5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

I would qualify for the 15% off except that my shipping and handling fees star is at 4.7 and know it needs to be at 4.8

How does one do that?

I charge actual shipping, no handling fee, and use the cheapest shipping method (small packet surface) and offer lots of shipping discounts that include free shipping for multiple purchases.

Am I really going to have to offer Free Shipping and eat the cost?
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

Community Member
US sellers bring in a lot more revenue for ebay than Canadian sellers. As such they are ALWAYS favored by ebay.

Why do you think Jordon left?

Remember when he tried offering us flat rate gallery to make up for the extra costs of listing from Canada? They spanked him across the hand and told him he had ZERO authority to make ANY changes on .ca. Then they told him that he could no longer offer Canadian only listing sales unless the sellers listed exclusively on .ca.

They turned the guy into a glorified public relations manager who had to try and defend the indefensible. It's no wonder he left.


Message 21 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

Community Member



I gotta go throw up now .

Message 22 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

I have been having fantastic fast delivery with Canada Post Small Packet Air lately. I mailed three items to England on Wednesday and the purchaser had them on Friday. At Christmas time, I mailed a package to New Zealand on Thursday and it was delivered on Monday (Dec.24). Australian delivery was 4 days. I also found that my USA bound packages reach their destination faster than if I mail them from Michigan with USPS.
Gosh, I hope I didn't blow my streak of good luck by saying this!
Message 23 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

Community Member
Your fantastic experience with Canada Post Small Packet will not protect you from PayPal chargebacks or even PayPal fund holds in the future. If you don't have a siggy you will find yourself out of luck.


Message 24 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

well at least canada post has 1 happy customer on eBay. guess there's a first for everything. we cannot compete with the US sellers as what hurts us most is ship times to the USA, which takes way too long for the prices we pay, and US buyers expect their items within 3-5 days.

Monique what do you mean about a signature, you talking about items over $200 or are sigs required on ALL held funds? I think the day paypal holds my funds I stop using it, too disrespectful.
Message 25 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

Community Member
If your DSRs within a 30 day period fall below a certain number PayPal is going to hold your funds until...

a) You can prove delivery (siggy)
b) The customer is good enough to leave you positive feedback, or
c) The time alotted for a buyer to file a complaint passes (can't remember if that is 30 or 60 days right now)

The exact wording is this:

"In a small number of cases (fewer than 5% of all payments on eBay) PayPal will hold the funds"

5% of all payments is NOT a small number.


Message 26 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

I need the 4.6 to be a 4.8 as well to make it to 15%

You basically need

the following at least

4.9 + 4.8 + 4.8 + 4.7 = 19.2 / 4 = 4.8 (Total Avg) Makes 15% Thanks.

(Dream About Comics)

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Message 27 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

So is it the average of the DSRs or do all stars have to be above 4.8?

I have 4.9, 4.9, 4.8 and 4.7 right now.
Message 28 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

From my interpretation and from watching the eBay conference I am pretty sure you need ALL 4 to be 4.8 or higher, NOT the average. I could be wrong but I am pretty sure due to all the sellers who complained that they can get the first 3 up no problem but even sellers with FREE shipping have DSR for Ship costs at 4.6 and 4.7, this is due to years of buyer bitterness at overcharging. We can thank the sellers that list for $1 and have ship costs of $50 I guess......
Message 29 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

Is it 30 days of DSR or the whole thing?

I'm wondering if I should spend the month of april offering free shipping to get that last star a bit higher.
Message 30 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

Community Member
its not the average from what i understood, rather, each and every dsr category...
Message 31 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

So is it the average of the DSRs or do all stars have to be above 4.8?

Is it 30 days of DSR or the whole thing?

And some people constantly complain that buyers can't read!
"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 32 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

Believe it or not I do know how to read. I was looking for a quick clarification/answer so I wouldn't have to search again for the answer.

Sorry to disturb you.
Message 33 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

Community Member
It's EVERY DSR category, and they all must be above 4.6 for 5% and 4.8 for 15%. Thankfully I am one of the 15% of PS's who qualify for the 15%, but it isn't fair anyhow... It shouldn't be like that! Everyone should have a fair chance, and with the shipping issues, it is not possible! They know that 😉
Message 34 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

Community Member
What I have now done is update all my winning buyer notifications, invoices, store Feedback policy, feedback reminders and even done an automatic sending e-mail for ALL my customers.

It says how I ship the item, when they can expect it and to contact em FIRST if there are ANY problems, as I will always do my ultimate best to fix any issues.

I hope it helps! And if I STILL get neg's then they are just being plain mean, don't know anything about e-mails, or don't know how to read! I can only cover myself so much. But I feel with these changes I have just made, that I have done all I can... It's now out of my hands.
Message 35 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

Community Member
And thats what you need to do Hanna. I'm watching the broadcast and they sound like they want to get rid of bad sellers. They can't say Joe is a good seller and Bob is a bad seller, get lost Bob they have to make sweeping changes across the board.

They want the bad sellers exposed and eventually shut down of their own accord. They want the good sellers to shine through and they want sellers to learn what customer service is and to provide it. With good customer service, which means a whole bunch of things including contact, polite contact, and full disclosure of information in terms of listing descriptions, service and shipping.

If you buy new boxes tell them you do. Tell them that you pack really well with bubble wrap, peanuts, securely, properly etc. If you're going to charge standard prices don't ship in an old cereal box sort of thing.

I do find though the lack of negatives & neutrals for buyers interesting. They say that seller retailatory feedback has gone up 8x and it's a problem. I agree it is a problem. But eBay started it, invited it and encouraged it. How? The mutual feedback withdrawl system. It allowed sellers to openly and vindictively neg the buyer then say, hey, want that neg gone? then lets do mutual withdrawl.

It's wrong and totally misuses what the system was for. It was for the presumed good people, buyer or seller, who made a mistake and want to rectify it or the situation was amicably resolved. Not for those who found a cool way to abuse it. Not for sellers who threaten, abuse and retaliate buyers. It also will bounce a lot of sellers into the non-performance category. Some peoples percentages will drop bigtime & get restricted or lose Powerseller status altogether.

I think a lot of this is the fault of the Feedback Mutual Withdrawl system and the people that abused it. It's a shame.

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When you find doing what's right hard to do - you've got a problem.
Message 36 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

Community Member
^^ Excellent point! I agree communication is KEY! I get some negs, but alas I cannot control nutty customers who are too quick to post feedback before contacting me.

I try mutual feedback withdrawal for this and I am VERY diplomatic, polite and accommodating. The only ones who don't remove it are newbies. They have less than 10 feedback, very far spaced in time and don't care. I just have to take it... As with ANY business dealing in sales you will never please 100% of your customers all the time.

I love selling tho. I have met MANY lovely people and some are still writing to me, have sent X-Mas cards, birth announcements etc... It is THAT stuff I love! And it makes me forget about the rest 😉
Message 37 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

whoscloset: I have experienced PayPal reversal for not having a tracking number and I know the frustration. For my more expensive items, I use USPS and that is far from perfect too! They have no way of tracking in foreign countries and if the destination country fails to scan the item, it will never show up as being delivered. Claims can take anywhere between a year to two years before they are settled. Then the amount payable is questionable. Not necessarily what you had insured the item for. If item is shipped within the USA to USA address and it gets damaged, the claims process is also a lengthy one and often unsettled .
Message 38 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

Community Member
That is why I switched to UPS exclusively years ago. While far from perfect there is much less hassle, better delivery times, tracking and siggy's on every delivery and I get a good discount with them because of my volume.


Message 39 of 51
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5 star system, shipping charges and 15% off FVF

Monique, don;t customers have to pay import duty and customs brokerage fees when you UPS? Does this not result in unhappy buyers? Can you ship to the USA for say a $100 order and no duty, tax or any charges at the other end?
Message 40 of 51
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