Help needed with a huge mistake!

Ohh boy I messed up! I sold something and I went to prepare to ship and could not believe my eyes as to the error I had made with the shipping! Instead of 10.95 I made a huge mistake and wrote 1005.00 Yes I am horrified : ( I am even more in shock that the customer actually paid the whole amount. This is a low ticket item. I certainly want to refund but am still miffed as to why the customer or any customer would pay that amount. It was totally an oversight on my part and I need to make it right. I called paypal and asked if I refunded and if ever by any chance that the payment would not be accepted for any reason would this refund come out of my own pocket. They said it was in my account as gone through. I guess because I am miffed at the payment itself I want to make sure that I do not refund the amount and then find out the the payment was on hold or not approved etc. When the amount is in your account does this mean that the monies are there and no charge back etc could be made? Would it be best to just cancel the whole transaction . Would this make it safer? This ever happen to anyone. And do I automatically get my fees back once I refund. This ever happen to anyone! I am beyond myself! : (

Message 1 of 14
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Re: Help needed with a huge mistake!

Wow, are you serious ... someone paid a 1,000 dollar shipping tab?

If so, it must be an error... maybe they don't even realise they've paid that yet.

If PayPal lists a phone number I think I would probably give them a call and find out what happened.

Definitely wouldn't issue a refund from PayPal. Whatever you do keep it all within the eBay system.

Message 2 of 14
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Re: Help needed with a huge mistake!

i don't see anything in your sold history that shows a big shipping fee..  But the buyer can only pay what you have invoiced them, so if you received a big payment in paypal, you will have to contact them, as well as ebay, to make sure you get all your fees back , for the mistake..  also contact the buyer, as well.. let them know of the mistake...



And yes you may want to cancel it all and start over..

Message 3 of 14
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Re: Help needed with a huge mistake!

If you are able to talk to them on the phone ask them to go logon to their ebay purchases page and request a refund.
Message 4 of 14
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Re: Help needed with a huge mistake!

Sorry... obviously intended to type CANCEL instead of refund.
Message 5 of 14
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Re: Help needed with a huge mistake!

I called ebay and they went through it with me and said the refund would have to be done through paypal. I called paypal once again and they verified once again the the money was indeed hold or anything as such. They helped me do the refund while on the phone with me and now shows the proper balance. I messaged the buyer through ebay and paypal. I just wanted to do what is right. I asked her what if the payment from the buyer would suddenly be refused etc etc and she said no as the money was fully there and there was no hold of any kind on it and that since I was refunding right from the purchase invoice I was protected. Gosh I hope I do not find any surprises down the next few weeks. : (

Message 6 of 14
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Re: Help needed with a huge mistake!

With a refund there can be a delay if the original payment was made with a credit card. I had this happen once in the past. Took the customer almost a week to receive the refund, but once it was processed everything was fine. And it was only for a few dollars.



Message 7 of 14
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Re: Help needed with a huge mistake!

Better being honest, a lack that sometimes Ebay users have.

Message 8 of 14
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Re: Help needed with a huge mistake!

Absolutely! Keeping the money never entered my mind. It just would not be right! I just wanted to insure that once I refunded there was no hidden reason that I could end up paying from my pocket such as some sort of scam we have all heard of at point in time. I guess I could not understand how the buyer did not see that. It was a large amount....had it been dollars I would of not blinked for a second to refund. I did it and sent messages and added a note in the packing slip. Karma always has a way of making it's rounds so ..... : )))

Message 9 of 14
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Re: Help needed with a huge mistake!

Maybe someone already mentioned this, but if you just issue a partial refund for shipping you might get stuck with FVFs for the whole payment.

It might be better just to cancel the transaction and start from scratch.

Message 10 of 14
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Re: Help needed with a huge mistake!

Yes, I would also cancel the transaction (which would initiate the refund) and start from scratch.

I wonder if the buyer was drunk or half asleep when they paid $1000 instead of $10 for shipping...
Message 11 of 14
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Re: Help needed with a huge mistake!

Or the item was in a cart load and they were auto-logged into PayPal.
Message 12 of 14
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Re: Help needed with a huge mistake!

I once had a buyer put in a best offer of $4,000 on a $1,000 item which was successful. (I don't know why eBay wouldn't put in a message saying you are offering more than the original amount)

Buyer thought they were bidding Yuan (they were in China) and not US$.

People seem to not notice a lot of things......
Message 13 of 14
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Re: Help needed with a huge mistake!

Lol! Well $4000 RMB offer on an $1000 CAD is not a bad offer, depending on the exchange rate at that time (now it's $766 CAD). What did you ended up doing?
Message 14 of 14
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