Today when I went to Yahoo finance to check the price of the Canadian dollar (yayyyy I scored about a half a cent "profit" by cashing before they got their rates adjusted higher!) at the top in the advertising bar was an ebay ad that said something like:
"eBay nice find now seal the deal" on the left
a recent item that I had looked at in the middle (the primary picture and the title)
something like check it out again or more on the right which was a link to the item (I didn't write the right hand text down)
I thought it was worthwhile to mention this, that's the first time I've seen that ad, and I think it is good, may just make the odd person act on a watched item!
(PS in my case it was moot, it was one of my own items, a completed one that I had just relisted this morning! 🙂 )