An American seller is listing an item on (.ca = Canada -right ?)

I live in Canada.  I'm shopping on  So here is an American from Nevada,USA listing a product (111438770964) on Canada's

e-Bay.  Problem is when I click on the item description - there in red letters  [Does not ship to Canada].

Try and ask a question - up pops an answer - Seller cannot respond to the question.   WHAT GIVES ???

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Re: Chalk it up to Global Shipping!!!  eBay has pushed Global...

@dtls1948 wrote:

I live in Canada.  I'm shopping on  So here is an American from Nevada,USA listing a product (111438770964) on Canada's

e-Bay.  Problem is when I click on the item description - there in red letters  [Does not ship to Canada].

Try and ask a question - up pops an answer - Seller cannot respond to the question.   WHAT GIVES ???

its a good chance he listed on the canada site by mistake,im in canada and list on both but also ship to both,although it is kina strange he cant answer

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Re: Chalk it up to Global Shipping!!!  eBay has pushed Global...

Chalk it up to Global Shipping!!!  eBay has pushed Global Shipping on American sellers left, right and centre!  Sellers have unwittingly either joined this program or were automatically enrolled in this shipping and a lot of sellers using it don't realize that their items are then listed on international eBay's.  Just in the last month I have noticed that far to many listing on eBay Canada are listings from American sellers that do not ship here.  The problem with this is American sellers are getting bids from countries they don't ship to and are probably wondering why.  I have messaged sellers about their listing and got no answers.  These sellers were probably wondering why I was bothering them when they don't ship here when they don't realize that their listing is on our eBay.  I have taken to contacting sellers out of necessity, even though they have "Global" shipping just to make sure they actually will ship here.  Having your bids retracted because they won't ship is not fun!  Better to find out about the shipping before bidding.  eBay obviously doesn't care terribly much about their Canadian buyers.  Look at the mess they have created for us with Global Shipping!!!

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Re: Chalk it up to Global Shipping!!!  eBay has pushed Global...

I have also taken to contacting sellers using this shipping who don't ship here just to inform them of the fact that their listing is being shown internationally!
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