Why are you seeing that listing?

With all the fuss about Promoted Listings and hidden listings, I thought this might be of interest to those who sell here and elsewhere.





Before you start fuming, you should be aware that this is a continuation of the supermarket practice of selling premium shelfspace (eyelevel and end caps) to their suppliers.

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Why are you seeing that listing?

no doubt about it!

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Why are you seeing that listing?

But isn't that two wrongs don't make a right argument?


I think one other thing is we actually already pay to put listings on eBay if you have a store. So if what I am receiving as a store is being devalued then that is a concern to me. More so if it's not clear or its a secret on exactly what i'm receiving in terms of services for that subscription in terms of exposure of my items. With sponsored listings my "organic" listings have lowered in terms of exposure. But i'm still paying the same price for those listings nor has it been made clear to me that the services that eBay provides to me for that subscription fee has decreased.

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