Price Matching your own prices ?

Are we required by some regulation to price-match own price for completed orders ? I don't think we are ...


There is a first for everything. A customer, online merchant - big business, already received order and now demands credit because my today's USD prices are lower than week ago when she placed it. Comes whooping to $2.67 difference on $300+ order, she even took time to list all 8 lines, quantities and prices in email and sum it 😛 She sent email and left voice-mail. Stunning 🙂

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Price Matching your own prices ?

If I sell a book and then list another copy.


I either leave the price at the sold price or I raise it for the newly listed book.  .


If I plan to put a lower price on the newly listed book....  I list at the sold price...  and then revise to a lower price after about 6 months....


No conflicts have ever occurred

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Price Matching your own prices ?

eBay started out as an auction site... Everything sold at auction.


Then came fixed prices  and stores....


Although auctions are still promoted...  fixed price as Buy It Now  is the future...


Selling at auction in many categories  has become a gamble.


Successful sellers at auction know what will sell, and  have learned how to do it in today's eBay.

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