Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

Last week I had the joy of dealing with another non paying bidder.


I had 2 auctions both for a pair of memory cards for the old Nintendo GameCube video game system. Within the first day or so I had one bidder bid on both auctions, the $9.99 starting bid, Great!


A couple days later one of the auctions jumped up to $15.50 and stayed there. Then closed. The first bidder paid for his memory cards. The second bidder, with 3 feedback sends an email, I found a better deal today in a buy it now auction and it has already been shipped. I am not sending payment for the memory cards. After a few choice words my mother told me not to ever say, I messaged him back explaining to him that this wasn't how eBay works and that he should have retracted his bid, blah blah blah.


So the kid started arguing with me and I explained that in 4 days a dispute would open so that I could get my money back for the fees and that I am a disabled person who uses eBay to supplement my income and every penny counts. He told me to get lost and have a nice disabled life He wasn't paying and he didn't care. eBay couldn't do anything to him.


I have reported the message to eBay and I have also reported the member to eBay as being racist. I know eBay has their buyer can do no wrong policy and will think that giving me my fees back will be sufficient. Do you think anything else will be done to this disrespectful member? I didn't ask to be disabled nor did I ask to have this kid talk to me in this manner. This "Pepsi Generation" just has no respect.

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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

eBay regularly purges people like this. They try to log on and no account. You just never hear about it. There was a purge last fall.

Message 2 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

Kids are kids ...


Did they insult your disability and did they just kinda saying like I here to buy products not hear about your problems ? ....


I am a very personal person and like you I would of said the same thing but like I have come to find out sometimes not all the time .. People don't care they just want the product and even though it irritates me what can I say or do as it rings true they are just here for products no sympathy ...


DO NOT TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY .... I personally feel for ya I am just stating the nasty truth 😉


Hopefully they take him down but I really see no reason for them to do anything more then give the buyer an unpaid case ...... Hopefully ebay spanks him for not having respect and manners buit I doubt it ..

Message 3 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

Fortunately I'm not closed minded and I see where you are coming from. Although how I was brought up, making fun of someone's disabilities being physical, mental, or otherwise is a no no and totally wrong and could be considered a form of racism. I learned all about racism and it's penalties when I was 9yrs old and moved from a small town in Ontario to Brampton. I walked into my first day of grade 4 to find a African American teacher. About the 3rd day of school I called the teacher the "N" word, being from a small town and never seeing one before, I found out all about racism in the principal's office when the police were called. Think what you may but the way I was raised, telling me to have a nice disabled life IS a form of racism.
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

I should also add the last couple days this kid has been taunting me by sending messages saying "I'm still on eBay".
Message 5 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

Wait not sure if I am the closed minded person here but I do not see an insult ..


What I see if seller told buyer I need the moneyit's important I am disable (Short Form )


Buyer Said have a nice disabled life... So I do not see any real insult and the meaning is  left to our imaginations ...


Although I find what the buyer said was Rude and maybe uncalled for to me I read it the buyers stating .. I don't care about your personal life....



Don't take me wrong kid deserves a swift %&%$& but an insult who knows if that was an insult maybe the buyer was insulted that he had to be dragged into someones personal life when all they wanted was a product I know when I tell buyers my personal issues some sure come off like that ...


We all may think the kids a you know what but to me this whole things is Maybe an insult maybe not you read between the lines and form an opinion but ebay with not speculate the person would have to make a direct insult to be taken down for something like that...


Either way I am on your side but do not want to be looked at as if I am close minded or ignorant .. I Agree but I am just saying ..

Message 6 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

I think I chose my words wrong there. I apologize. I didn't mean that you were close minded. There is also more to the story. I summed it up. I guess to be fair to you I should have cut & pasted everything but I don't think I'm allowed to do that. This kid ment what he said in a vicious manner. I sent eBay all of the messages. They included messages where he simply just called me an  and messages where he offered to purchase other items I had for sale. This kid was just too much. I normally wouldn't bother but this one really bothered me & I have lots of time on my hands.

Message 7 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

ya see I agreed with you before but was giving the other side prespective because I have had many personal challenges and like I said 90% of my customers were great but I had that small percent that as politley as possible told me they don't care give them there stuff nowwwww....


I see now with a few other things said it was very obviously an attack and an insult and I hope ebay does get rid of him because as far as I am concerned there is not place on ebay or anywhere in Canada for people like that

Message 8 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

Did you report via "Report a buyer"? And have you opened an Unpaid Item Dispute?

Message 9 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

I would report that, No need for that kind of message.


I have had some buyers accuse me of having Brain Damage, funny thing, they were probably accurate with that statement.

Message 10 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

Yes I have reported via the report link and I have opened a dispute also.
Message 11 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

Each and every one of us that sells on eBay or elsewhere on the internet has an image based on how we communicate and how we present ourselves in a listing.


Only with a local pickup does a buyer see us... and many sellers do not like to have a  local pickup... in part  because they want to preserve an internet image... and in part they do not know  what to expect of a buyer with a local pickup.


Buyers do not have to know who we are.... How old ... male or female  or anything else about each of us.


Show any weakness and a buyer  might do as we have seen here..


There are people out there that will take advantage of a seller and attack them ... mainly because that is how they have learned to be in control 


The key to selling on the internet  is to establish a persona... through the words, and how we put those words together, in communications with buyers.... 


Does anyone really know me?... Sometimes  I wonder if I know myself












Message 12 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

eBay provides a forum of being anonymous. That encourages the bottom feeders of society to take advantage of it. I had the great fortune of working in liquor stores for 35 years. My hide is so thick an elephant won't bring me down.

You got hurt by the slightest of things, name calling. You let it bother you. Simply put, you cannot let it bother you. Easy to say.

I have mental tricks that I use on myself. Scares me that I can do this. I can make myself forget things. Perhaps BB and I share the same brain damage?

Richard, it was about seven years ago, I got one back for all of us. I was at the PO and a guy was yelling at the clerk. Threatening her. She was a wee lass and he was a large fellow wearing a company outfit driving a company truck. After threatening the clerk and me he left.

I went home and phoned his employer. His employer went to that PO and personally apologized. He also said he had fired the offender that day because of his actions.

Yeah, the very type of person who attacked you, I got them fired from their job. It does happen.

Like I always told my employees, that type of person is like that to everyone. They tick off the bank clerk, gas station attendant, grocery cashier, insurance agent, are involved in road rage, pay premium rates for car insurance and drivers license because they are always in trouble.

Do not respond to them. They will drag you down into their lair of stupidity and beat you with years of experience.
Message 13 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

you had only one? lucky you lol....i find it better on ebay than it once was...surprisingly.....i used to have rude comments often because of difference of opinion........i guess we have to deal with the fact it is a sign of the times and how big of an issue is it really after all...however harassment should not be condoned and there are appropriate actions...hopefully Ebay takes these matters seriously

Message 14 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

, I messaged him back explaining to him that this wasn't how eBay works and that he should have retracted his bid, blah blah blah.


Which is the kind of message that you type out. Read. Correct the spelling and grammar.

And then delete.

As you now know.


You ran into a punk kid who gets off on bullying anonymously. But you are an adult and, with the sympathy for such rude conduct, you have supporters here.


File and complete the UID, The punk gets a UID for non-payment.

If this is the second time he's done this, he will find he is Blocked by thousands of sellers. Especially in the volatile categories that this type inhabits.

'Enough' Strikes and eBay bounces him.


He won't even see it coming.


Mwah ha ha haaah!




And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic low life community. - Captain Malcolm Reynolds.

Message 15 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

Many people do not understand the effect of an unpaid item dispute,  or their being put on a Blocked Buyer list.


Suddenly they are blocked left and right  ... and then it hits them right between the eyes....


Cannot buy.......




My best situation was a buyer who one week after purchase, they emailed me....


I received an email effectively saying if I did not tell them when purchase would arrive I would get negative feedback...


I told them when it would arrive... and about one week later  I got positive feedback.


I emailed and explained to them that that email with a threat of negative  feedback was not appropriate....


They wrote back  and expressed in most dramatic and unacceptable terms  about their right to do so..


Needless to say  I had already  blocked them



But... and this is a good but.... I suspect they bought something from me about a year later, but with another  ID....  all meek and mild...


They had learned something... perhaps.  but most likely not...


People who walk around with a baseball bat... will always look for a way to use it

Message 16 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

A few years ago I sold some of the same jewellery on this and a second id.  I had a big problem with one buyer.  I can't remember all the details but she complained about the items she received and my descriptions and sent some nasty emails.  I think she was ticked off because she had just received 2 negs from one of her buyers (she had terrible FB) and vented her frustration on me by leaving me 2 negs.  I immediately blocked her.


Funny thing is, I blocked her on this id too.  It wasn't long before I received a message from her asking why she was not allowed to bid.  She was trying to bid on the same items she thought so dreadful on the other id.  I had the great pleasure of telling her that I watch the FB of my compeititors carefully and, since she had left what I thought was undeserved negative FB for my competitor (me) I had blocked her.  If I remember correctly she was NARU'ed not long after that incident....I'll have to back on that id and check it out.  She never did know that I was the same person.


Sometimes revenge is sweet!

Message 17 of 18
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Re: Insulted by Non Paying Bidder because I'm disabled. What will Ebay do?

Yes for sure sometimes revenge is sweet. I am a very firm believer in karma so we will see what if anything happens through eBay.

Message 18 of 18
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