hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

following are two screen shots


here it says I reached my limits for this month

Screenshot from 2018-04-07 16-57-23.png


here it says I have 41 left Active



Screenshot from 2018-04-07 16-59-21.png

Message 1 of 134
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133 REPLIES 133

Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

When exactly did you get payment?

Postal counters are open in drug stores and grocery store even when a post office is closed. Unless you live in rural Canada, the fact it’s a weekend is irrelevant.

If your handling time is two days, however, and you got payment on Saturday morning, you have two business days to mail.
Message 101 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

@vintagetonow2134 wrote:
I didn't have anything to measure Now I do and I will revise tomorrow. But I still can't weigh. So putting the dimensions won't make any sense

Putting dimensions will make sense to the buyer who may want to know how big the item is.  For example, if a buyer doesn’t know big a camera case is, how are they supposed to know if their camera will fit into it?

Message 102 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

IF you had a scale, you wouldn't need the Post Office counter.

We keep telling you-- a digital scale costs less than $20.  StarFrits are great and are currently on sale at Canadian Tire in the kitchen section.


You will lose more money in bad guesses, gas, printing fees from the library than you will be buying the right tools.


A scanner/printer for your computer can cost as little as $50. (They make their money on the ink.)


If you had a scale and a scanner, you could confidently print out a label for your shipment at home and toss it in the nearest corner mailbox for pickup on Monday.

Message 103 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

There are many Postal outlets that are open on the weekends. Since you now have to go to one to mail the item that sold, may I suggest you also take a selection of other items with you to check how much they would be to mail. Different sizes and weights of items matching what you have, or are planning to sell. 


While you are there, spend some time asking how much it would cost to ship to the USA(90210), to the UK, Australia and Japan. Look up Postal codes for the east and west coasts of Canada, then the Territories.


Ask as many questions as you can remember(make a list), be extra nice to the folks behind the counter. if another customer shows up, let them be taken care of while you wait.


It is very important to know how much it will cost to ship an item BEFORE you even list it. Shipping in Canada is brutal, the youtube videos are made for the US sellers, so most of the info does not apply to us. 


You have been given a mountain of information already, my hat is off to all those who have been so kind and patient with answering your questions.


Good luck!

Message 104 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

"You will lose more money in bad guesses, gas, printing fees from the library than you will be buying the right tools."


I cannot stress this enough.


The first three items that I had listed for sale on ebay in Spring of 2012, I lost money on shipment because I was too stressed by the whole process to properly estimate my postage. I did flat-rate WAGestimates of like $4 domestic and $15 to ship things via parcel abroad. It was not even close to sufficient. This was before I understood how things worked, and well before I knew there was a plethora of free advice and resources here on the ebay Canada Community Discussion Boards.


Heed our advice. Or learn the hard way if you prefer. The money lost is yours, not ours. 


The most frustrating aspect of this is that we all keep telling you the exact same thing over and over and over again and you just keep coming back having ignored it completely. I've been on the boards since the summer of 2012 and femmefan was probably the first person to ever reply to one of my Questions and I have had a healthy respect for her years of experience since.


We cannot keep redirecting you to do the right thing, constantine, if you are determined to do it wrong. We have actual work to do on ebay, and this has ventured way far down the road into bog swamp quagmire. 



Message 105 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

good point didn't think of that. Will revise. Thanks. As for the rest. I made a list already of things to do this week.
Message 106 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

Just got it. I didn't have the payment last night even around 3 am I still didn't. When I woke up this morning I got the message.
Message 107 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

I will buy a scale. It's in my plans for next month
Message 108 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

There will be a time stamp on the payment. If you had your handling time set to same-day dispatch as do I, the exact time would be important as it would indicate whether payment was received before or after cut-off. With two-day handling, the precise time is not as critical. 


Remember, calendar days are not the same as business days. 

Message 109 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

Also, register for this webinar. The advice doesn't get any better or more accurate than what comes from ebay itself. Plus, it's free. 


https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3808309545152329987Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 4.40.33 PM.png

Message 110 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

@momcqueen wrote:

There will be a time stamp on the payment. If you had your handling time set to same-day dispatch as do I, the exact time would be important as it would indicate whether payment was received before or after cut-off. With two-day handling, the precise time is not as critical. 


Remember, calendar days are not the same as business days. 

Problem check out the photo

Screenshot from 2018-04-14 17-43-55.png


It says sale date 10/04/18

But I got paid for it today. Do they consider it sold from the moment the auction ends?

Does that mean I am late already?

Message 111 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

thanks. Will do soon as I am done my food.

Message 112 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

It is in fact Sold from the moment the listing ends whether by Auction or Buy It Now but that time and date is only important when it is unpaid and you have to send an Unpaid Item Reminder.


Your payment time and date is what matters for dispatch within handling time. What time stamp is on the notice of payment from paypal? If you don't still have that email, log into your paypal account to find it. 

Message 113 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

it's not telling me time. Should I check the email? Paypal doesn't tell me time
Message 114 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

The Full Details will tell you.

Or your email.

Message 115 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

oh I got the message at my email around 10 08 today
Message 116 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

is it live? Or is it videos?
Message 117 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

It’s a live video, narrated slideshow format with Q&A.
Message 118 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

I Got my answers. I got a bunch of things with me too for estimate rates. The counter lady said the stuff I am selling would cost around 8 and 10 bucks without tracking (Which I don't want to do) and 14 to 17 with tracking.
what is your advice? do you always do tracked shippings? Personally I am too scared to do untracked even though it's cheaper.
And The VHS I shipped today. I also wrote the guy a Thank you Note. Just to remind him to leave me feedback when he receives the item Did I do Good or Bad?
Message 119 of 134
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Re: hey. Can you help me with this confusing thing about my selling limits?

“And The VHS I shipped today. I also wrote the guy a Thank you Note. Just to remind him to leave me feedback when he receives the item Did I do Good or Bad?”

A handwritten note thanking a buyer for their purchase is never a bad thing. Asking for positive reinforcement in the form of feedback solicitation isn’t a bad thing to do either, providing you only ask the buyer once and not multiple times.
Message 120 of 134
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