About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Hi everybody,

As many of you saw in their eBay announcements, Feedback 2.0 is coming soon. This is a new parallel fb system to help buyers sharing their experiences with sellers on eBay.

It doesn't seem that we, sellers, will be able to reply to unfair rating from not patient buyer or buyers who doesn't understand that, for example, it is normal to charge an extra $2.00 to prepare their order. For my part, I sell an item that takes 15 minutes to pack and prepare... And I'm also thinking of removing the possibility for int'l buyers to use SURFACE service (cheap, but takes 4 to 8 weeks) to avoid bad rating because of buyers who doesn't understand that THEY chose the slow service.

And we, sellers, what do we have against buyers with bad reputation ? NOTHING, except the ability to block a buyer ID (totally useless once item is purchased or with last second bidders), and the ability to block buyer with -1, -2 or -3 feedback comments (totally useless, from my point of view).

Paying hundreds of dollars in eBay fees each month, I can't believe that I have no way to block buyers with my own specifications. This is my business and I pay my "rent". Of course, eBay would lost many sales, they probably don't give a damn about seller's vulnerability against weirdos.

I suggest, in exchange of Feedback 2.0, that eBay provides the possibility to sellers to block users by their rating %. Here's example of the simple feature we could use :


This is a tool I'd use, because we, sellers, are defenseless against buyers with bad reputation. I'm sure everybody here experienced at least once the bad surprise of learning that the one who won or purchased an item has 75% of rating, with many negative fb from other sellers stating : "BEWARE SELLERS!", "BUYER NOT PATIENT", "WHY BLAME ME?" or "YOU SHOULD HAVE EMAILED ME", etc.

We are totally defenseless against these unwelcomed buyers. Our reputations are between their hands for sometimes only a $5 profit on an item! Ebay is forcing me to accept them, earning seller fees with them, while sellers are getting their reputations harmed by unavoidable problematic buyers.

Am I alone ?
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Back on the 2.0, after 11 buyers using 2.0 Ive got 19.5 stars out of 20, so not too big a deal. We can leave the extra part for any transaction if we go to uk or other site (I think it was a Canadian buyer who has some listings on uk that cost me the .5 being that they opened a paypal complaint at day 5 then sent me a lengthy instruction on how I should be mailing their $15 item express for 5.95 S&H)
Message 61 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
On 2.0...

Like any other feedback system, it will be based upon comparatives. You don't have to be perfect (let's face it...not one is perfect unless they are cheating ;)), you just have to be straight forward, provide good customer service and a decent product.

Do I like being rated upon delivery times which are out of my control? Hell, no! Can I work around that with good communication, excellent customer service and a superior product? Hell, yes!

Worry about doing the best job at those things you CAN control and your business will do just fine.


Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member

celticstudio, have you ever been to the Celtic Roots Festival in Goderich?

Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


Message 63 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0


I'm with you 100%. I started reading feedbacks for some UK sellers and it doesn't seem so bad. I was scared mostly for our international transactions to Europe. I guess if you do your best and communicate with buyer It shouldn't affect so much our feedbacks.

And Bill continue posting your excellent comments don't let yourself get influenced into these war of words.

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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Merci Frederic.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 65 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
I thought the ghouls & goblins only came out on Halloween? Good lord!!

The criteria for attaining the status of PowerSeller really needs to be looked at. Total sales clearly isn't enough to warrant the supposed highly respected status.

Very sad.

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
Message 66 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Hello, I must confess I don't come to these boards that often but I'm curious about what feedback 2.0 is, as I have no idea what the scheme is or how things are calculated differently. Is there a link or page that one could go to in order to read up on it? Any assistance would be appreciated. Best regards

Message 67 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Hi Ghislaine;

Feedback 2.0 is currently being test piloted in eight eBay markets and was announced by Bill Cobb in January as a revision to the current feedback system. Many people have complained that the current system is broken or needs a major overhaul. The jury is still out on whether 2.0 will be the answer.

You can read more about it here:


and then scroll down to the March 7th announcement by Brian Burke.


Bill treasure-pot


Message 68 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Wow Bill, just finished perusing your feedback profile, and although you have had a great past 12 months feedback wise, you sure did have some grief over slow shipping didn't you??
Some 23 negs, most seemed like they were not your fault, the result of poor slow shipping by the post office. If you want to quote the Post Office's time frames in your listings and then take a negative feedback everytime the Post office screws up and is late(which is always) that's up to you, but should you really advise anyone else to do that?
My way of doing things has garnered near 90 postive feedback this month. If the concern of the thread is bad feeback due to slow shipping, your advice is wrong and mine is right. Don't believe me?? Take some time to sift through Bill's feedback profile and see what you think after reading the whole thing. My compliments to you though, on all the positives.
I now also thoroughly understand why you have such a bee in your bonnet on this topic. If my profile was riddled with negs over shipping I did not deserve, and some guy suggested a method of fixing that, I might do all I could to discredit him too. Might, but I doubt it.
And finally, how DOES it cost $11.00 to ship a book to the USA?? SEEMS high to me, can you spell out why it is that much?? I would like to buy your EBay for dummies book, but the shipping charge seems heavy.

Message 69 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
March 2007
Number of items positive feedback received:

Tea_past_times = 97

Treasure-pot = 18

Who is the experienced Power Seller??
Message 70 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
BUT we can still be friends Bill, I mean it.:-D
Message 71 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
And these stats are just from the ID I post with. Like many Ebayers, I have more than 1 ID. This is my china selling ID,(1/3 of my sales) I also have a wooden antiques ID and 1 for Canadian pottery. Helps if you have the whole picture doesn't it??
Message 72 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Maybe I should write a book (like the one you have for sale) about starting an Ebay business for DUMMIES?? I'll give you an autographed copy if you like.
Message 73 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
oy vey...looks like you have your very own stalker Bill.

Somebody has waaaaaay too much time on their hands. I always wonder what these nutbars could actually accomplish if they focused on THEIR business rather than everyone elses. LOL ;-)

Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
To: tea_past_times
Do you know I fight a lot with Treasure-pot, but he is and another powersellers are right this time!!!
I received message from UK seller:
Hello Vitali. I posted her as soon as your money order cleared at the bank. Post can be slow between countries. It took 18 days for your payment to arrive(I check money order payment was cashed in 7 days).Parcels regularly take 4-6 weeks between here and the U.S. so it's probably the same for Canada. Rest assured she is on her way.Best wishes,XXXXXXX.
Do you know what I did? I open right a way claim:
An Item Not Received!!! That means be careful about what you write to your buyers!!!
Message 75 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Dear Monique,

Unless you actually have something intelligent to post on one side of the debate(Bill's) or mine, could you refrain from posting?? Your childish name calling is a little below the expected maturity level in here. I haven't called you a name. I think you are naive and a follower, but I would never call someone with an opinion different than mine a nutbar.
On the subject of humans and honesty, I suppose if one of your friends asks is she looks fat in those pants- you would answer yes - definitely. Cause it's wrong to lie? And you would absolutely tell someone at Christmas that the gift they gave you wasn't something you liked? And you have never left work 5 minutes early? Your speedometer always reads 80 km on the highway??
When you are done growing up, you will find that to be able to function in this world you need to tell people what they want to hear as opposed to the truth.
I very much respect Bill for his debate and defence of his position, I don't respect the name calling you and he resort to.
And please, you people need to read posts more carefully. Some have left posts that make no sense in light of the original comments, they obviously did not read.Take care. - 😄

Message 76 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
All those who have never lied - EVER please post after me. Let me bask in the glow of your righteousness.
Message 77 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
"I will simply continue to read the threads without posting and laugh at how stupid and naive some whiny sellers are."

"I don't respect the name calling you and he resort to."


Bill treasure-pot


Message 78 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
I dunno Monique... nutbar seems entirely appropriate.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 79 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
i think i'll weigh in here and add my two cents..for what its worth...
phil-some of your practices i agree with, and some not too much. i agree with maintaining the appropriate level of expectation when it comes to not only our customers, but all customers out there in the service industry. we as customers have gotten so used to bad service out there, that we walk around with a real low level of expectation, so when we get bad service, our expectations have been met, but when we receive service we're entitled to, we're blown away. this is my own opinion, and based pretty much on my own experiences and books that i have read, which i fully agree with. giving the cx a certain level of expectation (worst case scenario), and having their needs surpased is always a good thing. i'm sure we've all practiced it, or thought it before, "hope for the best and expect the worst". its true, leaving the cx pleasantly surprised not only leaves them happy, but is good for us as well.
having said this, i don't know that i agree much too much with the lying part of it, its not something i'm comfortable with, but that's just me, may not be everyone. i do make sure to give my cx's a VERY REALISTIC time frame as far as receiving their package, even if there's a small chance that they wouldn't have to really wait that long, i'd rather they know, so they know to expect it. its all about their expectations as far as whether or not they end the transaction happy or not. there are some u.s. customers that email within a week asking for their package...they had high expectations (not real ones), and now they've been disapointed.
i think bill is maintaining that, in general, lying is probably not the best choice when conducting business, and that in the end, it may backfire. of course, it depends on the nature and extent of the lie. in the end, we are all responsible for our own actions, and that's why i would think honesty would be the best policy.

again...that's just my opinion, and i'm not knocking down anyone else's...
Message 80 of 97
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