free international shipping

Hello People,

I just happened to look up one of my listings on the general search page on  (this is when you just type in a name and you get search results not individual item numbers) and noticed that it says FREE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING when I only have free CANADIAN shipping.  US is $2.95 and international is $5.90 so checked a few others and sure enough they are all showing up as free international.  Just called ebay and the rep is escalating this to the tech support but I thought I would mention it because it can be a potential issue causing a defect if a buyer sees free international and then $5.90 when they go to pay. 

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free international shipping

this is why I will not even look at items from the US.   I live in Canada and get screwed by this. We get the feeling up here that the US does not want to even bother with us so jacks the shipping to make it affordable.   I wish I could not show US listing.  If the US screws us in Shipping then I will only buy from China that has real "free shipping" 

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