Has any one else seen a alarming amount off spoof/phishing emails regarding paypal?

I have had 3 spoof emails in the last week. They have been very poorly done, for one the email name is not mine, secondly the writer of the email obviously can not speak English.  It makes no sense.


Dear member,

You just need to confirm your billing address.

If you did not confirm it until 5th of December 2015, Your account will be deactivated.


I have forwarded these spoofs to Paypal security 3 times, and they have never replied once. That concerns me, either they do not care, of they are overwhelmed with security breaches and they have no time to reply. Either way, it sucks.  

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Re: Has any one else seen a alarming amount off spoof/phishing emails regarding paypal?

Spoof@paypal.com usually does send a polite note of thanks.

Since this is automated, 'being overwhelmed' is unlikely.

FWIW, I checked my junk mail and nothing like that has appeared.


However, I am concerned about the large number of lonely young women looking for friends by sending out email requests. Surely our new government should be doing something about this growing social problem? These poor girls don't even have enough warm clothing to venture outside in our cold Canadian winters.

This is something Mark Zuckerberg's new foundation could concern itself with,perhaps.

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Re: Has any one else seen a alarming amount off spoof/phishing emails regarding paypal?

Do not trust spoof at paypal dot com


I have sent numerous emails to them, got emails back saying phishing attempts, and they were legitimate emails after I phoned Payal as I got them day after day.


If you have serious concerns, phone Paypal and speak to a rep.

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Re: Has any one else seen a alarming amount off spoof/phishing emails regarding paypal?

It is really easy to tell. If your real name is not used in the email then it is fake. Point at the hyperlinks in the email (don't click them) and your browser will tell you the url (address) of the link. If it says something else that does not start with www.paypal.com then it is fake.

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Re: Has any one else seen a alarming amount off spoof/phishing emails regarding paypal?

paypal has sent out legit emails with no name, so that isnt an indication.  Hovering over the link and seeing where its going will work, but be careful of it being very close, eg a one for an L, or paypal with additonal characetrs.  If you switch to gmail you'll likely never see a fake again they do such a good job of diverting that dtuff to spam folder

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Re: Has any one else seen a alarming amount off spoof/phishing emails regarding paypal?

@mapleleaf-collectibles wrote:

I have had 3 spoof emails in the last week. They have been very poorly done, for one the email name is not mine, secondly the writer of the email obviously can not speak English.  It makes no sense.


Yes, more than the usual number.  I had five this past week.

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Re: Has any one else seen a alarming amount off spoof/phishing emails regarding paypal?

I also get them all the time!

My rule is simple, I never click on any links in any email messages from any of the places I deal with.

If it looks like it is even possibly real, I go log onto the actual site (PAYPAL, my bank, Rogers or whoever). If there really is a problem, it will be visible when I log into that site.

Only one time has it ever been "true" and in that case it was a PAYPAL bill (invoice) for "tax consultation" or something for $50. I was very much surprised when I logged into PAYPAL and lo and behold there was an actual invoice in there for $50 (anyone can send you an invoice if they know your email id). So on that one I called PAYPAL to let them know someone had an ingenious way of duping folks not paying much attention into paying them $50. They were quite happy that I called.

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