was also thinking as I read your post that, without exception, every contact I've ever had by phone with eBay CS has resulted in at least 2 different versions of policy or advice, sometimes more!   That is, if they understand the issue in the first place.  Months ago I stopped bothering, as I found it an utter waste of time and very frustrating.  Often I think it's better to hash out a problem on the Seller Central board, as there is usually somebody, somewhere who has run into any given scenario and solved it.  Or bring it up on the Wednesday chat if it's a purely technical or policy issue. 


Not that it does much good to say so now, but I think if faced with the scenario you describe, I'd rely primarily on Paypal's policies and do what you did -- cancel and ask the buyer to change his/her address on Paypal (and eBay while they're at it) before I'd ship.  If the item has already shipped, well then the seller has a real problem.  


Fortunately this sort of thing -- buyers forgetting to update their eBay/Paypal address -- doesn't happen very often, although I have had a couple of buyers over the years ask to ship to their "alternate" address.  


Hopefully eBay will remove the negative FB you so undeservedly received. 



Message 4 of 14
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Re: Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

@rose-dee wrote:


....ask the buyer to change his/her address on Paypal (and eBay while they're at it) before I'd ship.  


A buyer can only have one shipping address on PayPal. On eBay though, you can have as many shipping addresses as you want. It's on eBay that the address can/must be changed.

Message 5 of 14
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Re: Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

Before someone buys they must identify a Primary Shipping Address on eBay.


When they buy this becomes the ... Ship to ... address.



This address becomes the address on Paypal, and the seller should only ship to this address on Paypal.


The Paypal address is linked to the eBay address.  The address on Paypal  CANNOT be changed.



There have been a few times when someone buys and then asks me to ship to a different address..


In such a situation  I make a refund on Paypal, and then send an invoice through Paypal  with reference to the new address.




In one such situation  it was felt that the buyer was frustrated, and my view... not expressed to the buyer... was they wanted to scam me.


Then .....only within the last few weeks, someone bought and asked me to  ship to a Canadian address, with a US address indicated on eBay.


This buyer had only made one purchase years ago........


They had two invoices....  the first one from eBay with the US address, and the second one Paypal with the Canadian address.   They eventually paid the eBay invoice and the parcel was mailed to the US address..


I had explained the rule with respect to Primary Shipping Address and what should have been done before a purchase was made..


Message 6 of 14
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Re: Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

@lady.stark wrote:

@rose-dee wrote:


....ask the buyer to change his/her address on Paypal (and eBay while they're at it) before I'd ship.  


A buyer can only have one shipping address on PayPal. On eBay though, you can have as many shipping addresses as you want. It's on eBay that the address can/must be changed.

I know that a user cannot add an address on Paypal that is in another country however, I did think that they could have more than address on PP. But you could be right as I've never actually tried to add another address to PP but I 'think' that I've read on the US boards about users having more than one address there.


Ultimately, it doesn't usually matter which address they have as a primary address on PP or eBay as long as they choose the address they want the item shipped to before they pay or as they are paying.  The exception would be if they are trying to purchase an item when that seller has the buyer's country blocked. I am 'guessing' in that situation the buyer would have to mark their primary address on eBay as one that is in a non blocked country.

Message 7 of 14
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Re: Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

You can have several addresses on eBay...  and then, perhaps several addresses on Paypal, as well


Once a shipping address is marked on eBay,  after a purchase,  that address is the mailing address on Paypal  and it cannot be changed on Paypal


Buyers used to buy with a specific address and than ask for the item to be shipped elsewhere...... Prevents one from redirecting a purchase to a country a seller does not ship to.


I have had buyers in a blocked country,  buy with a US or Canadian address, the Primary shipping address.  The buyer cannot redirect the parcel to a blocked country.


Such as... Someone in the UK buys a Christmas present for someone who lives in Canada.


and then... Someone who lives in Israel has a purchase shipping to a friend's address in the US... and the parcel is then redirected to Israel... forwarded to Israel by the friend....

Message 8 of 14
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Re: Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

@cumos55 wrote:

Before someone buys they must identify a Primary Shipping Address on eBay.


When they buy this becomes the ... Ship to ... address.


This address becomes the address on Paypal, and the seller should only ship to this address on Paypal.


Not really. The buyer can change it anytime he wants at the time of payment. He is not bound to use the primary address. I know, I do it all the time.

Message 9 of 14
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Re: Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

@pjcdn2005 wrote:
I am 'guessing' in that situation the buyer would have to mark their primary address on eBay as one that is in a non blocked country.


Message 10 of 14
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Re: Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

Once a buyer has paid... the Primary Shipping Address on eBay becomes the address  for this transaction on Paypal..


An address can be changed on eBay before a payment is made  or as a payment is made on eBay.


Once the payment for a purchased item is made on eBay..... the address on Paypal cannot be changed


eBay and Paypal are linked in such a manner that the Primary Shipping Address on eBay becomes  the shipping address on Paypal....  and a seller must ship to this Paypal address, or the seller is not protected should a buyer file a not received claim...  This is where tracking becomes  a factor..


If a seller ships to an address other than the one on  Paypal , a buyer can claim that the item was not received even  if tracking shows the item was delivered to the new address.  


Paypal has no way of knowing that the new address, an address other than the one listed on the transaction page on Paypal , is correct.  Paypal could conclude that the seller mailed the item to the seller's cousin!!!.... or someone else designed to scam the buyer.


There have been a few times indicated on when a new seller, of an expensive item did ship to the new address.....The address not associated with the transaction on Paypal ..... and then the buyer gets a Paypal controlled refund,  and also keeps the purchased item.  Buyer keeps the item, because the seller cannot prove the item was shipped to a "correct" address.... as requested by the buyer.

Message 11 of 14
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Re: Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

You and lady stark are both saying the same thing imo.

Message 12 of 14
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Re: Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

Yeah, I see that now. The first message was not clear, so that's why I responded. But the new message does say the same thing. Woman Wink

Message 13 of 14
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Re: Frustrations with ebay inconsistencies

I wanted to confirm that once a payment is made, the shipping address cannot be changed on Paypal


and... a scammer's view  with respect to the changing of the shipping address, was added to the discussion.


The address on Paypal is the shipping address ..... without question....and a seller is protected.

Message 14 of 14
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