Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

Last Few days by chance, I've noticed one of my items were not showing up on - by WORD search.  However it does show in My ebay store and also when you click on "see sellers' other items" - it's there.  It is NOT indexed.  If there is a discrepancy from "my active listings" to my "sellers all other items" - then easy to notice.  There is NO discrepancy and other members are able to view the item by item # & by "see other items within my store by title.


It shows up okay on About 25% of my items are not showing up by title and some go back as long as 2 months - I never took notice.  Therefore, I went and checked a few other CANADIAN sellers items - it's happening to them too.


I will post a few examples of item numbers from my listing and other sellers listings.  Go to the item number and COPY the title and put it in the General ebay search bar on EBAY.Com.  You will see "NO results found".  We are paying for the listings to be listed and if it is not being shown - why are we paying for it?


Item number examples:

271047621524, 380482300645, 290800144962, 271046937528, 200839768517.....list goes on and on.


They all show up by word on but NOT where most of my buyers are from.  I also noticed that bulk of my buyer were international this month instead of from usual US unless they are my repeat buyers then they are able to search WITHIN my store or by seller's other items.


I did bring this to attention to TCC and was on the phone for 4 hours yesterday - explaining this.  The team leader said they will report it to the "Tech" dept.  But if other Canadian sellers will call in to complain - then it will be prioritized.


I hope what I am saying makes sense.  If it does not show up  by word search - then simply they cannot buy.  Why are we paying fees for them. As I have over 4000 listings - it's time consuming to check each one - but I can tell you that each page of 200 has over 30 that do not show up so far.


Please help!

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Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

PJ - that's the WHOLE problem that I did not catch it sooner as IT DOES SHOW UP ON SEE OTHER ITEMS.  If it did not, I would have caught it sooner.


BUT buyers have to click on YOUR items first then SEE other items then they are able to see it.    IN GENERAL search bar - YOU CANNOT see it - not all but good chunk of it about 25% of the listings.


Advanced search does the SAME - you can see it. 


BUT if you do a general search for eg. "shoe" then after getting results - on the LEFT HAND SIDE - specify a seller (NOT advance search) put your own ID in there -  then search and clear the "shoe" to show all items.  This will show you what each individual sellers are missing from their actual.  This is so hard to explain by typing.  See other items are ONLY good if they have found you first as they do show in the "see other items".


I know how many I am missing - but dont know which ones.


Yes, ebay says, they will look into it....but surely there is a LONG que.  It could be months before they fix this if at all.    Things like this seem to happen whenever there is a big change.



Message 21 of 34
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Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible


Due to the diligence of another Canadian ebay seller, it was brought to my attention that some of my listings were not showing up on the site. After checking out my 698 listings, I find that only 615 were showing up. I already know of several other sellers that this is happening to. I have called ebay myself and have a ticket # for them to look into it. When they go down the list of ticket numbers and they get to her ticket number and my ticket number, they may do something about it…but when will that happen???.... days, weeks, months??? In the meanwhile, about 20% of my items are not showing up….what about yours??? I have noted that my US sales have dropped off. I am getting more sales from Australian buyers when normally it was American buyers. You have to take this seriously sellers….you are paying fees and losing sales!!! THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!!! All of you should be calling ebay. They won’t take it seriously if only a couple of sellers are calling in. It has been laid out by this caring seller just how to go about doing this. SHE IS TRYING TO HELP US ALL….we CANNOT ignore it. It won’t go away unless we all work together. You can reference my ticket # as well.... 1-5184002042

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Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

Things similar to this have happened before and once the right people were aware of the problem, it has taken a day or 2 at the most to fix.  I know that they are actively working on it as they realize that it is a big problem. It's not something that they are putting on their list of to do's.

Message 23 of 34
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Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

From first hand experience, I am aware of it happening a couple of years ago and it taking over a week to fix. If it takes that long again, many of us are losing revenue. I am holding on the phone with them right now to talk to them again. I hope everyone who sees that they have the same problem, will do the same. Just because there are ticket #'s on this issue, doesn't mean they are working on it yet....after all, it isn't US sellers with this problem.

Message 24 of 34
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Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

All mine are fixed.....but ebay system has not been fixed. 

Message 25 of 34
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Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

That's great! Did you find a way to do a bunch of them at once?

Message 26 of 34
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Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

No, had to do each one at a time.  There is a REPLICATION problem on ebay Period.


This means that seller who are registered on - when we list - it goes into the system - then replicates them to


There is a glitch where it's not replicating properly.


If 100 people called in at the same time and complained about the same problem - it would be fixed as it did not take me long to figure out the problem and I am not tech savvy.


It is still not fixed.


Mine are all showing up now as I am keeping track everyday what is and what is not showing up.  This is time consuming until they fix this and that could take months from my experience.  That is why I reached out on this board for all the sellers to call - so that they can help themselves and get this done.


Even if it shows now - when you revise an item - that might show up but will make another disappear.    So you do have to be on top of it as they will disappear on its own.


Good luck everyone.

Message 27 of 34
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Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

I also have missing items still.  AGGGHH!

Message 28 of 34
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Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

Thank you for pointing this out. I will check mine too

Message 30 of 34
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Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

Go to both  and   and do an advanced research  with you as the seller.... compared total numbers on the two sites.


I have also checked the seller option in the left navigation list... and  was able to look at my own listings...category by category.


A Bulk edit ...  more of a pretend to adjust the postal code.... delete and then add the same code.


Editing 500 at a time... and the listings not shown on quickly appeared.


Link to see what I found and how it was corrected....



Message 31 of 34
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Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

That issue has been fixed as I was communicating with the Team leader for now 3 weeks - he has been politely calling me to update the progress.  Seems like it was fixed about 6 days ago.


But a NEW issue has appeared this morning about 8 AM.


All the ended listing (ended them to relist) - is showing as Live in your liste - when you see your own "see other items" - it is counted as part of them and there seems to be a delay of removal for about 4 hours or longer....not definite yet.


Boy another glitch.....and this time I don't thing I want to be calling and calling to let them know of this glitch.  Click your own item and go see "other items" - the active listings don't match your other item....if it does match - REFRESH - it will change and Refresh and it will change again...- this only affects anyone who has listed TODAY after 8 AM est.


Just fyi. 

Message 32 of 34
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Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

That issue has been fixed as I was communicating with the Team leader for now 3 weeks - he has been politely calling me to update the progress.  Seems like it was fixed about 6 days ago.


But a NEW issue has appeared this morning about 8 AM.


All the ended listing (ended them to relist) - is showing as Live in your liste - when you see your own "see other items" - it is counted as part of them and there seems to be a delay of removal for about 4 hours or longer....not definite yet.


Boy another glitch.....and this time I don't thing I want to be calling and calling to let them know of this glitch.  Click your own item and go see "other items" - the active listings don't match your other item....if it does match - REFRESH - it will change and Refresh and it will change again...- this only affects anyone who has listed TODAY after 8 AM est.


Just fyi. 

Message 33 of 34
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Re: Affecting All Canadian Sellers - some items NOT visible

looks like it's fixed now - 5:00 PM EST

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