Hi all,
Would appreciate some advice.
I purchased an item (two action figures) that were listed as "Mint on Card," etc. When I got them they were both most decidedly NOT mint. I took photographs and sent them to the seller. He eventually responded, and after a few messages back and forth I told him I felt it was fair that I pay for one figure (in decent shape) and the shipping, if he were willing to refund me the other figure.
He then stopped talking to me.
At this juncture, I left negative feedback and I opened a Paypal claim. He emailed me via eBay (never responding to the Paypal claim) apologizing that he hadn't refunded the figure right away, and said that he would do so if I were still willing to compromise. I agreed, but of course did not close the claim. I never got the agreed-upon money, never heard back from him, and the claim ran its course being decided for the full amount instead in my favour.
The next day, he sends me a request to reverse my negative feedback because he "refunded me the money." He didn't refund the money; he ignored me. I'm entirely sure that if I had never opened a claim, he would have ignored me 'til I went away. He also deliberately sent product that was not as described - if I leave him with his negative feedback, is there some penalty for me?
Thanks in advance.