05-03-2015 05:49 PM
Hi folks! - Just wondering if there are any alternatives to Turbo Lister when creating listings in advance? It would be great to be able to create some listings ahead of the free promos; instead of trying to create them all in a few days during the promos. Just wondering what software programs are available and which ones work well? I'd greatly appreciate any info about this. Thanks!
05-03-2015 06:57 PM
Many sellers have suggested using the regular "Sell your item" (SYI3) form and scheduling the listings for far in the future.
Once you are satisfied with the terms of a promotion, remove the scheduling option and go from there.
There is no fee charged to your account for scheduling until the listing actually goes live. If it is not "scheduled" at that time, no optional fee is charged.
You may want to try a small batch (five or ten items) the first time to make sure it works for you.
05-03-2015 08:42 PM
Thanks for the input Pierre. That is an interesting idea that I may try. So I guess there are no alternatives to Turbo Lister as far as software tools go? I'm just exploring options as I recently had my listing limits increased by Ebay and hope to list more items at some future date. It would be nice to streamline the process. Thanks again for responding!
05-04-2015 07:53 AM
There's always File Exchange, where you format your listings in an Excel spreadsheet and upload them all at once. It can be a little frustrating to figure out at first, and it is very unforgiving of mistakes (imagine uploading a couple thousand listings with and error that cost you money). But you can prepare things in advance, and your listings are not "relists" so you can satisfy that requirement of listing promos. Once you tinker with it and get the hang of it it's quite easy. And I always upload a single test item when the promos are on, to make sure the promo is working correctly and that I haven't made a mistake.
07-12-2015 06:04 PM
Just an update. File exchange does not seem to exist anymore. When I clicked on the link to it I received a notice that that page no longer exists.
07-12-2015 06:22 PM
File Exchange does exist: http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/advanced_selling_tools.html
There is a discussion board on eBay.com that may help you:
Help on eBay.ca is a wasteland, unfortunately.
07-13-2015 05:18 PM
Thanks for the links Pierre!