A Federal Post Office vs. The Neighbourhood Postal Outlet, a tale of losing money and customer confidence.

Community Member

I had an ID with my ex which got up to 1500 feedback before we split and I let him take it. I lost two things in all that time. On this one I lost nothing, until Boston. Coincidence? Maybe not, but other things are also amiss.


My understanding has been that, unless it's documents, it needs a customs declaration. The girl at the outlet says no. If it fits through the slot it's an oversize letter regardless.


So where have all the small, light items gone? Are they on their way back to me? Were they suspect by default for not being declared, and are they now in a detainment centre somewhere?


Columbo wasn't answering his phone, so I called customer service at Canada Post. They called the outlet, apologies were made, but holy crap I am not used to losing (what is it now) three things in two weeks? I am also not used to paying to ship items which evaporate, and handing out refunds like Halloween candy. My mark-up isn't so high. I tried that, but cannot compete with sellers who do it as a hobby or get their stuff for free.


What have you been told? By whom? Has the information been consistent? Have you noticed a similar trend in ridiculous lateness on the very same items which before arrived in record time? Have your buyers mentioned their parcels were opened by customs? What on earth is the frigging deal?


I have of course suggested my buyers make sure their stuff isn't waiting at the post office, as often a delivery notification being misplaced is the issue. So far no luck on that, and though my handwriting is artistic, I've had it assessed by objective parties as legible.


It happens that the smaller items are generally worth five dollars, so do not warrant the bump up in shipping price to insure, nor are buyers likely to pay for this paranoia in an age of terrorism through the postal system in the form of lingerie.


I am thinking now I will just donate the bras to a women's shelter, and stick with the swimwear, which is in the higher weight bracket already, so good for up to a hundred. I'll take the loss, feel like a good person, cry, quit for awhile, and come back when the political factions are pacified. Or hope for the best, and that angry buyers don't arrive en masse with pitchforks at my door.


It is wrecking my self-esteem to go from power seller highest rated to apparent Ebay bum without first being consulted as to this new career direction.


Hold me.

Is cannibalism kosher?
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Re:A Federal Post Office vs. The Neighbourhood Postal Outlet, a tale of losing money and customer confidence.

My understanding has been that, unless it's documents, it needs a customs declaration. The girl at the outlet says no. If it fits through the slot it's an oversize letter regardless

You are both right. The name is Oversize Letter but the contents could be anything. Documents also require a customs sticker saying they are in fact documents.

If you sold it, add the customs sticker.

Better yet, print the label through Paypal and the customs label will be included. Give the invoice number of the label to your customer. It is soothing even if it is useless.

And with a prestamped envelope, you never have to talk to a half-trained clerk again. Just drop the parcel in the nearest mailbox.

Have your buyers mentioned their parcels were opened by customs?

No, but customs does have that right/responsibility. They also mark the opened parcel with very specific tape and labels. If your customer is complaining, ask for a scan or photo of the wrappings.

items are generally worth five dollars, so do not warrant the bump up in shipping price to insure,

I self-insure, by adding a few pennies to my shipping and handling fee to cover the very occasional loss or damage. In over 25 years in mail orders, everything from wood stoves to postage stamps, I doubt we have lost more than a dozen parcels.

I am thinking now I will just donate the bras to a women's shelter,
Or raise your prices. There is more bad faith dealing done on low cost items than on high price items, again in my experience.

The only advantage of powerseller is the discount in  fees. You can save money on your listing costs by other means as a look at my listings may indicate.

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