What do you guys use to print shipping labels? Dymo LabelWriter 4XL?

Hey guys!


I'd like to find a more economical way of printing shipping labels.


Which would be more convenient are more economical in the long run. But would Canada Post / PayPal shipping labels be compatible with it?


Does anyone here use such a label printer? Otherwise what works well for you?

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What do you guys use to print shipping labels? Dymo LabelWriter 4XL?

Seems to me that there is a lot of money being spent for something that one does not really need to spend any money on in the first place.


If I am shipping something to the US of A, I get the local postal outlet to print it out for me. How you ask?


First, don't us this new shippo, it just ebay trying to get you hooked before they start charging you for using it.


Canada Post has a website were you can do it all for free.


Once you have calculated the shipping cost, simply click on the link to fill out the customs form.


Once you have the form filled out don't print it, email it to yourself, preferably to an email that is linked to your cell phone and you computer. Gmail works great and it's totally free!


All you need to do then is go back to the auction that you have sold, look up the 'view order details' listed under 'more actions' which will show the buyers shipping address.


Simply copy and paste it to a email and save it as a draft, preferably with the subject line filled with a short form of the title of the auction (so you can find it if you are doing multiple ships at one time)


Then take your package(s) to your local postal outlet, once there you will need to bring up your saved email draft which has the shipping information for which ever piece you are sending.


As the person there has to input that information into their system anyway, it does not matter where they read that information from and they can read it from your cell phone just as easy as they can from the box.


Once that is done, go to the email that you got from Canada Post that was for the customs docs, it will have a bar code that they will scan, and it will print off the customs doc in a 4x8 sheet that will also have the shipping information on it, as well as the postage.


They will get you to sign it, with their pen, then they will fold it for you and put it in a see thru shipping envelope and attach it to the box.




It is all done, you don't need a felt pen, or waste your time writing it on the box. You won't need to fire up your printer, wasting paper and ink.


It is up to you, as to how many items you ship in a day, if you want to try and juggle all that information on your phone, but if you are only doing 1-2-3 pieces a day every other day, you can save yourself some money..


..as Canada Post has all this that you can do for free!! without having to sign up there or for this new hippo **bleep**..


..You can also do the same thing for domestic shipping in Canada, simply by emailing the postage to yourself as opposed to printing it and again take it to the outlet and they will scan the bar code and print it for you.


If it is a question of cost and payment for that shipping cost, simple, pay for it now, and take it out of your paypal. It will all balance in the end.


Simple, and it is free..!

Message 21 of 29
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What do you guys use to print shipping labels? Dymo LabelWriter 4XL?

Hlmacdon, that's a bit extreme don't you think? I'm sorry but I will always advocate for the underdog. I post what i feel is beneficial to advance the interest of the hardworking little guy on the eBay community; I have no interest in policing/protecting the millions/billions$ interests of giant corporations/entities/politicians. So arrest me under Section 380 of the criminal code for, not profiting a cent on this, but rather saving my customers a few dollars. Maybe you'll get lucky and I'll get the maximum 14 year prison sentence for my immoral & criminal act.

P.S. Are my eyes seeing things or is your location listed as USA & your account showing zero items for sale? Haters gonna hate...
Message 22 of 29
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What do you guys use to print shipping labels? Dymo LabelWriter 4XL?

Message 23 of 29
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What do you guys use to print shipping labels? Dymo LabelWriter 4XL?

@eurobeads wrote:
Hlmacdon, that's a bit extreme don't you think? I'm sorry but I will always advocate for the underdog. I post what i feel is beneficial to advance the interest of the hardworking little guy on the eBay community; I have no interest in policing/protecting the millions/billions$ interests of giant corporations/entities/politicians. So arrest me under Section 380 of the criminal code for, not profiting a cent on this, but rather saving my customers a few dollars. Maybe you'll get lucky and I'll get the maximum 14 year prison sentence for my immoral & criminal act.

P.S. Are my eyes seeing things or is your location listed as USA & your account showing zero items for sale? Haters gonna hate...

Extreme? No. I don't see how encouraging sellers to scam the system helps anyone. And I'm doing just fine thanks 🙂



Message 24 of 29
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What do you guys use to print shipping labels? Dymo LabelWriter 4XL?

It helps someone, it helps everyone: every small Canadian seller whose hard work is crippled by ridiculously high postal rates. And, I'm not encouraging people to scam the system. I'm encouraging them to BEAT a system that tries to make it impossible for the little guy to win while it fattens its own pockets.

I'm glad (genuinely) that you're doing well for yourself but I'd be surprised if your success (like that of most millionaires and successful businesspeople) was achieved by being 100% a straighshooter & not cutting any corners.

Every person reading this post can think for themselves and do their thing however they see fit. The post was about labels & I shared my own experience & hopefully it benefits someone out there. After all, I was just trying to be honest & helpful.
Message 25 of 29
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What do you guys use to print shipping labels? Dymo LabelWriter 4XL?

@fordcollector6 wrote:

Seems to me that there is a lot of money being spent for something that one does not really need to spend any money on in the first place.


If I am shipping something to the US of A, I get the local postal outlet to print it out for me. How you ask?


First, don't us this new shippo, it just ebay trying to get you hooked before they start charging you for using it.


Canada Post has a website were you can do it all for free.


Once you have calculated the shipping cost, simply click on the link to fill out the customs form.


Once you have the form filled out don't print it, email it to yourself, preferably to an email that is linked to your cell phone and you computer. Gmail works great and it's totally free!


All you need to do then is go back to the auction that you have sold, look up the 'view order details' listed under 'more actions' which will show the buyers shipping address.


Simply copy and paste it to a email and save it as a draft, preferably with the subject line filled with a short form of the title of the auction (so you can find it if you are doing multiple ships at one time)


Then take your package(s) to your local postal outlet, once there you will need to bring up your saved email draft which has the shipping information for which ever piece you are sending.


As the person there has to input that information into their system anyway, it does not matter where they read that information from and they can read it from your cell phone just as easy as they can from the box.


Once that is done, go to the email that you got from Canada Post that was for the customs docs, it will have a bar code that they will scan, and it will print off the customs doc in a 4x8 sheet that will also have the shipping information on it, as well as the postage.


They will get you to sign it, with their pen, then they will fold it for you and put it in a see thru shipping envelope and attach it to the box.




It is all done, you don't need a felt pen, or waste your time writing it on the box. You won't need to fire up your printer, wasting paper and ink.


It is up to you, as to how many items you ship in a day, if you want to try and juggle all that information on your phone, but if you are only doing 1-2-3 pieces a day every other day, you can save yourself some money..


..as Canada Post has all this that you can do for free!! without having to sign up there or for this new hippo **bleep**..


..You can also do the same thing for domestic shipping in Canada, simply by emailing the postage to yourself as opposed to printing it and again take it to the outlet and they will scan the bar code and print it for you.


If it is a question of cost and payment for that shipping cost, simple, pay for it now, and take it out of your paypal. It will all balance in the end.


Simple, and it is free..!

Instead you waste much more more of your time going through your long procedure at the post office. As for saving money, you pay more at the post office for the label for most services than using Shippo.


Many items can be dropped off in the corner mail box and save the time driving to the post office and the expense of using the car to get there and back.


The cost of printing a label is far less than going to the post office.

Message 26 of 29
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What do you guys use to print shipping labels? Dymo LabelWriter 4XL?

Canada Post provides free thermal blank adhesive shipping labels. Saving money right there not having to buy paper. Then the time it saves you from having to print fold, cut and paste your label is monumental. Plus it looks much more professional and your customers see that and come back because it gives your company a bit more legitimacy than a glue stick cut out version. Many shipping services provide many shipping supplies for free. If you don't have a thermal label printer, Canada Post provides free adhesive label bags that you can just pop your printed labels in. This also looks more professional. Just saying if you look into it you can find a lot of free services and shipping supplies, even tape.



Message 27 of 29
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What do you guys use to print shipping labels? Dymo LabelWriter 4XL?

For "parcel" shipments that require a Canada Post label, I print them out with a laser printer. You can get free adhesive pouches for shipping labels from the Canada Post Web Store. You just need to sign up for a Small Business Account. Again, they are free. They do not cost anything to order.

Label printers can save money for sellers who do a lot of Small Packet AIr or Tracked Packet, where the price is entirely by weight. This is assuming a seller has a fairly uniform product that they ship out (example: CDs, DVDs), and the weight is consistently close enough to 100g/250g/500g that the extra 10 or so grams saved each package can save a lot in postage. You'd be surprised how even 5-10 grams can make a difference with lowering shipping margins on certain types of products. Otherwise, I think a laser printer+free Canada Post pouches are usually cheaper to print.

For Lettermail orders, I use a Brother Label printer. Writing the address would be cheaper, but it also takes a longer time. You can buy third party labels. This costs me about $2.25 per 100 packages (using a full label for the to address, and using a label cut in half for the return address). For a seller doing 200 Lettermail packages a month, this would cost $60 a year! With that said, using a printed label decreases the chances of postal delays. It is also much faster to copy the address from the order details page than it is for me to write it. So the time savings are worth it. It's the same reason why on <200g Lettermail, I am using 3.20 worth of postage instead of 3.19. Canada Post sells rolls of 1.90 and 1.30 stamps in their store, which are adhesive backed. Yes, I am wasting a cent, but I am gaining time by not having to wet multiple smaller denomination stamps....It seems trivial, but the time I save preparing 100 <200 Lettermail bubble mailers is worth more than the extra $1 in postage and extra $2.25 in address labels.
Message 28 of 29
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What do you guys use to print shipping labels? Dymo LabelWriter 4XL?

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