Mulitple items listed with similar specifics, lowered visibility experiment

You may recall discussion in thread(s) a while ago and the original blog (video) where it was pointed out that the search algorithm demotes items that have similar item specifics listed at about the same time.


I generally sell stuff that has the same item specifics (items of different sizes/counts for example) and this most certainly was observable in terms of view counts. I mentioned in a different thread that generally the most views are on the most expensive item, regardless whether it was listed first, last or in the middle and the rest have relatively very few views at least until the final hours.


So I've embarked on an experiment. For what I sell, there are a lot of optional item specifics that really I don't think matter, an example would be the era they were issued, colour or something else, and I've almost never used them.


However I've noticed that I can pick some optional specifics (despite the valuelessness they have in my opinion) and put values in to make them look "different" perhaps to the bots, from the other items, at least that's the hope.


I'll watch the views closely and report back when I have news.


If others have already done this experiment, I'd be interested to know observations/results.

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Mulitple items listed with similar specifics, lowered visibility experiment

Appreciate you sharing your experiments as I've seen them several times. As diverse as the items we sell are it is always nice to hear others insights and what works/makes a difference for people.

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Mulitple items listed with similar specifics, lowered visibility experiment

Early results are that it does in fact appear to make a difference!


I am seeing more "consistent" view counts for similar items listed at the same time, however sometimes it is tough to say whether a "dissimilar" one is because there isn't as much general interest amongst those it is presented to.


Over time I will have better test cases, whereby I have several "sized" groups I can list all at the same time.


Some of my categories do not have many required or optional specifics which was making things hard until I (re)discovered you can make up your own! That has helped and they also appear to appease the search bots too.


So I think it is safe to say it looks like it is worth the effort, I do not have enough experience nor observation to be definitive, but it might be worth experimenting with on your stuff, I would be interesting to know any other experiences out there!

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Mulitple items listed with similar specifics, lowered visibility experiment

Continuing experimentation is consistent in that changing up the item specifics seems to make the searching/visibility results better, even if they're personalized (ie I've created them) specifics.


Probably not awesomely better, but better enough to be worth the work.

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