@can.ca2015 wrote:
Hi if my limit is only 1000$.And when I sell an item for the auction, if someone bid higher than that amount. What will happen ? i only receive 1000$ or the amount that buyer bid ? Thank you
If your limit is $1000 and the bidding goes over that you will probably get a notice about it from eBay. When you have your first bid you might want to call eBay and ask for a little bit higher limit. You are allowed to request more
They won't cut you off if the bidding goes higher. Is this your first time selling? Did you know that you will need to get Signature Confirmation on an item that expensive?
Also, you say you ship Worldwide with no exclusions. The most experienced sellers have at least a few exclusions based on bad experiences. Are you sure you would not want to reconsider that? Why not start a thread here about it so the other well-seasoned sellers can share their thoughts on what they would do: