Since launch, has allowed sellers to select their listing currency – US dollars (USD) or Canadian dollars (CAD) – but starting this spring, (CAD) will become the sole listing currency on Starting June 14th, sellers will need to use CAD when listing or relisting on All remaining USD listings on (including Good ‘Til Cancelled) will need to be converted to CAD by August. Sellers who wish to continue to list in USD will need to move their listings to


We’re making this change in order to simplify the platform and selling experience, make it easier to bring new features to, and help Canadian sellers to be more successful overall.


We recognize that this change may be difficult for some sellers to manage, so we’re building a tool to help you to identify your affected listings and convert them to CAD, or move them to, in bulk. Affected sellers can expect an email with more information.


Here’s where you can learn more about the upcoming change:


We’re here to help make this transition as smooth as possible for you. As always, thank you for selling, and for being a part of the eBay community.