03-30-2013 03:30 PM
I may be missing something, but on checking a parcel rate today I could not find Light Packet Air listed with the other services to the U.S. I thought it was only the Small Packet surface services that were being discontinued.
I use (used!!) Light Packet Air frequently to the U.S. for lighter, less expensive items because the rate wasn't much more than lettermail. With it I could give my buyers a break on shipping as well as save myself time and effort. If this service is now gone too, I am howlingly disappointed! :_|
My only online option for items under 500gm/under 2cm thick appears to be Small Packet Air at $7.60 to the U.S., but I can't possibly charge $7.60 shipping on a $10.00 item. I suppose I'll have to start licking stamps and traipsing to the Post Office.
Does anyone have any clear information on the fate of Light Pkt Air to the US?
Anyone know for sure if this service is still available internationally?
03-30-2013 03:44 PM
Light packet (USA) is still available if your parcel meets the minimum/maximum dimensions and weight does not exceed 500g:
03-30-2013 03:46 PM
On the other hand, I do not think Light Packet, like lettermail or letterpost, has ever been available for postage purchase online through PayPal.
03-30-2013 04:16 PM
Light packet is not available on line. That is a PO only item. Probably because they need to verify thickness.
03-30-2013 04:20 PM
On the other hand, I do not think Light Packet, like lettermail or letterpost, has ever been available for postage purchase online through PayPal.
Hi Pierre - yes, Light Packet Air has been available for quite some time for online labelling. I've used it frequently, just last week in fact, with no problem.
However, I wanted to double-check the rate on this particular parcel before preparing my online label. On entering my buyer's destination (U.S.) and parcel size/weight on the Cda Post website "find a rate" screen for parcels, the results, very oddly, did not include Light Packet. Usually it is listed there, with the rate, etc. shown, below Small Packet.
This is an item that I've always shipped by Light Packet, well under 500gm, and the packaging meets the dimension criteria. I think I'm just going to try processing my Paypal label and see what happens on that site. Maybe Cda Post is in the midst of updating their site and missed something?
Further report to follow once I've tried the label...
03-30-2013 04:31 PM
Well, I just checked Cda Post's service guide on their website, and Light Packet has disappeared from there too. It was always listed below Small Packet. Very odd.
03-30-2013 04:41 PM
Under the "Personal" section on Cda Post (i.e. not the Business or eBay pages), I finally located a price/service table:
It is nowhere to be found on the Business portion of the site. I'll bet they have quietly discontinued Small Packet Air for eBay users without informing anybody. This will make a serious difference in my shipping costs and my time -- no more LtPkt labels from my computer.
Perhaps this service was one of the necessary victims in order for Cda Post to offer Tracked Packet. What a shame!
03-30-2013 04:44 PM
Light packet (USA) is still available if your parcel meets the minimum/maximum dimensions and weight does not exceed 500g:
Pierre, I see this link is dated Jan. 14, 2013. I shipped out 2 parcels last week via Light Packet using online labelling, so it was still there as of March 22nd. Something has happened since then.
03-30-2013 05:37 PM
Check the link I sent you again..... go down the page to #3
03-30-2013 05:39 PM
Reporting back...
I've just processed 2 online labels for Light Packet (one to Europe, one to U.S.) and they went through as usual, same economical prices.
I'm beginning to think someone at Canada Post hit the wrong button, intending to delete Small Packet Surface, and instead removing Light Packet Air. Maybe in a hurry to start their Easter long weekend? 😐
03-30-2013 05:50 PM
Check the link I sent you again..... go down the page to #3
Hi again Pierre. Yes, I see that Light Packet is shown on that screen, but I think something has changed very recently.
I don't mean to belabour the point, but I've tried entering the details of the online Paypal label I just printed (which went through as Light Packet), and here are the search results in the "Calculate a Rate" section of the Canada Post shipping zone on eBay:
You'll see that Light Packet service details and charges (should be the $5.53 which I just paid) are not shown. Last time I checked a rate (last week) they were there. Very odd -- something has occurred in the past few days.
I'll be checking this from time to time and would appreciate any other seller's input if you find Light Packet suddenly becomes unavailable through Paypal/Canada Post online labels.
03-30-2013 05:53 PM
I am confused. It starts happening after you receive Old Age Security cheques from the federal government.
Are you printing your labels and buying your postage from the Canada Post website?
or from PayPal where a discount is available on some postal services?
03-30-2013 06:03 PM
I'm confused too, although I only get CPP, not yet OAS.
I'm printing my labels as I've done for years -- through the eBay "Sold" screen, flow through to Paypal, log in, fill in details for Canada Post label, pay through Paypal. There never has been a discount on the lower service levels (Light Packet/Small Packet), only on Expedited and Xpresspost, and soon (as I understand it) on Tracket Packet.
The discrepancy is on the Canada Post informational screen accessed through eBay's "shipping" tab - for some reason, the details for Light Packet are no longer shown. Last week, and for months, if not years prior, they were. This is why I'm wondering if it's a website error or if there's another quiet little change in the offing.
03-30-2013 06:05 PM
Ya don't need to be gettin' gov't cheques to be confused. The biggest thing I wanted out of retiring was to get rid of life's "haftas". Apparently I threw away the concept of I "hafta" think first.
03-30-2013 07:34 PM
"The biggest thing I wanted out of retiring was to get rid of life's "haftas"."
Good Luck with that! 🙂
03-30-2013 07:47 PM
I think Pierre & I lost our "don't haftas" to our lovely ladies many years ago..
I think that was what I am supposed to post.
Give me a moment, I'll check.
03-30-2013 08:12 PM
The LIGHT PACKET is available to USA and to other countries.
But for some reason we can not find prices on the CP's site.
I called them, young man confirmed prices, he was surprised about the absence of the rates on the site and promised to refer this flaw to management's attention.
The story is about one month old... nothing has been updated or changed.
Rates for LIGHT PACKETS are in CP's booklets.
03-30-2013 10:08 PM
It is on the Canada Post website but it's hidden.
Click on USA, then Small Packet
Small Packet and Light Packet are listed there.
03-31-2013 07:33 AM
"Rates for LIGHT PACKETS are in CP's booklets."
That is part of the problem. The Canada Post "January 2013 Postal Prices" booklets (T455151 (13-01)) available at all postal outlets had the WRONG information.
03-31-2013 08:25 AM
This is true, but I received the booklet with corrected info at later date