Payment Pending/ Transactions should be NA not USA

Community Member

I am a seller that is just starting off  and is very discouraged because I sell 95% of my products in Canada and for the pending payment lift I have to sell 25 transactions to the States which could very well take awhile which to a seller in Canada that sells primarily to Canadians I dont think it is fair what so ever. I believe Ebay should eventually switch this to North America instead of just the States . I dont think it is fair that Canadian Sellers that deal primary in Canada should have to wait because they have already proved themselves already..


Any help would be awesome

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Re: Payment Pending/ Transactions should be NA not USA

Any good business person starts with operating capital that covers time and expenses. That will cover you until you get beyond your limits.


FYI, Canada does not exist as per eBay. We are called "adjacent market".

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Re: Payment Pending/ Transactions should be NA not USA

Community Member

I am sorry but I believe you are mistaken.


 Yes, you may have new seller limits, and yes there is a payment hold until you have over 25 successful transactions, but its not country/location dependent.  Infact  that 25 successful transactions is just part of the 3 points that NEED to be met.  Once met, they lift the 21 day hold automatically.  (trust me I know earlier this year I had the limit lifted, and I dont have 25 sales to the US)



  New seller status ends once you've met all the following criteria:

It's been more than 90 days since your first successful sale.

You've completed more than 25 domestic sales transactions.

You have more than US$250 in total sales.


That was copied from


of course, if you have a below standard DSR you will have holds/limits placed on you as well.   After taking a look at your listings, you sell a lot of low end items. Takes a lot of $2 -4  sports card transactions to meet the $250 US selling threshold.


  So aim for more items, with a higher yet fair price that will move,  give great customer service and you should have those limits/holds lifted in no time. (assuming you dont have another account tied to this one with substandard ratings)


hope the info helps.



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Re: Payment Pending/ Transactions should be NA not USA

Community Member

hoppy I have all my limits to where they should be over $350 in sales between Can/US more than 25 trans actions been on E-bay since January and a perfect record plus I CALLED E-Bay and they said it had to be US transactions. Inuk I have no problem with that it is just annoying.....

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Re: Payment Pending/ Transactions should be NA not USA

Starting a business is full of annoying.


Sell a bunch of stuff and get past the start-up procedures.

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Re: Payment Pending/ Transactions should be NA not USA

Community Member

wow jr.. thats gotta be a new one, because I know I am registered on .com, but list on .ca and have less than 20 to the US, but have  over 30 globally. And the limit was taken off after my 25th overall transaction cleared (and that was to a C Canadian location, but not 25 within Canada)   I know I am still a new  low numbered seller,  and I just was saying what I have read, and more importantly what I have experienced. therefore it makes no sense to me, unless its a new ebay policy *shrugs* maybe others know more.


 I wish you all the best in your ebay experience!

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Re: Payment Pending/ Transactions should be NA not USA

Community Member

yeah I have no idea. Yeah I read everything to prior and still a little wierd

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Re: Payment Pending/ Transactions should be NA not USA

Community Member

Interesting.....  I hope this makes someone go huh? So upon further reading and comparing the phone call I made the other day to E-Bay contradicts..... In the new seller limits it says 25 domestic sales does it not....... I live in Canada and when I sell My domestic shipping is for Canada not the US so why does E-Bay tell me It has to be 25 US?

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