shooger, I wasnt going after his family nor his friends however here is what he asked for (I edited out his name):
Possible Resolution: Seller has promised suing [me] for damages [H. J. Marin - Marin, Evans, Bell] for leaving "unfounded negative feedback". I will remove current negative feedback provided seller agrees that: Removing current negative feedback: ??ItemNotAsDescrived:isDeceitfulLiarUnflexibleNoRefund.Will Deny.accuseofextortion" fully compensates damages suffered by Shopline and Malcolm Williamson. Further, this relieves "SOB", family, friends, relatives, associates, related past organizations, present or in future, of all responsibility for this, or any other, legal matter between Malcolm Williamson of ShopLine and "SOB". *possibly: Marin Evans Barristers 200 Adelaide West, Toronto, ON M5S2C7
Buyer went on to state that he over-reacted and ackowledged that had I offered a solution and that he errored in leaving me neg FB and wished to correct his actions.
In my reply to ST, I stated that I wished him to keep the positive I gave him and that I hoped he would learn from this experience, read the description of what he was bidding on closer, pay attention to Sellers' terms and communicate with Seller if any misunderstandings.
I can be a real ba$trd when it is necessary (like threatening to sue him) but turn it around and try to teach him a lesson to be a good eBayer in the future.
Hope it works but I will never know as I blocked him as a bidder on my auctions.