09-02-2013 10:33 AM
Another thread on the GSP but the more the merrier.... maybe they will get the message. These comments are based on my own experience and opinions.
I purchased a figurine that arrived with minimal packing material and single boxed. I asked the seller how he had packaged it ... he said it was in its original manufacturers box, double boxed with lots of packaing. He was shocked to hear it arrived in a single box - the manufacturers box was missing - and minimal packing.
Upon complaint, ebay (Paypal) answer was to refund me the SELLERS shipping cost, not Pitney Bowes (the GSP provider they use), thereby stinging the seller who was in no way responsible.
Another item was switched from a box to an envelope. Thank heavens it was unbreakable.
Also, 98% of the items I buy cross-border (I'm in Canada) would not even be valued for customs duty, their price is too low. Yet the GSP charges it anyway.
My guess and opinion? Pitney Bowes is repackaging items to lower the weight and the end cost of their shipping, plus pocketing the excessive customs duties. What other reason for repackaging items?
Plus you pay for the seller to ship to them, and then for them to ship to the buyer. AND you often have to purchase before knowing the end cost - is that even legal? And then you are on the hook for the item anyway.
The only people happy with this is Pitney Bowes - they are getting rich off this unbelievable scam. I will not use them for anything ever, and have in fact chosen to not use them for my business either. I have returned all the shipping equipment I had from them and refuse to deal with them on any level.
Many times when I explain why I'd love to buy from them but don't the seller is unaware of the issues and takes the item OFF the GSP (Yes they can do this!) Then I purchase 🙂 So buyers, check with your sellers, give them the chance to accomodate. I can understand it simplifying their shipping but they don't realize the cost.
Wake up Ebay and wake up sellers to the stupidity of this scheme. Its costing you buyers.
I have been buying on ebay for 13 years and have close to 2900 100% feedbacks. I purchase everything under the sun on here but have started looking elsewhere to find the items I need - even if I pay a little more. I just will not support this program in any way, shape or form.
12-06-2013 02:22 PM
I buy pocket watches and they certainly DO NOT provide enough infill or properly resecure the items after they have been opened.
What was the packing like? Any damage?
12-06-2013 05:10 PM
No, there was no damage but certainly is potential for it. Now whether some of the in fill was removed and not replaced I cannot say.
The seller may not have provided enough initially but PB states that they will provide infill if what is there is inadequate,
Seller or PB's fault doesn't matter to me, it just wasn't done.
In one instance the seller is known to me and knows how to pack a watch so it was not his fault.
12-07-2013 03:08 AM
I'm adding my voice to this issue.
The one and ONLY item I bought through GSP arrived in a cheap envelope that wasn't even sealed. The tape PBI used to seal the new package didn't hold, and my games were completely loose. They could of fallen out any time in transit.
12-09-2013 10:35 PM
Agreed. I have no interest in paying a middleman, Pittney-Bowes are doing nothing, it is a glorified protection racket. If an item shows "import fees", I will not buy it, even if it's 1 cent. US Customs is responsible for charging duty, not a private business. Also, sometimes items sneak through without customs charges when they are applicable, and that's great buy business.
12-09-2013 11:01 PM
@cardconnoisseurs wrote:Agreed. I have no interest in paying a middleman, Pittney-Bowes are doing nothing, it is a glorified protection racket. If an item shows "import fees", I will not buy it, even if it's 1 cent. US Customs is responsible for charging duty, not a private business. Also, sometimes items sneak through without customs charges when they are applicable, and that's great buy business.
Who is responsible for charging duty, did you say?
06:05 PM
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11:47 PM
EBay used to be a fair, open marketplace where a seller and buyer could negotiate the final purchase and shipping price. GSP turned it into a rigid storefront where even used items – sold by private individuals -- are treated and taxed as if those transactions were conducted by a retail merchant selling new product. Most sellers are mortified when advised of the import charges PB applied to their merchandise. I refuse to purchase anything using GSP. In fact, my last purchase was hacked open by some monkeys at PB, and lovingly taped back together by some other, feces flinging chimpanzees in that outfit. It’s not surprising others are outraged by this monkey business.
USPS/Canadapost shipments do not incur taxes 100% of the time because Canadapost lets many products slip through without taxation. When taxed, items are taxed at a fair rate void of bloated processing fees. I know there is a small handling fee and HST. In contrast, GSP defies logic for the average Joe. I have seen identical items on ebay with varying, logic-defying, degrees of import fees. If I were to set my clock to these rates, I would never make it to work on time. Moreso, USPS/Canadapost shipments can be appealed with ease.
Ebay/PB hatched a pretty clever middleman racket; they convinced a vast swatch of ebay sellers that –boohoo- shipping internationally is difficult. Then they used their redundant service to... ummm... ‘offer sellers more protection’. I heard this pitch before – it’s a staple of most mafias in fact. We had a decent set-up; USPS/Canadapost did a fine job already. The sellers took responsibility for the packaging, and the buyers took responsibility for the customs. This nanny state set-up treats all of us like children – all while making a quick buck in the process.
02-15-2014 06:48 PM
Please post all questions about the GSP here: Questions about the Global Shipping Program
Please post all comments about the GSP here: Comments about the Global Shipping Program